
Second First Impressions Quotes

Second First Impressions by Sally Thorne

"There’s more to life than having a boyfriend."
"There’s only so much DIY I can learn from YouTube."
"The knowledge that my cuddle-bug soul mate might be just there...makes my heart feel like a toothache."
"You believe in soul mates? I wouldn’t have picked that."
"I can’t even remember when we acquired this place."
"I was filling one of the residents’ cars with gas for them."
"You need a residential address, period."
"You rescue them and let them have a soft landing. I’ve never identified with a tortoise so much in my life."
"I know a couple of things, but I’m not an expert."
"The thing about being the butt of a joke? It’s funny at first. But after an entire child-olescence being Truthful Ruth the Reverend’s Daughter, it’s worn thinner than a contact lens."
"I’m learning that some guys can make you intensely aware of their … maleness."
"I’ve never been to Fairchild," Aggie says. "How far away is that?" We are all already trying to calculate if he’ll be gone-forever gone.
"My usual evening routine is to close all the drapes, take off my clothes, and walk around my cottage for a few minutes before my bath."
"I’m sorry to say that I am done for the day." Tonight’s routine will continue. Oven timer ding, today’s Heaven Sent episodes, and a bit of lurking around in the forum.
"Every bath I’ve ever had, I’ve lain here listening to the lick of water on the edges of the tub and my own pulse. I’m back to where I’ve always been, just floating, completely alone."
"It’s important that from now on, Teddy earns everything he gets."
"His eyes flash to my face, tortoiseshell vivid. 'Ohhh, I get what you’re saying. Not with our thin walls. I wouldn’t traumatize you like that.'"
"Put it this way: If God calls, Dad can’t be accused of not taking this seriously."
"Choosing magazines is a strength I should have put on my résumé."
"You’ve got two hands and a heartbeat. You’re not useless."
"Every time he was bored, he added another daisy for his sister."
"Sometimes, at night, I feel like the last person on Earth."
"Sometimes, I work through the whole weekend. Twenty-four, seven is a long time. I’m getting tired."
"If you’re imagining I have some kind of influence, you are miles from the truth."
"Tastes like a tub of beetroot dip got left out on a patio then it rained."
"They thought your feelings and experience and privacy were worth less than his. It makes me really angry."
"Wine really works. I’m day-drunk and sitting opposite a guy I have an ill-advised crush on. I’m probably as transparent as glass right now."
"You’re being yourself, and that’s all you need to be."
"I may as well get a crush on a hurricane. I’d be covered by insurance."
"Everything that gives you a sick stomach is a great example in a job interview one day."
"Good. Life is only bearable if you have someone attractive to complain to."
"I’m praying that his front isn’t as nice as his back."
"Generosity is underlined twice. Your dream man is a model of charity and virtue."
"Life requires full, up-to-the-neck participation."
"The way he spreads around his energy and kindness is so generous."
"For anyone getting tired, he provides a shoulder to hang on to."
"It’s sad that he doesn’t realize how generous he really is."
"I haven’t worn this swimsuit in years and it’s shrunk up my crack."
"Do you think I’m a bit pretty, Ruthie Maree?"
"You gotta start walking around like you’re the shit, because you are."
"Neat and tidy is my absolute favorite kind of girl."
"I love neat-and-tidy types who have label makers and smell like a bubble bath."
"You feel it, right? I think we’ve got an interesting sizzle."
"You’re so pretty I need to buy a pencil sharpener."
"My mother says in any relationship, there’s an adorer and an adoree."
"Theodore Prescott is permanently on the hunt for an adorer."
"I need to walk around naked for a few minutes to recalibrate myself."
"He’s a beautiful black cat, dropping feathers and ivy leaves on my doormat."
"He’s given me nothing but kindness, friendship, and the diamond sparkles in his tortoiseshell eyes."
"I owe it to her to apply myself to this process of self-discovery."
"I haven’t been kissed in years, and those were largely tongueless."
"I know you just want to defend your couch and cheddar territory."
"You didn’t have to make an ass of yourself just now, but it made their day."
"Don’t seduce Ruthie if I don’t plan on sticking around, because she’s a tender treasure that must be protected at all costs."
"I’ve soaked myself in something that has made my skin sensitive."
"He’s working on it because he said he needs to keep busy at night."
"I’m going to give you a spoiler for next week. We’re going clothes shopping at the thrift store."
"Walk around like you’re the shit. Feel beautiful. Be sure of it."
"I changed when I jumped in that pool. I got younger."
"I swear, he’s going to do it. Another inch closer."
"I’m desperate to talk through this situation with someone."
"I’ve never had anyone ask me about this, so I don’t know where to start."
"What happened to you was shitty and I’m sorry."
"Can we talk about what you go to a therapist for?"
"I think you need to write in ink. You know who you are."
"I have been temping for ten thousand years. I have every skill."
"It’s our job to make their lives as lovely as we can."
"You’ve been doing a really great job. I couldn’t have gotten through these last few weeks without you."
"I want you to do what you did to me in the change room. Just longer and hotter."
"I have had hundreds of kisses, and that one took the cake."
"It hurts that you don’t know you’re lovely, exactly how you are. You don’t need to change. You don’t have anything that needs fixing."
"You’re the thousand-dollar dress on the rack in this thrift store and I can’t believe no one’s picked you up yet."
"What if I just want to spend it all on a vacation? Or maybe I’ll just mooch around Providence indefinitely."
"I’m getting a real good picture of who you think I am. Spoiled rich Prescott son, lying around waiting to inherit, completely addicted to attention."
"Nobody wanted me completely as a kid and now I have this fucked-up reflex to make everybody love me."
"It’s because I haven’t disappointed you yet."
"You’re amazing, but I want to just stay friends."
"I wish you could get a second first impression of me, but I can’t work out how to do it."
"He’s acting so weird because he can’t recover from how I kissed him."
"We’re lying right in the middle of all your hard work and kindness. Your mark is all over everything."
"I’m really tired of looking after everything."
"Every time I get him to grin, it feels like I’ve won something."
"I’ve got a date with someone called Brendan next week. Or was it Brandon? The sword guy. How could I think of anyone else when I have this person comfortably weighing me down?"
"I prayed for peace, quiet, certainty. And it’s you. I’m in love with you."
"I’ve always known what’s been happening here, but it still makes me feel small."
"I’m an adult woman and we’ve been getting to know each other outside of work hours."
"No one can take care of Providence like I can."
"You’ve given all you can to this place. Take something for yourself."
"One thing Providence has taught me is, life’s short."
"I’m not the type who can just pack everything into a backpack and leave. I can’t take that kind of risk."
"Quite a bit of drama," Melanie says from the top of her stepladder. "What a week. More drama than this place has ever seen."
"You know what, Ruthie? I can’t make you leave. I can’t sling you over my shoulder and carry you out of here. When you do come, I want you to walk out of here on your own two feet. But I’m really scared that you aren’t brave enough to."
"Everything ends. I know that better than anybody. But I really need something to hold on to."
"I wanted to thank you, Mel. You were the first person I ever met who took my side."
"I’m sorry, Ruthie, but this site has been mismanaged to the point that I don’t think PDC would get a fast-enough return to continue on like this."
"You’ve put in a lot of effort in the years gone by," she says like she’s sorry for me.
"Yes," I tell Melanie. "I do think Sylvia stole the money."
"It’s true," Renata says. "He barely complained."
"I’ve been the worst sister to you. It’s been really hard to resist you."
"I’m looking for a patient, safe cuddle-bug soul mate."