
Find Your People: Building Deep Community In A Lonely World Quotes

Find Your People: Building Deep Community In A Lonely World by Jennie Allen

"We were never designed to journey through life alone. We need to be seen, to be known, and to belong in order to flourish."
"The ache of loneliness is real, and it’s haunting us."
"Every human is looking to be: Seen, Soothed, Safe."
"I am believing the lie that I’m destined to be alone, and in believing that lie I’m making it into reality."
"I want us to trade lonely and isolated lives that experience brief bursts of connectedness for intimately connected lives that know only brief intervals of feeling alone."
"You and I both are sick of it. We’re sick from it, anyway."
"Deep, loving, intimate connection is God’s goal."
"God built us for deep connection to be part of our day-in, day-out lives, not just once in a while."
"The enemy wants to divide us. Rather than fighting for each other, he wants to see us fighting against each other."
"We make each other better. 'As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.'"
"God loves us to be together. God loves us to be on mission together. God loves us to worship Him together."
"This village living will not happen by accident."
"My little village here was going to come because of my neediness and desperation, not in spite of it."
"The art of making and keeping friends was never really spelled out for most of us."
"Needing Each Other Is Not Weakness but Strength."
"The more resources a person gets, the more walls he or she puts up. And the more lonely they become."
"We’re not meant to go through our days alone."
"You will disappoint me. I will disappoint you. God will never disappoint us."
"We can’t start any further back than Genesis 1:1: 'In the beginning, God.'"
"Proximity. Transparency. Accountability. Shared Purpose. Consistency."
"Community should, in its truest form, reflect aspects of who God is and how He loves."
"Relationships should arise out of your everyday places and your everyday activities."
"We are meant to be emotionally close to the people we are physically close to."
"To have deeper conversations, we have to learn the art of asking more intentional questions."
"Remember, you aren’t the only one craving community. Everyone is craving it. So be the one who makes it happen!"
"I need someone who pops in spontaneously, makes me get dressed, and pulls me out to have some fun when I get depressed."
"You never need me. You never need anything from me. I want you to need me more."
"Vulnerability is the soil for intimacy, and what waters intimacy is tears."
"We must risk pain to have this kind of deep connection in our lives."
"Our sin is worse than we imagine. And the grace of God is bigger and better than we can imagine."
"You will only be as close to a friend as you are vulnerable with her."
"Only when we let down our guards and allow ourselves to be known can we get over ourselves and get on with loving people."
"Fear fell. Because I saw how beautiful and reassuring accountability could be."
"If accountability is done right and with the right people, we will love Jesus more and our lives will show that love to be real."
"You and I need friends who, instead of trying to fix us, help us to fix our eyes more firmly on Jesus."
"Truth in love is the safest place to be, even if it stings a little."
"Friendship must be about something, even if it were only an enthusiasm for dominoes or white mice. Those who have nothing can share nothing; those who are going nowhere can have no fellow-travellers."
"We carry weighty purpose into every interaction we have, and every human carries in them a weight of glory."
"Conflict should make friendships, not break them."
"Friendships take time—a lot of time. A lot of working it out. A lot of showing up."
"Anywhere can become a place to carry out your mission and anyone can become teammates."
"Family is God’s very first, best place for us to learn and live community."
"The fewer things people shared, the more they individually had to buy."
"We are in it together, Jennie—life, loss, victory, sorrow, COVID-19, the whole bit. We are in it, no matter what."
"Right from the start God determined that it was never good for a person to be alone."
"Family was supposed to be our first community, a gathering of people who accepted and loved us and then taught us to accept and love others well."
"God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy."
"We aren’t going anywhere. We are in this with you; that kid you love is our kid too. We have this!"
"Do you think those girls know that they’re that special to you?" "I don’t think they do."
"Those friends are your anchor, your rootedness."
"Your intimate few are called a few for a reason; you need only a handful of them."
"We aren’t meant to carry the problems of the whole world all day every day."
"The hard times are already here. Every day of every week of every year I live, there is something that feels hard."
"We belong to each other. This is how it is supposed to be."
"The one friend I have found to be most consistent, the one who sees me at my worst and still loves me, is Jesus."
"You are never alone. You have Jesus. And He has you."