
Sentinel Quotes

Sentinel by Jennifer L. Armentrout

"I’ve never been more scared in my life than when you forced me and Marcus out of the room."
"We promised each other we’d face this stuff together."
"And because I love you, I am willing to die to save you from that. Don’t you dare take that decision away from me again."
"You have my heart, and you also have my strength."
"Ares wants to rule. He thinks it’s time for the gods to reclaim the mortal realm as their own."
"Ares loves war. He feeds on it like the gods used to feed on mortals’ beliefs in them."
"You can be upset—scared—and you can rage that it wasn’t fair, because it wasn’t."
"You’ve got to let it out, Alex, or it will rot you from the inside."
"Nothing about it was right, and you’ve got to let yourself experience those emotions."
"You’ve never been more beautiful to me than you are right now."
"I need this. I need you, Aiden. Please don’t—"
"You’re not broken. You’re not going to always feel this way."
"I’m thinking…a lot of things, but if this is what the gods are feeling in you, we need to really think about what we’re doing."
"I love you, Alex. That’s never going to change, and although neither of us is ready for this, I can get ready for this. Both of us can, and we will face this together."
"You’re someone who is incredibly strong and brave, and who has been through way too much."
"We’re arguing over whether or not I belong on this stage—this stupid stage. That’s all this is. And these thrones? They’re just chairs. Who cares? They mean nothing to me or to the rest of the world. They only mean something to you because you made them so."
"It’s going to be okay, Alex. Whatever is going on, we’re in this together, remember? And it will be okay. I promise you."
"Everything. He thinks he’s going to get everything."
"I can’t get rid of those memories, so neither can you."
"But I learned to never really trust someone when they say things will be cool, you know? And I learned to never, ever trust a god—or anything they create. They’re the snakes in the grass that you never see coming."
"Maybe our violent natures were the product of those who created us. No one else in this world was more off their rocker than an Olympian god."
"I loved you. It’s not the same way I feel about Aiden, but I loved you, and you betrayed me."
"If I could go back and change it all, I would. I’d never take that post guarding Lucian," he said quietly. "I would’ve gone AWOL if I’d known this was how it was going to play out, Alex."
"Sure, Lucian promised me a lot of things, and so did Ares when I met him in the Catskills, but those promises were nothing in comparison to what it felt like once you had Awakened. It was like tapping into pure power."
"You have no idea how hard it is to even be near you right now. The connection calls to me—your aether, everything."
"You are," he insisted quietly. He shifted, and I looked up. His forehead was resting against the bars. A haunted look crept into his face. "You are."
"I didn’t feel a damn thing, Seth. Not an ounce of remorse or regret. Nothing. That’s…that’s not right."
"I’m not the right person to be doing any of this. There’s something wrong with me."
"I disagree." Apollo’s "hide your kids" smile was now spreading across his face. "This conversation is going to be epically entertaining."
"Don’t ‘oh my gods’ me." The color had returned to Marcus’ face. It was red. "Do I really need to have a conversation with you about responsible sexual activity?"
"If not, then this is wasting my time, and I’m going to bed. That just might include irresponsible sex, because I’ve had a really crappy day!"
"Gods were like opossums. You could go your whole life without seeing one, but once you found one of them, you found the whole freaky family."
"Nice suit," I said, my gaze dipping to her pointy heels.
"War is partially strength, partially skill, and partially psychological. We have the strength in the Apollyons and the Sentinels, but we do not have the skill, and we do not have anything that will put Ares at unease. Without the last two factors, we will not succeed."
"Okay," I said, letting out a deep breath. "Let’s unleash a Titan on the unsuspecting world."
"It killed me, Alex, when I heard you admit that to Seth. All I wanted to do was go in there and hold you, figure out some way to make it better."
"I don’t plan on dying for a long time, agapi mou. We have today, and we’ll have many tomorrows, but only if we get Hades’ help. We won’t have any of that if we don’t stop Ares."
"This is bigger than both of us." His thumb caught a tear that had snuck out, wiping it away before anyone besides Seth noticed.
"I want you to free the half-bloods. I want you to get rid of the laws requiring them to either become Sentinels, or Guards, or servants. I want you to give them the same rights as pure-bloods. I want the Breed Order revoked."
"Once everything has settled, we will change the laws and the Elixir will be no more. You have my word, no matter the outcome."
"You never had her, Seth. We weren’t sharing anything."
"Tracking time in the Underworld was difficult."
"The only light was from the thin rows of fire and the glowing torches posted every so many feet."
"I wanted to look away from them, because I couldn’t comprehend an eternity of fruitless labor."
"The stench of sulfur and blood was almost unbearable."
"Their powers are weakened in the Underworld."
"Seriously? Could you guys go longer than five minutes without making googly faces at one another?"
"Their damnation comes in the form of eternal sleep."
"Just because you’re the God Killer doesn’t mean you can go in there alone."
"Seth, we need to talk about when we’ll transfer power."
"You have no idea what it's like to be the First, how hard it is. So you can't even imagine what it will be like when you become the God Killer."
"We are going to war for you—for the gods. People will die. My friends and the people I love could die! I could die!"
"I promise you, Alex, that no matter what happens, I'll take care of you. I always keep my promises."
"It’s everyone’s fight. Because it’s everyone’s future."
"And seriously? That’s not a big deal. So, why don’t you three douche canoes go find something else to gawk at? Or, I don’t know…get a hobby. Or better yet, there’s this huge war that’s about to start. You guys could go figure how you could help instead of standing around like a bunch of bigoted ass-hats. Okay? Buh-bye."
"I’m not sure I’ve ever told you this, Alexandria, but I am proud of you."
"The gods should be fighting. You know that, Apollo. They should be a part of this."
"This is taking the absentee landlord theory to a whole new level."
"Three down!" I shouted, feeling a familiar adrenaline rushing inside me.
"I’ll remind you of that the next time you have to walk any real distance and start whining," Luke replied.
"I’m sorry," he said, and those two words carried so much weight.
"We don’t have time for this. We must move on."
"You’re going to be separated from me tomorrow, and it’s going to take everything in me to let you face Ares without me standing by your side, so I’m going to be very selfish right now."
"Make war for the pure bliss of it, but never make war in order to take control."
"That's the funny thing about time. You never have as much as you think."