
Trojan Odyssey Quotes

Trojan Odyssey by Clive Cussler

"Long hailed as the grand master of adventure fiction, Clive Cussler has continued to astound with the intricate plotting and astonishing set pieces of his novels."
"If Summer's discovery is to be believed, the world as we know it is already a very different place."
"It was a setup, created with simplicity and an acute insight into human curiosity."
"The ugly monstrosity stood twenty feet high on four stout wooden legs propped on a flat platform."
"A brown tide is infesting the ocean off the shore of Nicaragua."
"For there is an all-too-human evil at work in that part of the world, and the tide is only a byproduct of its plan."
"Summer loved the sea and diving through its void. Every dive was a new adventure through an unknown world."
"She sensed a spiritual sensation. It was as if she was flying over a haunted graveyard whose inhabitants were speaking to her from the past."
"The first brown crud invasion warning had been sounded by a commercial diver working off Jamaica in 2002."
"The crud on Navidad Bank was far more toxic. She began to find dead starfish, and shellfish such as shrimp and lobster."
"We'll wait another three hours. I do not wish to harm the image of Ocean Wanderer with stories of a mass flight the news media will blow out of proportion and compare to the abandonment of a sinking ship."
"As he walked—actually, more of a waddle—he looked like a pregnant bullfrog in search of a swamp."
"Not to worry, Summer and I will be snug as bugs in a rug in our little shack down in coral gulch."
"Like a fox to its lair," she said, cocksure. "Besides, you always enjoy seeing different species of fish on a night dive that you can't see during the day."
"Because the more I think about it, I believe there is a greater mystery than the urn waiting to be found inside the cave."
"With Summer in the lead, they dropped out of the entry lock, checked each other's equipment and then moved into the sea that was as black as deep space."
"The stars were cloaked by ominous clouds, the precursors of the vicious storm soon to come."
"There was nothing sinister about the silent sea beneath the surface at night."
"Curious fish were attracted by the dive lights and came out of their coral hiding places to study the unfamiliar and awkward swimming creatures."
"Summer finned through the coral canyons as if she was following a road map."
"Their lights threw eerie, flickering shadows against the distorted coral whose surface varied from jagged sharpness to round and globular."
"Becoming lost in a cave system is the number one cause of cave-diving fatalities. Mistakes prove deadly."
"To Dirk, the complex hues and shapes took on the look of a continuous abstract painting."
"Her skin and the nape of her neck suddenly tingled with expectation."
"The interior of the big cauldron was filled almost to the top with jumbled, intermingled but still recognizable artifacts."
"Most of the time, the oceans appear to be at rest."
"Sailors could fall asleep in their berths with clear skies and calm seas and wake up to a frenzied sea that quickly swept over thousands of square miles, engulfing every vessel in its path."
"It's either a freak of nature or an ancient man-made vault," Summer murmured in awe.
"The concierge nodded. 'We understand. Once the water flooded into the lower levels the ballast tanks could not keep the hotel afloat and the waves would bash her to pieces on the rocks.'"
"We'll never make it back to Miami," said Boozer, studying a navigation chart.
"He stared at Barnum and was amazed to see a smile, perhaps a grim smile, but a smile nonetheless, on the captain's face. My God, Maverick thought, the man is actually enjoying himself."
"If we don't hear from me again," said Morton, finally turning and staring through a wall of water outside, "you'll know the worst has happened."
"Dirk Pitt's face became as hard as granite. 'We're not running on any rocks.'"
"Their shocked minds could not grasp the immensity of it all. Everyone hoped and prayed the next wave would be smaller, but it was not to be."
"No one got off with less than cuts and bruises. The injuries on Delbert and Morris are serious, but no one is critical."