
Endlessly Quotes

Endlessly by Kiersten White

"Here’s the thing about dragons: I know absolutely nothing whatsoever about them."
"But at least the dragon didn’t smell as bad as unicorns."
"People used to fight dragons, right? I could do this."
"Forget a new job. I needed to get a new town."
"I just faced off against a dragon and came away char free."
"Who says pink isn’t a good color scheme for this dance?"
"Well, if anyone shows up in an orange dress, she deserves to clash."
"No more parties. Pretty sure that’d kill me, immortal or not."
"We make our own choices, regardless of where we came from or what we were."
"I’ve fought to protect you for years now. And, unlike you, I won’t so lightly disregard your Lend’s last wish that I keep you safe."
"Your soul is worth more than any of them can ever understand."
"I am not going to get killed. I’m going to kill her."
"Lend was the only choice I’d ever wanted to make, and as long as he was alive, I wasn’t about to stop fighting."
"I’m not asking your opinion on my odds. All I’m asking you to do is get me to the Dark Queen."
"I can take you home in a heartbeat, you know."
"The whole place was warm, and gorgeous, and very, very not scary."
"You underestimate the power that comes with making humans happy and content."
"The music whispered them to me, told me what to do with my feet and my hands, but most of all what to do with my heart."
"Forever, there would only ever be the dance."
"They all looked so bleeping happy, so tranquil."
"No, but I do love you, silly creature that you are."
"I'm big on second chances for people who nearly tried to kill me."
"Simple things. Reading the Grinch. Decorating a tree. Making cookies. Storming the Center to rescue the closest person I’d ever had to a mom."
"I'm the epitome of cuteness. See? Perky! That's me. Not dangerous."
"I was about to go tell Reth my newest Save Raquel plan."
"But it would be entertaining for me, at least."
"Being a glorified taxi does not make you the bigger hero."
"You know more about me than I understand about myself."
"No, I am what I should be. I’m what I want to be."
"When you can’t have what you want, you become focused."
"You always have to see things for yourself, so I made sure you saw what needed to be seen."
"I love being manipulated! It makes me so happy and so willing to do whatever I’m being manipulated into!"
"I am loyal to myself and I am loyal to what Evelyn should become."
"I know this guy. He’s a total idiot, but he’s also kind of smart sometimes."
"You get the faeries out, and I’ll take care of everyone they hurt."
"Dying is kind of a big deal. Especially for an immortal faerie."
"You’re going to have to choose. And whatever you choose is going to be forever."
"We’re like sheep. There’s no way I’d trust them with Carlee’s life."
"I’ve no interest in a human girl as a toy. It’s distasteful."
"I always knew there was, like, something a little strange about you two."
"You know, they say when someone keeps making excuses to say your name it means they like you."
"Shut up. I’m trying to say that I’m proud of you."
"I think so. I’ve got some ideas. It’s not going to be easy for any of them, but we’ll work something out."
"Sometimes it takes a little chaos for things to work themselves out. When we make it through the chaos, we can use it to shape the world around us into something better than it was before."
"Watching you become the strong, smart woman I always knew you’d be is one of the greatest joys of my life."
"You’re the only one of us who’s ever made a gate."
"I’m so sorry, I whispered, putting my hand on her chest, hating my stupid, empty shell of a body for being able to take her out of eternity."
"Let’s make the best life we can here and not worry about what comes after."
"Because that is…that is another part of eternity. It’s not ours."
"You did the best with the time you had, filled it with people and things you loved, and hoped that whatever came after was as good or better."
"The only things I knew about why Empty Ones worked the way we did was that we had room for extra souls because we started out with less, and that we could make gates because of our innately human sense of home."
"Isn’t that what you hate about me? Flighty, unpredictable, squirmy human emotions?"
"Faerie love is something I can live without."