
This Time Together: Laughter And Reflection Quotes

This Time Together: Laughter And Reflection by Carol Burnett

"It's always a little scary, because I'm working without a safety net. There are no 'plants' in the audience, because if the event feels pre-planned, it takes the fun out of it."
"Many years ago, in 1986, I wrote a memoir called One More Time, which was couched as a letter to my three daughters, telling them all about my growing up in a dysfunctional yet loving family."
"He spoke to me. I tried to explain this to Nanny. 'Nanny, I know that man.' 'What do you mean, you know him?' 'I just do. He’s my friend; we just haven’t met yet.'"
"That book didn’t take my life beyond age twenty-six. This time I’m emphasizing episodes and anecdotes that have brought me to the present time."
"I realized my usual nervousness had disappeared—no butterflies in my stomach anymore before going onstage—and it felt great."
"You snap your fingers until you get my attention, and when you do, you open your mouth and point to the back of your throat!"
"I thought, How nice of her to bring a treat for everyone. She then proceeded to eat the entire thing."
"He smiled and said he was glad to make my acquaintance. He shook my hand. He looked into my eyes. He seemed in no hurry to go to lunch."
"And dreams really can come true. But I’m getting ahead of myself …"
"All she needed was just a few days of bed rest and observation."
"I don’t see how anything that heavy can stay up in the air like that … it’s bound to fall down."
"There’s more room out there than there is in here!"
"Well, if the two of you think I’m going to fly six thousand miles round-trip every year to put flowers on your graves, you’re nuts!"
"Poor Louis—he thought 'twat' was the past tense of 'tweet.'"
"We’re not in the poorhouse, but it was obvious we had to do something."
"Tim’s dentist sketch with Harvey has to go down in television history as one of the funniest bits ever."
"If the audience doesn’t get it at first, he keeps on keeping on until they do."
"She was fearless, and I might add she was pretty good, too."
"What had started out as a dynamic duet was now pitifully petering out."
"Instead of explaining this to the lady and the audience, I decided to have some fun with her."
"I couldn’t shake off the wonderment I felt knowing that he knew who I was, and he was a fan to boot."
"This is between us. Don’t tell anybody else. Let’s just find him before the show!"
"It felt like the two of us had been separated at birth and were rediscovering each other on the playground, having a ball."
"I swore that on the very tail end of that bit of dialogue there was a genuine, honest-to-God clap of thunder that rattled the theater windows."
"She was a true dame in both the British sense and in the other (good) sense of the word—she’s down-to-earth, laughs loud and hard, and loves to play practical jokes."
"It takes you ten or twelve weeks to make a piece of crap, and it takes me just five days."
"I just couldn’t get the feeling that I belonged."
"Life can be so short … but also wonderful. Don’t you think so?"
"You will never see more feelingful insight, more self-effacing love for their quirks, foibles, and kindnesses from a director for his stage children, big and small."
"Every day I wake up and decide: today I'm going to love my life."
"One fervently hopes that the joy of such a true creation accompanied her on her final journey."
"I know absolutely nothing about computers, so please treat me as if I'm a three-year-old in a sandbox."