
The Watsons Go To Birmingham - 1963 Quotes

The Watsons Go To Birmingham - 1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis

"It was so cold that if you were stupid enough to go outside your eyes would automatically blink a thousand times all by themselves, probably so the juice inside of them wouldn’t freeze up."
"It’s really funny how something as stupid as a pair of blue jeans can make you feel real, real bad."
"But LJ wasn’t satisfied with doing one or two, I guess he wanted a raise, so one day he said to me, 'You know, we should stop having these little fights all the time. We need to have one great big battle!'"
"It’s funny how things could change so much and you wouldn’t notice."
"It’s kind of embarrassing how LJ got them from me."
"All of a sudden I started remembering that Rufus and Cody were the only two kids in the whole school (other than Byron and Joey) that I didn’t automatically look at sideways."
"I wasn't through, though. I really wanted him to know. 'I am different.'"
"If you asked Momma why you had to do something and she didn’t feel like explaining she just repeated herself."
"I won't have you putting this family in danger. Just once more, Byron Watson, one more time and you're burned."
"But honey, some of the time Momma has to do things she doesn't want to do."
"You've eaten welfare food in this house before and if need be you'll eat it again."
"Don't you remember how some of the time Dad sneaks up in the morning and goes in the kitchen and when he come out there’s a big jug of milk?"
"That milk come out of one of them big brown boxes they keep up on them high shelves, pure-D welfare food!"
"It was like he read my mind, 'cause I was just about to say 'Oooh, By ...' when he stopped being friendly and crossed his eyes at me."
"Why won’t you behave? Why won’t you think about what’s going to happen to you when you do something wrong?"
"Why do you always do stuff to get people mad at you?"
"Getting hit when you’re not expecting it can really shake you up."
"When Byron walked into the living room Momma said, 'Mr. Watson, I’d like to introduce you to your long-lost son from Mexico City, Señor Byroncito Watson!'"
"Well, son, what can I say? It’s pretty much permanent, isn’t it."
"If you squint your eyes and look real hard, there’s no doubt about it, this boy’s got a real mustache going here!"
"At first it’s scary but then before you realize, with a lot of practice, you have it under control."
"You’ll learn from the mistakes your mother and I make, just like we learned from the mistakes our parents made."
"Hopefully he can see that there comes a time to let all of the silliness go."
"This is costing y’all a fortune, Daniel, let me talk to my baby again."
"I wanted to lean up and whisper to Momma that I knew what Dad was planning, but the last time I was asleep Byron had put Joey’s head back in my lap and I was just too lazy to move her."
"Mr. Johnson thought for a minute. 'I don’t see why not. As long as you keep your eye on the oil and the water it shouldn’t give you a lick of trouble.'"
"It looked like someone had crumpled up a pitch-black blanket and dropped the Weird Watsons down into the middle of it."
"The air up this high didn’t seem right either. It made you feel like something bad was going to happen."
"Instead of being in a motel you’ve driven us straight into Hell!"
"I think we’ve got our fingers in God’s beard and as we drive along we’re tickling him."
"The next time I woke up it was just starting to get light and somehow I was in the front seat and Momma was in the back."
"But let’s keep that between you and me, O.K.?"
"We all looked up and instead of seeing the normal amount of stars it looked like there had been a star explosion."
"When the sound from the water in my ears and the sound of me vomiting my guts out and the whisshh sound from the Wool Pooh finally left me I could hear Byron shouting, '... Awww, man, awww, man, awww, man ...' over and over."
"I didn’t look up. I kept looking at my hands. 'I love you.'"
"Kenneth Bernard Watson, you better tell me what’s going on or I’m really gonna tell! I’m not playing with you!"
"It was so hot in there that I went and stood on the porch and saw you."
"Kenny, I’m not playing with you, why are you acting so weird?" Her voice was starting to get all choky.
"But what really surprised me was that Joey had both of her shiny, shiny black shoes in her hands."
"Joey stood up and ran up the stairs screaming, 'Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!'"
"You think I don’t know why you been hanging out behind the couch?"
"I don’t know, Kenny. Momma and Dad say they can’t help themselves, they did it because they’re sick, but I don’t know."
"You smart enough to figure this one out yourself. Besides, you getting the word from the top wolf hisself; you gonna be all right, baby bruh. I swear for God."