
Stranded With A Billionaire Quotes

Stranded With A Billionaire by Jessica Clare

"The madness of love is the greatest of heaven’s blessings."
"Love is not control, Logan. Love is partnership. Friendship."
"You’re the only thing that matters. I love you."
"Love is partnership. Friendship. A wise man once said, ‘If you want to be loved, be lovable.’"
"I’d rather have a man who isn’t in love with his own reflection than one who needs hair product or designer labels."
"Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. That means most everything, by the way."
"We can just see whatever’s showing. No big deal."
"I seem to have thought of everything but the date itself."
"I did when I was a teenager. This was my first job, you know."
"My father was a real asshole. But he was right about Andy."
"You’ve been wealthy all your life, haven’t you?"
"It’s that if I start, I don’t think I can stop."
"When we go to bed together again, it’s going to be you and me. Strings attached and all."
"Someday. I’ve already found the right person. I’m just waiting for her to be ready."
"Strange how admitting that she would think of him somehow felt more intimate than a dozen kisses."
"My mother was a showgirl who wanted my father’s money."
"I worked there all summer. Learned a lot about hard work and running a business."
"The pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight, as I may say, even for a moment."
"I need to work, and Cooper could use the help today."
"What will it take to make you ready? I want you back in my bed."
"Oh, my God," Brontë said. "All this time I’ve been thinking I can’t be with him because I can’t be who he wants me to be. What if it’s because I am the problem?"
"You’re smart. You’re constantly spouting ancient wisdom and writing little sayings on customers’ cups. They love that. Do something with that big philosophizing brain of yours instead of serving coffee."
"Love is more important than anything else in the world. Well, almost, but you’ve got the money thing taken care of already."
"I keep hoping he’ll grow out of it," she said quietly. "I like Cooper, but he’s not the right guy for me. He’s so . . . normal. Bland. I need someone different."
"They’ve been my friends since college. We were in the same fraternity together. We made a pledge to assist each other in business and remain friends for life."
"Every heart hears a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back."
"If you dedicated your life to shopping, you wouldn’t be able to spend all my money. It was that she valued the money more than she valued our relationship. You’ve never been like that. You never will be. It’s not in your nature."
"I want you to do whatever makes you happy. And if going back to school helps you—or starting a charity—then we’ll do both. As long as we do it together."
"I love you, too," he told her. "Waitress, philosopher, or charitable organizer, I’ll love you all the same as long as you’ll be mine."
"But a girl likes to be asked every now and then."