
Heart Of The Sea Quotes

Heart Of The Sea by Nora Roberts

"Her eyes they shone like diamonds, you'd think she was queen of the land." - The black velvet band
"The view was worth the climb, with sky and sea and village spread out below. This was holy ground."
"Atop Tower Hill was a fine example of a round tower, with its conical top still in place, and the ruins of the twelfth-century cathedral built in honor of Saint Declan."
"The sign for Ardmore said FAILTE, and that was 'welcome.'"
"He intended to indulge himself doing just that in Ardmore, in his theater."
"A man could work up a good sweat even in May in such a temperate climate when he spent a morning hauling concrete."
"Public relations on this sort of project were just as vital as a sturdy foundation."
"The deal with the Gallaghers had been set, the ground broken for the project before he'd been able to hack through his schedule for the time he wanted to spend here."
"I've always thought the same." - On the noise of building being a good noise.
"But there's a light of battle in her eye when she came back out of the kitchen, and there it remained no matter how brightly she chatted up the customers."
"I'd say it was a bit of both, since you're both operators." - On Brenna and Trevor finding each other for the project.
"I've inherited the heart and hands of the builder as much as the cool, hard sense of the businessman, and he had learned to use both."
"If you mean wife, I'm not married." - In response to being asked if he brought his family with him.
"It's not so much of a thing, is it, little man?" - Darcy soothing a child.
"But living alone meant he could come and go as he needed to, as his business demanded."
"You work for us, you meet the standards we set. If you can't or won't, you get the boot."
"It's a fine ambition. But this is today." - On Sinead's plans for the future.
"It might look a tad rough and dirty from the day's work, but it didn't mar the appeal." - On Trevor's appearance.
"It does take brains, and knowing how to use them. You do."
"I'm attracted to the package, but I'm interested in your brain."
"When you forget what you have for what you've lost, grieving's an indulgence."
"Efficiency. I find that very arousing in a woman."
"Without an eye on making a living, it's only a hobby, isn't it?"
"I enjoy most an empty lot, or an old building in disrepair. The possibilities of what can be done about them."
"Changing it without damaging it. If you cut down a tree, is what you're putting in its place worth the sacrifice?"
"Why do we waste what's inside us? Why do we wait so long to embrace it?"
"Most would say it's easy to mistake passion for love."
"The sound of it," Trevor murmured. "Like a heart beating."
"It's so easy for love to hide itself under passion and not be recognized."
"She appreciated money and wanted enough to live stylishly. Well, he had a feeling he was going to be able to help her out there."
"You've more say in it than I, and you've little enough."
"Fear and love so mixed together neither of us could untangle them."
"Might have been, had I not waited so long to take it."
"Tuck away the sentiment over long-dead relatives and their sweethearts, visits with faerie princes, and messages for beautiful ghosts."
"The challenge of it only made the satisfaction of success sweeter."
"It barely surprised him that Carrick had vanished."
"I have no opinion when it comes to arguments between husband and wife."
"When it's right you wait. And then you treasure."
"What you've got in there can make you rich. Famous."
"Music had been as much a part of her life as the pub."
"I think there's one Gallagher left. One heart not yet touched or offered or given."
"If you need something and don't see it, just ask."
"Haven't we already?" she murmured as they walked back to their seats.
"I'll bring your bags straight in, Miss Gallagher."
"Miss Gallagher. I hope your trip was pleasant."
"I'll have your hand, I'll have your heart, I'll have them all together. For if you think I'll settle for part, prepare for stormy weather."
"Come to Ardmore," he said and directed the conversation back to business.
"He has a brother and a sister. I want the three of them to record his stuff, for the first release."
"You'll have everything you've ever wanted. A hell of a lot more than you've ever dreamed of."
"Don't toy with that girl, Trevor. She's not a bauble like that pretty bracelet you picked out of a glass case somewhere."
"Isn't the first step toward love the passion, the second the longing? And you're past the first step, already on to the second, and too stubborn to admit it."
"I've always been smart. You only admit it when I agree with you."
"It's like a slamming into you, so you can't get your air proper and the blood drains right out of your head and your joints go weak."
"It matters, nearly as much as it does that she loves me."
"He's what you've always wanted, or told yourself you did. Now that you've found him, you wonder if it's real."
"I'd name the baby after you for this, but Aidan would be suspicious."
"We'd just plant you in a chair behind the bar."
"Sex might satisfy, food might fuel, love might sustain, but without coffee, what was the point?"
"Anyone seeing it would note the resemblance, he was sure, in the shape of the face, the full curve of lips."
"He wondered when Darcy had posed for it and immediately wanted to strangle the artist."
"They weren't just deadly, weren't just weak, they were- unproductive."
"She added cream and sugar to her own brew. 'It's a lot to promise when you don't know how I'll record, or perform, or stand up to the kind of life that would make.'"
"He loves me, too. Nigel sent Trevor a glittering look as he brooded by the stove. 'Who wouldn't?'"
"If he hadn't been so bloody handsome, with his hair shiny and damp from his shower, his face darkened with stubble, those wonderful gray eyes so sleepy, she'd have beaned him with the can."
"He studied the paraphernalia as she bundled herself into the robe. 'I'll have to buy you an automatic one.'"
"You could only stare blindly at the keys. 'Thanks, but I'll just walk back. It'll clear my head, and I'd prefer it.'"
"And why couldn't he just love her back so everything could be lovely?"
"She wanted it for him. That, she supposed, was the nature of love. That you could want so intensely your lover's dream to come true."
"I thought maybe you'd gone on to work already. I'm glad you didn't."
"A walk? 'Yeah.' He moved across the room to sit on the edge of the bed. 'You usually walk down to the village anyway. So we'll take a walk, then I'll drive you down.'"
"You want to try to keep him down? Be my guest. Me, I don't have the heart."
"Men also like being pampered by a woman. They just have to pretend it annoys them."
"I don't pay women to sleep with me. That's insulting to both of us."
"The world was so hushed, they might have been alone in it."
"The beauty of it, what she saw with her eyes, what she saw with her heart, brought tears stinging."
"It wasn't particularly damp out, not to her way of thinking. The fog was thin, a lovely filter on the air that turned ordinary shapes into fanciful ones."
"But there were priorities. 'I had a bagel.' He grinned at her. 'It was great.'"
"It's easier for you, Trevor. You have the armor of your position, and your power and your name. I'll come into this without any of that."
"He ordered himself to match her mood. 'I could probably be persuaded to share.'"
"Neither of them looked back as they walked away, or saw the air ripple and shred."
"Stubborn, bone-brained fools. And just my luck to be stuck with them."
"I would give all that's in my power to give to touch you again, to breathe your scent, to hear your voice."
"For a little while no one noticed the storm had gone silent."
"Nothing was the way it should've been, yet it was all exactly right. Like it was meant."
"All I had to do with her was be there, hold her hand, listen to her curse my brother-in-law, maybe breathe with her."
"What could be better? And Jude's just glowing. So, let's have ourselves a toast to our perfect little miracle."
"Miracles aside, delivering babies is an exhausting business."
"I never knew there was more to feel than I've already felt. That I could love like this in a heartbeat's time."
"It was the moment, she thought, when her life changed, when dreams trembled, when spells were cast and broken."
"There's magic here, Trevor, and I want our slice of it."
"On his back rode Carrick, his silver doublet aglint, his dark hair swirling. In his arms, her head on his heart, rode his lady, her eyes of misty green bright with love."
"They're together at last. And happily now, ever after. The spell's broken."
"That I can, Trevor Magee. I can handle it, and you."