
Passion Quotes

Passion by Lauren Kate

"Can you believe it’s my first time at the tracks?"
"Our collaboration ended when your cohorts failed to retrieve the girl."
"No one cares about your organization these days."
"The Outcasts work for no one but themselves."
"She would still be lost in time. It was always her destiny."
"The time has come for me to take matters into my own hands."
"Your time on this endeavor is up. Do not dare to get in my way."
"You are an angel. I’ve died and gone to—Am I in Heaven?"
"You could fill a book with all the things you don’t know, girl."
"She must have shifted something to make all of this possible."
"I didn’t know a place like this existed. An in-between place."
"The Announcers are summoned to you based upon what’s going on in here."
"They’re kind of like little sharks, drawn by your deepest desires."
"It was exactly what I wanted to do, I just didn’t know I wanted it."
"Corn's a few feet tall, so I'd say it's probably midsummer."
"How you ever survived those other lifetimes without me ..."
"Your past self's family was rich. Filthy rich."
"A time-traveling intruder who knows not the ways of this high society."
"You're a scullery maid. Serving girl. Chamber-pot changer. It's really up to you."
"I need to see that he loves me, not just some idea of me because of some curse that he’s bound to. I need to feel like there’s something stronger keeping us together. Something real."
"You’re freaking soul mates. You two coined the phrase."
"He makes getting inked look like being caressed by a soft breeze."
"The whole way down, he’d known he would fail. Suicide was a mortal luxury not afforded to angels."
"He’d lain there for weeks, his body wedged in the dark emptiness between two vast boulders. Occasionally he’d come to, but his mind was so awash in misery that he wasn’t able to think about Lucinda. He wasn’t able to think about anything at all."
"Because you know I know how dangerous interference is. Our end goals may be different, but we both need her to make it out of this alive."
"Listen to me, Cam. Everything is at stake here."
"Don’t demean me. I know what’s at stake. You’re not the only one who’s already struggled for too long."
"I’m—I’m afraid," Daniel admitted. "If she too deeply alters the past—"
"It could change who she is when she returns to the present?" Cam said. "Yeah, I’m scared, too."
"Daniel eyed Cam. The two of them hadn’t spoken to each other like this—like brothers—in ages."
"I don’t mean the Announcers, you moron. I mean that she thinks this is just about the two of you. A stupid lovers’ quarrel."
"It is about the two of us." Daniel’s voice was strained.
"You’d better find her, before she—or someone else—steps in and rewrites our entire history."
"Breathing was overrated in a dress as amazing as this."
"You’ve circled the globe to find yourself in the Globe, milady."
"We’re practically standing in the center of all the greatest love stories ever written."
"What clothes are these? Where is your costume?"
"Good Lucinda, you must not find yourself in this place dressed as you are."
"The truth is that what I feel for you is deeper than adoration."
"Every time, she had to fall in love with him from scratch."
"Every single lifetime, I'll choose you. Just as you have always chosen me. Forever."
"I now reaffirm my choice: I choose Lucinda over everything. And I will until the end."
"Regardless of how you two may look on the outside, you'll always know each other's souls."
"Don’t worry. I promise, I’ll take care of you."
"That’s why I’m on this journey, that’s why I’m still alive."
"We can stay and fight other people’s battles or we can do as we have always done and choose each other over everything else."
"Whatever happens, I love you. Our love is worth everything to me."
"I will always find you, no matter what. No mortal man, no slab of stone can obstruct a love as true as ours."
"I’ll love you with all my heart, in every life, through every death. I will not be bound by anything but my love for you."
"One day, our love will conquer this dark cycle. That’s worth everything to me."
"I will wait for you as long as it takes. I will love you every moment across time."
"I've seen it. I do know. And it has nothing to do with you."
"I love Daniel. I always will. And it has nothing to do with you."
"Everything you see here is everything there is to see."
"It's about to be a tabula rasa. I've grown tired of this game."
"It means I’m going back to the beginning. To the Fall. To all of us being cast out of Heaven because we dared to exercise free will. I’m talking about the first great injustice."
"Nine days by some accounts, but it seemed an eternity to those of us cast out."
"We will be once more starting at the beginning. Because the Fall is the beginning. It isn’t a part of history; it is when history begins."
"No matter how many times you wipe the slate clean, it won’t change a thing."
"First of all, Daniel and Cam will be brothers again, just as they were in the early days after the Fall."
"With respect, I will not do this. I will not choose Lucifer’s side, and I will not choose the side of Heaven."
"All that is good in Heaven and on Earth is born of love. This war is not just. This war is not good. Love is the only thing worth fighting for."
"My soul is old, but my heart is young. I cannot be other than what I am, and I am the choices of all my days. I stand by them."
"If one day her soul comes into being without the weight of sacrament having chosen a side for her, then she shall be free to grow and choose for herself."
"At last. I found you. I will never let you go."
"We’re in this together, then? All of us?" "Always."