
A Redbird Christmas Quotes

A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg

"He had used up every cussword in his rather large vocabulary of cusswords, owed in part to his short stint in the army."
"Oh, God, he thought, why do they always make you fill something out?"
"He threw the socks in the trash basket and squished down the hall in cold wet leather shoes."
"Would it kill them to paint the walls a different color?"
"In your present condition you won’t live through another Chicago winter."
"I knew I wasn’t the picture of health, but I didn’t think I was headed for the last roundup."
"Damn, he thought. At a time like this, a man ought to be able to have a drink."
"He had never really gotten a break in life, and now it was all over."
"The real truth was, the only two things he would really miss when he checked out were the Cub games and Helen, unfortunately in that order."
"I would call the entire region one of the garden spots of America."
"Instead of the barren bleakness of the northern winter, there is the luxurious warmth and color of the Southern Clime."
"Oh, the hell with it, buddy. See you in the morning."
"Once you’ve experienced true love, you don’t want anybody else."
"It was pitch-black outside. 'There’s the store,' said Butch, as they whizzed by. Oswald looked out but saw nothing."
"He sort of looks like an elf. Yes, but a nice elf."
"Betty, the elephants are out in the yard again. Go see what they want."
"I’ve already made one poor woman miserable. That’s enough."
"You don’t need a life jacket. Hell, if you do fall in, the alligators will eat you before you drown."
"Not having any information about his real family, but considering his own current condition, he said, 'I sincerely doubt it.'"
"How about yourself, Mr. Campbell? Do you have longevity in your family?"
"He laughed. 'Neither did they. I never got out of Illinois.'"
"That’s really nice stuff you have here. For a second I thought that damn fox was alive."
"The whole time he’s been here, he hasn’t received one personal letter, not even one lousy Christmas card."
"All he was doing was just sitting around killing time, looking at the birds and waiting to die."
"He realized he was just like that duck. All his life he had been out in the world alone while the rest of the world swam by, happy in their own flock, knowing who they were and where they belonged."
"Oh, well, live and learn. Better late than never."
"You have to keep coming or you get out of practice."
"I’ve tried to feed her but she won’t take a thing from me but a few pieces of candy."
"Considering what she must go home to every night, the kid probably needs some magic in her life."
"Every afternoon he watched the sky turn from burnt orange to salmon, pink and lime green to purple."
"This was better than any movie he had ever seen, and it was different every night."
"I wouldn’t mind giving it a try, for a day or so at least."
"And I don’t mind telling you that there has not been a day in all those years that I haven’t thanked the Good Lord for her."
"He had finally caught a glimpse of what they had been talking about."
"If I were you I’d try looking in Mexico first."
"I’ll pay you tomorrow," she said, and was out the door.
"Much obliged," he said, and handed Roy his card.
"Well, wish me luck, fellows. God knows I’ll need it."
"Come one, come all, come and see the Amazing Redbird of Baldwin County."
"He walks, he talks, he crawls on his belly like a snake."
"Absolutely amazing! The only redbird in America, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, that can tell me exactly what I have hidden here in my hand."
"Nights are long, since you went away, I think about you all through the day, My buddy, my buddy, your buddy misses you."
"Thank God Patsy is making it through those operations, or I don’t know what we would do around here."
"That little girl wants to get better and go home."
"You broke my heart and ruined my life, and you want me to take you back now that you are old and all worn out."
"And if He doesn’t, then He’s not half the man I thought He was."
"The main problem is, she’s not progressing...it’s almost as if she’s lost her will to get better, and without that, all the medicine and therapy in the world is not going to help."
"Don’t be too hard on yourselves. At least for the time being she can still think he’s alive somewhere. That’s something for her to hang on to."
"I think she’s just heartbroken over that bird."
"Mr. Campbell says if you want something really really bad it will happen, and I want to see Jack really really bad."
"This is the worst Christmas I can ever remember."
"Nothing is real. There is no God. No Santa Claus. No happy endings. Things die. Nothing lasts."
"I’ll just have to believe the Good Lord will forgive me for lying just this once."
"Well, honey, it looks like we are not lost anymore. We’ve been found!"
"Isn’t it amazing how one little bird changed so many lives?"