
Something Like Normal Quotes

Something Like Normal by Trish Doller

"There is a year and a half’s worth of hugging in this one embrace, and I get the feeling that if it were an option, she’d never let me go again."
"Thank God you’re home," she whispers against my chest, her voice breaking with tears. "Thank God you’re alive."
"But I’ve spent the past seven months living in a country where the enemy blends in with the local population, so you’re never sure who you can trust."
"I’d rather be with my friends. I want to be with the people who know me best."
"It’s not one particular reason I can identify. I had his back. He had mine. Period."
"I didn’t do it to protect American freedom and I wasn’t inspired to action by the 9/11 terrorist attacks."
"The scent of roast beef greets me in the hallway, and I swear if Paige were standing naked in front of me, begging to get back together, I’d pass her by to get to the table."
"This never happened with Charlie. We talked about everything, from the philosophical to the ridiculous."
"I’m kind of turned on and I wish she weren’t leaving."
"The worst thing did happen—and I couldn’t stop it."
"The Morning Z is the perfect show because they don’t pretend to know everything when they’re talking about stuff, their guests aren’t lame, and they play more music."
"If you ever wanted to come talk about Afghanistan…"
"It’s been a long, strange night and I feel like I might be tired enough to sleep without pills."
"Charlie would know. In New York City, he said sweet things to girls that made them smile and go all soft-eyed."
"I’m dead and you’re seeing things that aren’t really there, and we have no one else to blame."
"The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
"The caption turns me into the poster boy for winning the hearts and minds of the local population, but it doesn’t talk about how the Taliban would spread flyers in the night threatening to kill the people if they helped us."
"That Marine is hard. That Marine is tough. That Marine is not crazy."
"I don’t want to sit in some counselor’s office every week and talk about how I feel."
"I roll up the magazine, tuck it into my back pocket, and walk out of the building."
"I’m not sure how I feel about her. But that’s probably because I just got laid and my brain is butter."
"You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life."
"I’ve slept all night. No insomnia. No nightmares. No pills. No Charlie."
"You don't have to buy my love. I'll kiss you for free anytime you want."
"I have nightmares that keep me up at night. You’re fucking welcome to those."
"I'm not sure she believes me, but she takes a whole key lime pie—my favorite—from the fridge and cuts it into wedges."
"How do you tell your best friend’s mother that everything you could do wasn’t enough?"
"If you want to keep pretending he’s a stand-up guy, be my guest. But don’t expect me to do the same."
"I was the only one who knew. He was rubber that way."
"You’re a shithead, Travis. And I’m stupid for thinking you could possibly feel the same way about me as I do about you."
"Your path is your own and you had to follow it."
"I don’t know if this will hurt, but I suspect your pain threshold is high enough that it won’t."
"There is no one in this world your mother loves more than you."
"I love tattoos that have some originality behind them."
"I turned it into a game, trying to find the best and most useful things."
"Just talking to a therapist doesn’t make it magically disappear."
"I’m not sure that’s true, but I like him a lot."