
The Final Cut Quotes

The Final Cut by Catherine Coulter

"The skill set the Fox provided was unparalleled. Legendary, even. The best—he’d heard it from his father and several trusted men of his acquaintance."
"She was stunning, true, but it was her eyes that knocked a man on his heels—they were a clear, icy blue, the irises rimmed in black, imperceptibly slanted at the corners."
"Never in their emails had they discussed her price."
"He realized there was no real negotiating here. And they both knew it."
"Of course I know your name. I know everything about you."
"His voice rose. 'If you're going to work for me, you'll do as I say. Now tell me your name.'"
"Do not look for me, Saleem Singh Lanighan. I will find you."
"All the guests can ooh and aah over the fake Koh-i-Noor and not know the difference, and all will be well in the kingdom, at least for tonight."
"Find the thief, clear Elaine. It became his mantra."
"Things like this got out even when you’d swear they wouldn’t."
"Am I supposed to smell something special? 'Almonds.'"
"A trail of broken and overturned stuff. Bathroom’s totaled."
"He’s a soldier, a big man, muscular, hard. He wasn’t taken by force, but by cunning."
"No one would be able to tell the difference tonight at the gala, no one."
"I’ve gotta say, sir, Sherlock is pretty impressive, what with her ability to reconstruct a crime scene."
"Make the call. We’ll have to sneak them in; I still don’t want my security staff knowing the diamond is missing."
"I’d like it on the record I think this is a terrible idea."
"We must take special precautions during the evidence collection."
"I’m fully aware that my head will roll if the Koh-i-Noor isn’t found and returned quickly."
"He who owns this diamond will own the world, but will also know all its misfortunes. Only God, or a woman, can wear it with impunity."
"Life moves on, Nicky. One of these days you must learn to move along with it."
"I thought there were blackouts, but it was the virus deleting the entries. They’re all gone."
"She couldn’t do it, not without alerting security. This was her plan all along."
"And all of us went haring off, looking at anyone but her—looking at Elaine, who couldn’t defend herself—"
"We have to go back to the beginning, look at everything with a fresh eye."
"The Fox leaves behind a token at her crime scenes. Something to mock the investigators."
"I’m going to personally punch that bitch when we catch her."
"Let’s get the NYPD to pick him up. Maybe a face-to-face will—"
"It was too early to celebrate, but she would, and soon."
"Sometimes gift horses really neigh, don’t they?"
"She already tried to blow us all up. I’m not taking any more chances."
"She’s anything but, given all the twists and turns she’s tossed in our path."
"If you think being played for fools is progress, then certainly."
"I doubt the dry cleaner is going to be able to fix this."
"I’m glad you came home with me. I’m glad you realized someone was waiting for us in the garage. I’d be dead if not for your gut, so thanks again, Nicholas."
"We're fine. No respect these days, Frank, and here you were, ready and able to tell them what to do."
"Maybe so, but I won't go with you. You'll rape me like those men wanted to."
"I owe you nothing. I would have jumped and swum back to the ship. No problem."
"You never, ever ask why he wants the job done. It is not your business."
"She could disappear at will, switch languages from one word to the next, change looks to add or subtract a decade."
"It's hard to keep secrets, Nicholas. Especially of this magnitude."
"You mean, Teddy the Fast Fox, the kids’ cartoon character on the telly?"
"No one can spend day in and day out working in an office without leaving something of themselves behind."
"You’re embroiled in the scandal of the century, mate, and from what I’ve heard, it was of your own doing."
"Like I said, Browning’s identity was created two years ago, at the very beginning of discussions to bring the Koh-i-Noor to America."
"I’m aware," Nicholas said. So Penderley was talking about his insubordination. Not good.
"We must figure this out," and he stood and walked the short length of the plane, stretching his legs, his back, rotating his shoulder. Better, definitely better.
"We can determine eye color and racial makeup, and at the very least we’ll be able to reverse the mitochondria and search for family members as well."
"The promise of the stone’s power wasn’t a legend to Saleem—it was real."
"This is a matter of the utmost urgency, madame. Look again."
"You will listen, Saleem. The wire-transfer numbers from your first payment to me in Paris allowed me to track down other account amounts you’ve used to pay other thieves over the years."
"You are about to be given a secret so important you can never share it with another soul."
"The stone speaks to you, Saleem, for you are the rightful descendent."
"He sparked the two wires together and the Mercedes engine roared to life."
"I’m trying," Mike said. "Hold the damn car steady."
"You want to know something? My back doesn’t hurt at all. I feel bloody great."
"Listen to me very carefully. You have something I want. In return, I will give you what you want—a transfer to Clairvaux Prison."
"If you can get me to Clairvaux, I will give you what you want."
"I have given you my word, and two years of my life in the pursuit of your dream. I want you to have your diamond."
"If it was a war he wanted, she was happy to bring it to his door."
"Only God, or a woman, can wear it with impunity."
"Blood runs true, Saleem. Unless I am totally mistaken, you already have one-third of the great stone, the largest piece, kept hidden by the males in your family for hundreds of years."
"A huge diamond that could make you immortal? I thought of the romance of it, the mystery, and, well, the possibility there really could be magic at work here, a sort of magic I’ve dreamed of all my life."
"I laugh thinking about being careful about what you wish for—I miss you, Nicholas."
"Life is never what you expect. All my life I wanted some magic, something that was of the unknown, the inexplicable."
"He said, "Aren’t you the clever one? No more tricks, Kitsune, or he dies slowly, one piece of him at a time.""
""It’s nearly midnight. Eleven-forty, to be exact."
"She smiled. "I really only needed one, but I thought, who knows? The second one might come in handy. And it did, in Geneva.""
"He felt the light move into him, felt the small poisonous cells in his body pop as they were destroyed. He was on fire, and he hurt, hurt so badly."
"The light moved through him and around him, and suddenly it coalesced into one narrow beam and split through the top of the warehouse, arcing up into the night sky, piercing the heavens."
"The noise of metal wrenching apart was brutal, and then came the wall of flames behind him."
"The rooftops were slick with frost, the sun just beginning to break through the gloomy sky."
"In my story, Parliament has enacted a temporary law allowing the queen mother’s crown to travel to the United States to be the centerpiece of the Jewel of the Lion exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City."