
American Savages Quotes

American Savages by J.J. McAvoy

"You are a disappointment, Melody. And not just that but you’re embarrassing me and your goddamn self."
"A helping hand is a selfish one. If you can’t save yourself, you have no right to be saved."
"Let it go. She wasn’t there for you as a boy, I know, but let it go and love her more for the fact that she desperately wants to be there for you now. You’re never too old for a mother."
"Family is the only safe haven we have from this life."
"If I disregarded the husky, deep, and howling voices around me, I was able to find silence in my new six-by-eight stone and steel cell."
"Everyone was looking for a reaction, just to be noticed."
"I wasn’t going to lower myself to their incompetence…I had people for that."
"This place was nothing much, just steel, brick, and orange jump suits."
"This is going to be a long three minutes. You should have just let me go."
"Doubting is a sign that you're at the finish line. You've been fighting for months and you're at the end. Stop thinking about it, we will push through this and come out at the other end whole. We always do."
"You are as coldhearted and as manipulative as your fucking mother."
"I want to see Ethan again but after Olivia left, she never came back in."
"I hear the door open, and the clicking of heels along the ground, and the hope in me built up as I fought with myself to not turn around. It wasn't her. It was never her. There was no point in turning back."
"She’s a fighter, always has been, always will be. She isn’t some weak abused Stepford wife that allows her husband to take advantage of her."
"The police department is tired of doing its job. Which means they were too tired to find Mrs. Callahan."
"They wanted to go back to the donuts and coffee. Who cares if an innocent man rots in prison? They’re tired!"
"Either way, I’m done. If I knew marrying you—"
"I thought about everything I would say to you when you got back. And all I can think of saying is I’m done."
"She’s the only woman I want scream at and make love to at the same time."
"I’m not sure if that is the luckiest or unluckiest thing I have ever heard."
"I just acted…I needed her back, our son needed her."
"Our lives were drastically uprooted. The media, you, have a responsibility, a duty, to find truth, not to entertain."
"I saw firsthand how broken the system really is."
"Right now, we just want to focus on our family."
"Five months is not even a grain of sand compared to the beach you have collected."
"I love you so much, Ma, but this is not the fight you want to have because believe me, you will lose and you will lose badly."
"I know how much you suffered, and I couldn’t help you. But you’re right. You’re so right."
"Mommy has to go teach a few people a lesson, but I will be back."
"The little guy has an entire day of painting with grandma ahead of him."
"Around the same time I became a mother. One day Ethan will say something about me and I’ll want to know."
"Seeing as you just got out of jail, and I just came out of—"
"It’s been an off two years, but we’re making up for it now, aren’t we?"
"You’re right, but the suspense is killing me."
"Your brother’s wife wants to raise our son. The only reason I haven’t killed her is because her father is the President and we don’t need any more bad press."
"What do you think she values more than her life?"
"My father used to say ‘an apology isn’t an apology until you get a gift.’"
"You know what separates man from beast? Our thumbs."
"You, as my wife, anticipated my needs without having to ask or be asked. I, as your husband, wish to do the same."
"We’re at war, Mel. We’ve taken things slow to repair as much as possible."
"Do I look like I give a fuck? As long as the President isn’t involved, then he still has three years."
"We built you, and if you think we didn’t install a self-destruct button, you are sorely mistaken."
"We weren’t wasting time, simply because we didn’t have any more time to waste."
"I leave you for a few minutes and you’re already picking up strays."
"You look like the man that mothers warn their children about."
"What else can we do when a stick is placed in our hands and a hornet's nest is kicked into our face?"
"I am as much of his blood as I am yours. You’re just too arrogant and cold blooded to get it."
"We fly in the darkness, where people are afraid to look."
"All work and no play is not healthy for us Irish, and it’s considered a sin for you Italians."
"Well, I didn’t like your ass either and I’m tempted to hang up now."
"You're the only person in this family that…that treats me normally. Declan is Liam’s guy. Dad’s favorite is Liam. Mom loves me, but she would never pick. I just need someone for a goddamn second to be in my bloody corner! Just one person."
"There is more than one way to hurt a woman, Neal."
"Thank you, Coraline. For what? This conversation never happened."
"The moment this is all over, Sedric and I will be going back to Ireland for a while."
"You remind me of myself when I first had Neal."
"You’re going to leave marks if you keep at it."
"You will wake up, and for a moment you will forget that he is gone, and just when you’re about to smile, it will hit you. A song will play, or you will eat his favorite food, drink his favorite brandy, go to his favorite place, and the pain will rip through you, but you will have to deal with it. We have to; we are going to hold this family together because without us, everything falls apart. Everything he worked for and gave his life for will be meaningless, and if that happens, then Sedric would’ve died for nothing."
"You have tonight," she said stoically. "That’s it, one night. You can cry, you can scream, you can curse God. But when the sun comes up, you need to get your shit together, Liam, because that is the price of being the boss. We don’t get to grieve with them. We do not get to lie in bed all day, we do not get to worry about the ifs, ands, and buts."
"Sedric is dead. He’s not coming back, and neither you nor I have the power to change that. You will wake up, and for a moment you will forget that he is gone, and just when you’re about to smile, it will hit you."
"Every year your father wrote you all a new letter just in case. I asked him to keep the old ones but he would burn those. His feelings and thoughts changed each year, and he wanted you to have the last, and best, version."
"Remember your wife and son, and the lives that you want them to have. But all of that happens after you take care of Avian. Wipe that motherfucker off the face of the Earth and then make sure that nothing like this ever happens again."
"This house, hell this damn country, may be under the impression that you run things, but we both know that you are not even capable of thinking for yourself."
"I do not give a damn about the people," he said emotionlessly. "I care about order, about balance, about the damn republic."
"I’m restoring order, and I shall not stop until they are gone…down to that little half-cast child of theirs."
"Have fun at lunch," I said to him as he moved around me and out the door. "I plan on it," he replied.
"I don’t give a fuck. I’m not burying another one of you, nor do I want you to fuck up my plan. Let’s go."
"My name is Liam Callahan, you killed my father….and, well, I think death is too good for you."
"Do you think you’re better than me?" I asked her as I flipped through my phone.
"Replace you? No. Why would I want to do that?"
"Knowing you was the best gift he ever gave me."
"We aren’t going to win this one, Liam," the words came from my mouth and never in all of my life had I felt like such a failure.
"You kill for family. You die for family because you can’t trust anyone else."
"Just because you sell drugs for a living isn’t an excuse not to dress well."
"Money is money. If you can’t make it, then take it."
"A secret is only a secret if one person knows it."
"Never forget where we came from and how much we sacrificed to get here."
"Family is family even when you wished they weren’t."
"Love your wife above all else…after all, she is the one who can either keep you warm at night or make sure you never wake up."
"Never cheat. Affairs destroy the family. No face or body is worth it."
"We are Callahans, if anyone ever disrespects us, don’t just end them, end everything they have ever cared about both past and present. Make them the example as to what happens when you fuck with the wrong family."