
Beautifully Cruel Quotes

Beautifully Cruel by J.T. Geissinger

"You can try to dress up a lion all you want, but it’ll still be obvious that he’s king of the jungle."
"Life is unfairly hard for introverts. Something as common as interacting with another breathing human can knock us off kilter for days."
"If I didn’t have to work for a living, I’d never leave my apartment."
"I find this collection of ink interesting and mysterious, like him."
"If you tell me next that your favorite ice cream flavor is pistachio, we’re probably destined to be together forever."
"Despite my promise to myself, I have to know more."
"I suppose it should strike me as odd that someone like him might take an interest in someone like me, but I get the feeling he’s the kind of man who notices things other people don’t."
"I might be an introvert, but I’ve got a temper, and I hold a grudge like nobody’s business."
"Wolves might mate for life, but they’re still dangerous wild animals."
"I’m not delirious," I say, enjoying the feel of him touching me way too much. "I’m a little loopy from whatever they’re pumping into me from that bag, but my brain is mostly working. Like ninety percent."
"You’re beautiful, wolfie. Has anyone ever told you that?"
"I’m not afraid of you," he says, his dark eyes turning coal black. "I’m afraid for you. For all the ways I should scare you but don’t."
"I dream I’m running through a dense forest at night. Moonlight streams down through the boughs of tall trees, dappling the forest floor ghostly white between patches of dark undergrowth."
"All is silent except the howls, the sound of my labored breath, the thud of my feet pounding against the earth, and the dry crunch of dead leaves."
"I’m naked but unashamed, my body more comfortable than if constrained by clothing, my mind as free as the wind."
"I wouldn’t be good for you," he says, his tone soft. "I don’t lead a normal life."
"I hate guns," he says instantly, his voice hard.
"I’m only helpless when my nail polish is wet, and even then I can still pull a trigger."
"Either he’s suffering from a serious case of resting bitch face, or he doesn’t like me."
"I can’t help it that our makeup sex is so—holy shit!"
"I’ve always been a bruiser. It’s this pasty skin."
"I’m not judging. My point is that this guy is crazy hot, has impeccable manners, brings you food, and is probably related to the royal family."
"She’s a lioness. Even without opening her mouth, I heard her roar."
"But she was about to get shot—or worse—and she fought back."
"What do you do when you have to decide between two impossible choices?"
"Locking the front door to her apartment behind me is even harder."
"I doubt the supreme being gives a hoot about what people ink into their skin. If he does, I’m not interested in getting into heaven."
"You’re under the protection of Liam Black now. That’s what’s going on."
"Falling in love is a luxury I don’t allow myself."
"He’s got so much pussy, it’s falling out of his pockets."
"Your hottie Irishman is the guy you have the best sex of your life with, then move on. Guys like him aren’t built for the long haul."
"I’ve always felt safe with him. In fact, I believe he’d risk his own life to keep me from harm."
"Ultimately, it comes down to logic versus hormones."
"If I believe he’s a danger to me in any way, I shouldn’t go through with it."
"I’m not interested in a rich husband, but I am interested in helping people who can’t afford decent legal representation."
"I think a person who would do that to a child has done much worse things that no one knows about."
"You think what I did to him is justice for what he did to me?"
"You want to play a game? It’s called ‘See Who Breaks First.’ Spoiler alert: you’ll lose."
"Let’s call this game Break Together so it can be a win-win."
"He was like another one of the kids, always inventing new games for us to play. He has the best imagination. And he’s the only person I’ve ever met who lives fully in the present."
"Because I need you," comes the hard response. "And if I can’t have you one way, I’m damn sure going to have you the other."
"Life is short, Truvy. Shorter than you think it will be. You can’t put things on hold too long, or it might be too late."
"Honor. Without his honor, a man might as well be dead."
"When it’s too late for revenge, justice has to take other directions."
"If there was a way, I’d find it. There’s no way out for me, you understand? This thing we’re doing…you have no idea what it’s costing me to be away, what I had to arrange—"
"What it’s costing you?" I interrupt loudly. Heat creeps up my neck. My pulse is flying. "How about what it’s costing me?"
"That quote you told me at the restaurant, about how freedom for wolves often meant death to the sheep…"
"It’s almost like fate had this in mind all along."
"He wasn’t an attorney. He never even graduated from college. He was just a good ol’ boy with no money and a recreational drug problem who got on the wrong side of a very powerful man."
"But of course, the judge had all kinds of buddies in law enforcement and politics. The accusation went nowhere."
"My definition of revenge only covers property damage and career choices."
"I’m so disappointed in myself that I find that romantic."
"Who are you kidding?" I whisper to my tear-stained reflection. "Not me."
"I’m guessing you lot were the ones who packed all my stuff up and took it over to Liam’s place a few weeks ago, am I right?"
"Stop it already. Marriage is an institution built on white lies and denial."
"You’re a child who’s confusing sex with love. Grow up."
"Oh, yeah, I can tell. That weepy face has hate written all over it."
"Hullo, queen bee," he whispers gruffly into my ear.
"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?"
"The ticket and passport are both under the name Ruby Diamond. Mrs. Ruby Diamond to be exact."
"It’s just that I don’t know how soon the FBI will be arriving, and I want to make sure I try to fit a lifetime worth of lovemaking into whatever time we have left."
"Having an identical twin can be incredibly convenient for that sort of thing."
"You should hear him do an Australian accent. He sounds just like Crocodile Dundee."
"What’s happening is that we’re here, we’re safe, and you love me. Everything other than that can wait."
"We shouldn’t have. That’s what all the doctors said."
"The problem with the kind of snake we’re chasing is that every time you cut off one head, another one grows in its place."
"So what happens now? You supposedly rot inside a prison cell forever but in reality you have to live the rest of your life in hiding?"
"Love isn’t a nightmare. It’s a miracle. A blessing."