
Spy Glass Quotes

Spy Glass by Maria V. Snyder

"For sand’s sake, Opal, what are you doing in there?"
"I’m not moping." My voice whined. Not a good sign.
"Stop wallowing in the past. What’s done is done. Focus on the future."
"I’m your mother. I see all. Hear all. Know all."
"My gaze swept the long wooden table filled with paper, swatches of fabric, lace, sequins, sewing patterns and half-completed decorations."
"He caught me staring. He smiled. 'Relax, Opal. I’m not here on official duty.'"
"I had to face it. I couldn’t make this decision alone."
"Without my glass magic, I felt as if a chunk of my soul had been sliced off."
"Weaving through the busy downtown quarter, I searched for a reputable inn."
"I wondered if fate kept sending me here so I could… What? Could get it right?"
"I survived it. Endured by realizing my friends and family can always be trusted no matter what."
"We didn’t have time. Everything was so chaotic."
"I impressed her with my amazing filing skills. I can alphabetize in seconds."
"Besides, I’m temporary. Once we have the right people in place, we can all go back to normal."
"Your experiences have made you stronger and more confident."
"I’m not a threat to Tama, so it’s still none of your business."
"Is there a point to this conversation? Otherwise, you’re wasting my time."
"Excuse me?" I grabbed the handles of my sais.
"You destroyed the entire communications network in Sitia."
"You see it as moving dirt. I see it as a worthy project. A way to help atone for my misdeeds."
"Just because you have lost your magic doesn’t mean you are no longer valuable."
"Being able to work undercover and hide your intentions and emotions doesn’t happen overnight."
"You’re better than that, Opal. You should be—"
"The goal was to enter and leave without being seen."
"Everything I learned to spot, I learned to hide."
"Repetition was the key. Eventually, my body stilled and I could think and strategize without panicking."
"Of course I miss her. She’s in Ixia with the Commander while I’m here."
"No amount of time or distance can break us apart."
"You’re making excellent progress. And I must confess I have ulterior motives."
"But that also means I hate you, too. It’s part of being in a family."
"A creature of power and energy, she flew over the hurdles with ease."
"If I could learn how to lie with conviction, Devlen could, as well."
"The cold’s the reason. Her husband warmed himself in another woman’s bed."
"Sunlight. Or rather the lack of sunlight. It turns everything gray."
"Stay away from me or you’ll end up like her."
"No, I’m not. Your own selfish actions led you here."
"Take responsibility for your own actions, Ulrick. Admit your mistakes and make amends."
"I’m smart enough to avoid the lure of blood magic."
"I’d rather die than be in this hell for the rest of my life."
"Your immunity seems to be different than mine. I can’t move magic."
"Despite his claims, Finn’s not doing this for the money, Opal."
"My name is Walker Vasko Cloud Mist the Second. Expect my challenge."
"You’re cute when you’re trying to be haughty, Puppy Dog."
"The heat from the kiln wrapped me in warmth."
"Glass had to cool slowly or the finished piece would crack."
"My plan is to knock him down so he can’t get up and chase me when I git."
"The best way to navigate the various stores and craftsmen was to hire a Helper’s Guild member."
"I hadn’t even hesitated to use the move on Puppy Dog or the guard in the prison, and I had felt no remorse."
"The sheer density of them packed together overwhelmed me."
"The stronger the desire to find a certain book the more it guaranteed a failed effort."
"But I missed Kade. We had so little time together."
"Hiring them also kept the poor and homeless children fed and clothed."
"I knew it was my only chance to get my powers back."
"Magic had soaked into the tomes, giving them an essence."
"The Commander of Ixia has only found two in twenty years of mining."
"Our mother told us not to tell anyone our clan name."
"You’ve gotten quite the reputation out here."
"As my father would say, only one way to find out."
"I have to think about it and talk to Leif. In the meantime, please consider Mother’s advice."
"MAGIC DETECTOR? HARD TO BELIEVE AND EVEN harder to wrap my head around."
"You’ve done so much for us. Did you really think we would do anything without consulting you first?"
""Don’t promise," she said. Moisture glistened in her eyes. "You can’t control fate. If she wants you, you can’t stop her."
""Is there anything I can do?" I opened my mouth to decline her offer, but I realized she had become a trustworthy friend."
"Unless the thief’s teacher happened to be Valek, who delighted in climbing up sheer walls."
"Damned expensive, but worth every piece of gold."
"You can't harm me with your magic. Or, more accurately, our magic."
"I realized I had grabbed too much just like Teegan."
"No one bothers us with their petty political wrangling and backstabbing. It’s paradise."
"I will fix it. And I’m going to need your help."
"My magic sticks to the glass, but that’s it."
"You outnumber the guards and he’s the only one with magic."
"A few people won’t work anyway. Everyone needs to be committed. If the entire clan attacks at a prearranged time, it would be hard to counter."
"Because, if you think fighting back now is too hard, if I use my magic to send for help, you will have no chance at all."
"I realized dashing off to help others wasn’t a distraction from my purpose. It was my purpose."
"Despite my mind’s frantic screams, my body complied."
"I can’t exist without you, so killing Galen is not an option. I would rather lose you to the Stormdancer than lose you to the sky."
"Waiting and trusting others are not your best qualities."
"It would be best if he wasn’t walking around the compound until nightfall. Going between buildings is okay as long as he’s busy with a specific task."
"Sunlight sparked from the blue-green waters of the sea."
"My heart ached when I thought of Kade. I still cared for him, but the fire had died."
"Until I’m certain the Bloodroses won’t do anything stupid, you’re to stay with me at all times unless I say otherwise."
"You can endure. I pretended I was lying with my boyfriend when Walsh ordered me to his bed."
"I offer my heart, entrust my soul and give my life to you."
"Better now that I know I’m not legally married to Galen, but if I’m forced to reveal your identities and harm you then I’ll be sick."
"Magic is very literal. Devlen had given me his life. I was following orders."
"Good. I think it’s time to consummate our nuptials. You will get pleasure from everything I do to you even if it hurts. Consider it a wedding gift."
"This isn’t about murder. It’s about justice."