
Obsession Quotes

Obsession by Jonathan Kellerman

"If pressed, Patty would’ve called herself an agnostic."
"Time for blouses and sweaters…the doorbell rang."
"One twenty a.m. in Hollywood, who the heck would be dropping in?"
"All that fooling around, but miraculously only one kid."
"You did okay, Lid, she’s a real little lady."
"Dear Big Sis, You said she was a lady. Maybe with you she can really turn out to be one."
"Not a whodunit," said Milo. "A did-it-even-happen?"
"Patty was no kid person and her neck got tight when she saw the toddler holding Liddie’s hand."
"Maybe you’ll find out something I missed but she really seemed to deal with it okay."
"You’re probably just saying that because you want to develop whatchamacallit rapport."
"I'm a mother who feels bad because her kid seems to be losing control."
"I immediately felt like a truckful of manure and had to leave the room to do some breathing."
"Optimism is denial for chumps with no life experience."
"The notion of traveling without one feels like leaving an arm or a leg at home."
"Respectable nurse dealing hospital junk on the side?"
"You said I was being nervous so when I got nervous I chased the habit feelings away."
"I thought the key was to think positive. Whatever the hell that means."
"The charming Mr. Jordan has accumulated multiple arrests."
"We don't really do it, Mommy gets sick when she spins. We watch."
"I'm trying to help you, dear. If I knew more, I'd tell you."
"He was a clean-cut young man who fell in with the wrong crowd."
"Lester made one last stab at defying Father. Dropped out of college and joined up with a traveling jazz band. That's when he learned bad habits."
"Checking in on him, making sure he had food, coffee."
"I don't know why you think it's professionally ok to do what you did."
"You always said $$$$$ wasn't a big deal to you. You always said honesty was everything."
"Don't get me wrong, Pat, I'm not p.o.'d, I'm HURT. Capital H."
"This is private property. If you want a free view, go to Mulhol-land."
"I keep telling him, all the permits are in order, there's nothing you gonna do about it."
"It's gonna be something, all glass, views to Palos Verdes."
"I buy five years ago, house was a piece of crap but that!"
"You call trashing every room and not paying a problem? To me, that's a problem."
"Rock and roll, said Benezra. The hair, you know."
"I didn't do nothing. But this guy who referred him, he's a little famous, you know?"
"What I hired him for was legal. What he did for other people, I don't wanna know."
"I pay ten thousand for LASIK so she don't have to wear contact lenses, no more itchy itchy. She pay me back by getting another kinda treatment."
"Thirteen thousand dollars for that, thank you very much. He should rot in jail."
"Finally he's got a good one. The one you guys gave him. You put him in jail."
"Welcome to Beige World, check your imagination at the door."
"Journalism, said Fortuno. City College of Chicago, did a year until all the perfidy and falsehood got to me."
"However, you might consider putting it in context. I’m fifty-seven, habitually overindulge in food and liquid refreshment, despise exercising, ignore my cholesterol. So my longevity is—in serious question."
"He’s ambivalent about me, how could he not be? But I love him unconditionally."
"It’s educational. There’s a good chance that I’ve been a shitty father."
"Your impulsiveness affected Kyle? It’s complicated, Lieutenant."
"I guess you could say I’m enamored of half the world—what’s that, three billion? Minus one—my ex-wife."
"It’s like playing Monopoly, one trades houses for hotels."
"I refuse to believe Kyle wouldn’t have told me."
"You’re not a father, Lieutenant. I heard the need in my son’s voice and responded."
"I can’t even imagine going it alone at that age."
"Thinking about Blaise De Paine avoiding a police record got me thinking about Mario Fortuno."
"Not my problem; Santa Barbara was a beautiful town but I had plenty to keep me busy in L.A."
"Every single door and window is alarmed and the system is maintained regularly."
"I'm talking alarm screens and infrared motion detectors that can be switched on in multiple zones and motion-triggered perimeter lighting all around the property."
"Grandpa was always safety-conscious but he upgraded years ago after a neighbor—a diamond dealer on June Street—was murdered."
"We're drawing the net tighter, it's just a matter of time."
"Seeing him like that—knowing what a terrible person he was and here he was partying with celebrities."
"Protecting you gave her meaning, honey. And she succeeded. You've got a whole army behind you."
"And here I was all prepared to nurture a member of my own species."
"That is my fucking house and you're a fucking service employee! I order you to let me out!"
"Maybe it really is true, money doesn't bring happiness."
"I'd elope, change my area code, maybe my country code."
"Adulthood's kind of a foolish concept, isn't it? People grow up in all kinds of different ways."
"Masculine is being secure and not having to prove yourself."