
Sweet As Sin Quotes

Sweet As Sin by J.T. Geissinger

"I've wandered and hungered and waited for you, I've prayed on my knees to find something true."
"My heart black as midnight on hell's darkest shore, yearning for something, or someone, before."
"It's too late and I'm damned to this place of silence, and madness, and endless deep space."
"And now that you've found me and claimed me for yours, you're taking me deeper than I've ever been before."
"Soul deep. Deeper than I've ever been before."
"You lie for shit, woman. It has everything to do with me. You know it. I know it."
"Every cell in my body was aware of him, of his heat and weight, the wind-clean scent of his skin, the glow of the lights on his hair."
"You're taking me deeper than I've ever been before. Soul deep."
"Meaning I know which of your heads is making all the decisions. Because I’m sure your brain would be reminding you right about now that you have a girlfriend."
"One thing you should know about me, Kat. I’m no angel. I’ve been runnin’ wild since I was seventeen. But I’m not a fuckin’ liar."
"I don’t tell a woman she’s mine and then mess around behind her back."
"A race of giant walking penises with peanut brains. Or small penises with giant peanut brains."
"Did you know that dressing up like animals is a thing?"
"Because I wanna get to know her. Because I think she’s beautiful, interesting, and sexy as fuck, and that laugh of hers knocks me on my ass."
"The way my dick gets hard just looking at you. The way you get wet when I touch you."
"But in another one and a half dates, you’re mine, Kat. All mine. For good."
"I’ve got your number now. Lady on the street, freak in the bedroom, hmm?"
"Less a sore spot, and more a gaping, bloody wound."
"Sometimes, when things get really bad, I just remind myself that life is a boot camp. We all start out soft, weak. And then we’re tested. Over and over. It’s hard. It’s painful. At the end of it—if you survive, if you don’t give up—you’re tough. You’ve earned your stripes. And you get to graduate to the next level."
"You don’t graduate if you give up! She’d been angry with me, her words a brittle rasp in the silence of the barren hospice room as she lay gray and wasted on the narrow bed, struggling for breath. Never quit, Katherine, no matter how much you might want to. Never, ever give in."
"So I just focus on not giving up. It’s really the only thing I have control over."
"Crème brûlée. Tough on the outside, layer of hard-ass sugar. But on the inside, you’re all soft and creamy sweet."
"If you feel threatened, this is the number to the station. Officer Cox and I patrol this area and can usually be here within fifteen minutes."
"He flew the mariachis in, Chloe. Do you have any idea what a logistical nightmare that must’ve been, putting that together in one day? And the cost? All for a woman Nico’s known for two weeks?"
"You think I fly in the best mariachi band from Mexico for every crazy broad I know? You think I regularly buy jewelry for women I haven’t even fucked? You think I’d stand here in the street with that old lady glarin’ daggers at my back, lettin’ you cross-examine me, if I didn’t think you were the girl of my dreams?"
"I wasn’t kidding before, Kat, when I said no other man got to have you. That especially includes seeing you naked."
"You’re my favorite toy, baby. And I’m yours. So that makes us even."
"I wasn’t playin’ when I said we’re gonna have trust, Kat. It might not always be pretty. But it is always gonna be real."
"Every single person I’ve ever brought here goes apeshit over this place, but I fuckin’ hate it."
"My life’s not perfect, but it is what it is. I accepted it a long time ago, that everything good comes with a price. Happiness. Freedom. Success. Nothin’s for free."
"Fallin’ in love because you don’t know any better . . . or fallin’ in love, knowin’ it’s gonna ruin you, knowin’ it’s gonna rip out your fuckin’ heart and smash you into a million little pieces, but doin’ it anyway, because you’d rather pay the price and be ripped and smashed forever than never get a taste of it at all?"
"You’re gonna come for me. And when you do, you’re gonna be mine, baby. No other man can touch you. No other man gets that smile, those eyes, that laugh. You’re gonna give it all to me, and me alone."
"Got our first fight outta the way. Now we don’t ever have to do it again."
"Never gonna forget a single day, baby. Good and bad, they all add up to the story of us. I’m gonna take every one and cherish it, come what may."
"It’s me and you against the world, baby. One day at a time."
"Jesus Christ. Where do you find women like that? The ninety-nine-cent section of hell?"
"You did not just come all over my cock, give me everything I been wantin’ you to give, tell me you’re fallin’ in love with me, and then say you need space. Tell me I didn’t just hear that."
"You were never my lady. Or probably anyone else’s lady. More like the village bicycle."
"If you admit you don’t hate me and tell me the truth about how you really feel."
"I’m scared as shit. I’ve never felt anything like this before, and I’m pretty sure you could break me."
"I recognized it like you recognize the face of an old friend you haven’t seen in many years, but could never forget."
