
Private London Quotes

Private London by James Patterson

"You’ll love it. It tastes just like an angel’s tears in a glass."
"That’s what you pay the good money for, sweetheart!"
"Make a birthday wish on your first champagne."
"Daddy said to make it up to you for missing breakfast."
"Your husband did this to you, not me. He wouldn’t pay the ransom."
"The world is charged with the wonder of God. It will flame out, like shining from shook foil."
"Cherish her, Mister Carter. There is nothing in life more precious than your mother."
"The dawn does come. Eventually it always does come."
"London is the greatest city in the world and don’t let anyone tell you different."
"We weren’t constrained by the same rules and regulations that restricted our uniformed counterparts."
"Trust me, babe. They are not getting away with this!"
"If you leap too early to conclusions … you can end up landing on your arse!"
"One thing I learned really early on in this game, detective, is – if you leap too early to conclusions …"
"Maybe you want to think about doing some exercise."
"Could be an illegal immigrant. Could be she died from natural causes but whoever brought her in couldn’t afford to deal with her death through the official channels."
"She looks Middle Eastern to me. Egyptian, perhaps. Jewish?"
"If it wasn’t murder … why wrap the body up and hide it away like this?"
"These animals who have taken my daughter. If anything goes wrong on this train journey… I want you to track them down and slaughter them."
"If they detonate any explosive device on a London Underground train they will have the full and focused attention of the national police forces bearing down on them."
"She was offering executive bed baths in the hospital she was working at, apparently. The ward sister didn’t approve."
"They are terrorists, Mister Carter. I don’t believe logic is the driving force here."
"If I could change events in time I would gladly have taken her place. Do you understand me?"
"You were told not to speak to the police and you were told what the consequences would be if you did so."
"Prostitution is, yes. Ironic, isn't it? Romania is listed as one of the biggest sources of human trafficking in the world."
"They took my dad, Mister Carter. They've taken him."
"People were still pouring out of the train, heading for the eastbound platform of the Jubilee Line."
"Whatever this was... I'm guessing it wasn't an accident."
"It's like that old guy from Greek legend, you know?... He had to roll this huge rock up a big hill and, before he could reach the top, it would roll all the way back down and he had to start all over again."
"No one sees the major. Not if he doesn't want to be seen."
"He used to come to my room, Mister Carter. At night. We had to comfort each other, he said. There were just the two of us now... And he hurt me."
"The streets of London could certainly get cold. Cold enough to kill."
"The past wasn't just another country, as another novelist once said. You can travel to another country but the past is a whole different life."
"People resort to what you call terrorism when they have no other choice."
"Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French."
"It's what cults did, it was what oppressive regimes did. Break down a person's personality, their individuality and mould them into becoming part of a machine."
"We're here twenty-four seven till we get the scientist home."
"Some people don't deserve to live, it's as simple as that."
"Once you have had the power of life and death … well, it wasn't hard to do what I did."
"Justice as far as the law was concerned was a matter of science. But people weren't machines."
"That's the trouble with lies – they can run away with you."