
Uncommon Criminals Quotes

Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter

"No one visits Moscow in February just for fun."
"Altogether, there were at least a half dozen jobs that could come next, and Kat’s thoughts wandered through them like a maze."
"Civilization is not made out of sand—it’s out of blood."
"My parents were discredited and penniless—the laughingstock of the archaeological world."
"Sometimes boys are far easier to deal with when they’re on the other side of the world."
"We either need a young guy for you to impersonate or an old guy to do the impersonating!"
"It's the greatest asset this company has, and all it's done in thirty years is collect dust."
"If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were casing that joint."
"I should probably warn you that Oliver Kelly isn’t messing around."
"I don’t like it, Kat, but I think…I think I’ve got to try."
"Together, the two of them turned to Gabrielle, who plopped onto a park bench and crossed her legs."
"The stone arrives Thursday from Switzerland via private charter."
"I’m telling you, if we had a month and a big crew…maybe."
"Whatever you do, Kat, just do not say we’re gonna need a forger."
"Don’t ever set up an observation post on a water tower."
"Romani is running this one, Kat," Hale said, his voice low and soft. "He wasn’t at first, but he put that card in your pocket, so he’s running things now. And now we get the Cleopatra back."
"You’re the genius, Kat. Surely you can think of someone."
"Tired people manage to sleep on private jets with very little difficulty or discomfort."
"She had to entertain the notion that she was simply losing her touch."
"Walking down the street that day, Lyon didn’t seem like the second largest city in France."
"As far as I know, the world’s best criminal database is inside of Uncle Eddie’s head."
"No one’s talking to Uncle Eddie, Gabs. Trust me."
"This contact doesn’t know we’re coming, does he?"
"The other way is Uncle Eddie, Kat countered. So, you tell me: which one is scarier?"
"All she could really do was look down at the phone that had suddenly stopped ringing and keep her steady pace across the lobby floor."
"Sometimes a con has to run. Sometimes a thief needs to hide. But as she gripped LaFont’s now-silent cell phone in her left fist and took her place in the elevator at Maggie’s side, Kat took a deep breath and told herself that a thief’s greatest skill is the ability to adapt."
"A hotel employee stood right beside the table where the phone had disappeared, and Kat ran to him."
"Through the comms unit in her ear, Kat heard LaFont saying, 'Thank you very much, young man, but I’m afraid I have a pressing appointment with Maggie now.'"
"The child who had never had a house felt homesick. The thief who had robbed the Henley wanted help. And the girl who’d walked away from her family business came to realize that, no matter what she did, she never could leave the kitchen."
"Age is just a number, after all. Youth is something else, and Kat could see that there—in the middle of the con—Maggie was turning back the clock, and Kat envied her."
"Kat didn’t smile because she was gloating. It was simply the smile of someone who has made her peace with her mistakes and is prepared to live with consequences."
"And just like that the spell was broken. The last few days came rushing back, and there was only one thing about the woman that mattered."
"Rich, dense curtains blocked out the sun. It was quiet—almost peaceful—in the dim room, and Kat thought she heard her own heart pounding as she sat listening to Maggie say, 'I’m very proud of you for coming here, Katarina. I would have found it insulting if you’d insisted on skulking around in the shadows as if I wouldn’t see you—as if I wouldn’t hear you.'"
"It was too cold on the deck, and Kat wished she’d brought a jacket, wished she’d waited for the sun. She imagined her father, tanned and tired and happy."
"Don’t let two men fall in love with you, girls. It’s not the sort of thing that ends well."
"Luck is for the amateur, the lazy—those who are unprepared and unskilled."
"It's easy when you don't have to do it alone."
"We never had to steal the Antony. All we had to do was get it next to the Cleopatra and switch the signs."
"Real love...real love can never be split in two."
"Well, see, there's this cave in Switzerland I really need to find."