"Only in a storybook does a tale like Nico and Avery’s have a happy ending."
"You can’t run away from what we have and keep on breathin’! This ends, it’ll kill us both!"
"Every fuckin’ time things go sideways, all you wanna do is run!"
"I love you, Nico. No matter what happens, I’ll always love you. Do you believe that?"
"It’s not, Kat! You don’t run away from what we have and keep on breathin’! This ends, it’ll kill us both!"
"I love you. I will always love you. I belong to you, no matter what."
"Burning and flying and unexpected freedom, that last, breathless moment at the top of a roller coaster before you throw both your hands up in the air and let loose a thrilled scream as you begin the weightless drop."
"I'll be yours for as long as both our hearts are beating."
"Worship you, cherish you, love you more than anything on this earth."
"One of the worst days can also somehow be one of the best days."
"But the real cookie's your heart, baby. That's the cookie I always wanted."
"Everything eventually ends. We all eventually die. That's why every day we have is so special."
"You're the most beautiful girl in the world, Peony. Don't forget it."
"Just because I’m a babe doesn’t mean I’m dumb!"
"When a fight's over, it's over. No hangin' on to it. No rehashin.' No dredgin' it up in the future."
"Which consequently meant that Nico’s tendency to be overprotective exploded into a state of full-blown paranoia."
""No way, baby. You’re not leavin’ this house until we know what we’re dealin’ with. I’m not takin’ a chance with your safety.""
""It’s already been over a week, and I’ve missed way too much work. Besides, it’s not like he’s going to do anything to hurt me, he’s just a weird peeping—""
""We don’t know that, Kat. We don’t know what his motivation is for anything.""
""You’re safe as long as you’re with me, baby. So work is gonna have to wait for a few more days until I can find out where my brother is and deal with this shit.""
""And if I screwed her over, the word that I was unreliable would travel fast. She’d referred me to dozens of her friends, many of them celebrities. I couldn’t flake. Not today.""
""This is ridiculous, Nico. Your brother hasn’t threatened me. I know you think he’s up to something, but I can’t live my life around what-ifs.""
""Nice try," said Nico sourly. "But drug dealers don’t take vacations.""
""You’re scaring me with all this. What don’t I know about Michael that makes you so concerned for my safety?""
""Other than that he’s a drug dealer, and they’re not exactly known for their compassion and reliability?""
""You’re not to be out of his sight, understood? Not even for a minute.""
""Because he’s damaged, Kat." His voice darkened. "And damaged people are dangerous.""
""Noon." The way he said it was both warning and promise."
""I’m proud you’re such a hard worker and so responsible.""
""And it never occurred to you that I might want all this ugly, fucked-up information before I agreed to marry you?""
""Blacks and whites don’t exist in my world, Kat. Everything is shades of gray.""
""I’d spend the rest of my life in prison if I knew it meant you’d be safe.""
""You don’t need to hear every ugly detail, Kat. I don’t want you carryin’ that shit around in your head like I do. Just trust me when I say you have to stay away from him. Understand?""
""Every single one of them is inside that house.""
"No second thoughts? Not regrettin’ meetin’ me?"
"You’re quiet," I said, squeezing Nico’s hand.
"I’m okay. As well as can be expected under the circumstances, I guess."
"I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that," I muttered.
"I have to admit," said Grace, leaning over the sink and staring into the mirror while applying lipstick, "watching Bad Habit play live has given me a much better understanding of how people become enamored with musicians."
"Puh!" Grace waved her hand. "Thanks for the offer, Eric, but I won’t have you following us around and ruining my chances of finding a hot roadie I can do the nasty with tonight and never see again."
"I’m pretty sure you’d scare the crap out of Prince Charming," Chloe said, smiling.
"Scream and I’ll make you regret it," he snapped.
"I loved her. I was in love with her. And she loved me."
"I don’t love you! I never did, all right? Stop being such a child!"
"Don’t bother. I usually pay my whores a lot less, but you earned it. That was the biggest mind fuck of all time."
"Don’t let something awful someone does to you make you feel like you don’t deserve love, she’d said in the video, staring straight into the camera, her blue eyes fierce with unshed tears. Don’t take that on yourself, like I did. Don’t let the bad guys win."
"The scar was already kick-ass. I felt like I’d done battle with a saber-toothed tiger and won."
"You mean in between sticking your dick in every available hole?"
"I’m only sorry for all the attention it’s brought us. I know how much you hate that shit."
"God’s honest truth, baby. I’m the luckiest man alive."
"Speaking of which . . . we never did take one of those baths you told me you liked so much."
"Because if this morning is any indication, we’re going to need as much help as we can get."
"You’re wearing Monique Lhuillier when you walk down that aisle, Kitty Kat, or nothing at all!"
"Getting married in velour sweatpants was starting to sound like a fabulous idea."