
The Lost Stories Quotes

The Lost Stories by John Flanagan

"Perhaps, MacFarlane thought, hoping beyond hope, he would find proof that the mysterious Rangers of Araluen had actually existed. It would be a staggeringly significant discovery."
"Information, no matter how unimportant it might seem at first glance, was a Ranger's lifeblood."
"Momentum in battle was all-important. Keep moving forward. Keep driving them back. Hesitate, even for a few minutes, and the ascendancy could revert to the enemy."
"He remembered that the men he had been sent to lead were a mixed group from Seacliff, Aspienne and Culway. The soldiers around him when he forced his way through to the front rank had worn the crest of a black badger on their tunics."
"The entire army had heard of Halt's feats during the battle."
"It's just clean living and a clear conscience."
"No hard feelings, boys," he said. "I'll give you a chance for revenge tomorrow."
"It's simply not possible for him to roll a twelve with these dice."
"I thought it would be easier on you," Halt said.
"You didn't destroy my family. That was fate. You gave me a second chance at having a family."
"I'm not the only woman left without a man. And I'm better off than most. At least I have a business that I can run."
"Quiet confidence, not arrogance like some young men."
"The noise, the movement, the apparent panic were all designed to provide a distraction."
"I've heard that the pen is mightier than the sword, but I never knew the inkwell could be mightier than the dagger."
"First man to make a move I don’t like, I’ll shoot."
"They tied them firmly and, being boatmen, they knew how to tie a knot that wouldn’t loosen."
"They don’t see her as a person, just as a piece of equipment or something to kick or cuff or curse when they’re in the mood."
"Don’t forget, I’ve been trained to disguise myself when necessary."
"I’m not afraid of work. I don’t expect handouts."
"Yes, mistress! I'll fetch a good batch!" she shouted.
"Fetching redberries, master," she said, showing him the wood basket.
"But that's all I've got, young master! And there's no more on that bush!" she said.
"Mind your step, Hilde! The track's a little rough there!"
"Unchain the shepherd and bring her along!" Jerome ordered.
"Nice to have you back, girl," he said softly.
"Would you like extras, Will? There's plenty left."
"The beef was so tender and so beautifully rare."
"Getting a little flowery with your language, aren't you?"
"Is there any reason for this sudden interest in things poetic, Will?" she asked.
"The speech you made at our wedding was definitely special," Halt said.
"It is with the greatest fulsomeness of heart that I—"
"It means I'm happy. Very happy," Will said eventually.
"Would be contumelious of me not to recognize the—"
"It serves him right for all the times he tried to ambush me on the way to Gatherings," he said.
"I'll look forward to that, too," Halt said, straight-faced.
"Moondarking was a blight on this nation during the first war with Morgarath," he said.
"We may as well get set up before it's too dark."
"We've had reports that there are moondarkers working their way down the coast."
"Moondarkers sound like nasty people," Will commented.
"You never have every contingency covered," Halt said somberly. "There's always something that can go wrong."
"Only fools don't feel that way. Feeling like this will keep you on your toes, and that means you won't get overconfident."
"I feel like there's a stone in my stomach and I'm trying to digest it."
"Right is right and left is left," she said. "Why can't he learn that?"
"Whatever we don’t eat, I’ll give to the orphans in the Ward."
"I know, Rafe," she said. She patted his hand and for a moment regretted the number of times she had cracked him across the head with a ladle when he had failed to live up to her high standards.
"Shut up your yelling!" he ordered roughly. "Or I’ll cut your blasted tongue out."
"The trick with food, she believed, was not to use too many herbs or spices or flavors. Rather, use a few and pick the ones best suited to the dish you were preparing."
"We need him to send the constable and the posse in the wrong direction, remember?"
"All the same...," Mound said, and made an ineffectual gesture toward Tomas’s hands, still gripping her forearm, ready to inflict more pain at any second.
"But it’s your chair now, so why should I care?"
"You might have gotten away with them. But you made a big mistake with the trestle. You were seen."
"It's a strange way to repay the people who cared about you."
"They didn’t want to fire you. They planned to punish you, then reinstate you when they thought you had learned a lesson."
"Better to suspect something and find nothing than suspect nothing and find something."
"It’s part and parcel of being the royal family."
"Never try to change her mind when she has it set on something."
"I can imagine no better husband for Cassandra than Horace and no better wife for Horace than Cassandra. I love them both."
"The sudden noise rang through the vast hall and startled a swallow that had nested high in the rafters."
"His heart pounding, Will returned to the table."
"Maybe nothing," he said. "I have to check something."
"Just be back before the bridal dance," she said.
"Skandians, weapons and strong drink were not a good combination for a wedding."
"Blast you, Horace," he said through gritted teeth. "Just this once, couldn’t you have rambled on a bit?"
"I have a very honest face," he said with great dignity.
"Friends don’t have to thank each other," he said.
"A Ranger practices until he never gets it wrong."
"The correct mode of address, Ranger, is my lord. Not sir."
"Crowley was startled by the words. 'No need for that, sir! I think demotion and a few months of unpleasant duties would be enough.'"
"'It’s not a personal matter with me, sir. They showed disrespect to the uniform and the Corps and they threatened a superior officer.'"
"'I’m not a very interesting person, my lord,' he said evenly, but Morgarath shook his head."
"'But the fact that they laid hands on and threatened a King’s officer is a far more serious matter.'"
"'A good flogging never hurt anyone—certainly not the flogger, anyway.'"
"'He’s a tyrant. Tyrants like their subjects to live in fear. Helps keep them in line.'"
"'My apologies. My full name is Halt . . . Arratay.'"
"'I was just thinking what a terrible state the Kingdom is in,' he said."
"'It’s a problem,' Halt said thoughtfully. 'Band together and they accuse you of treason, stay separate and they can pick you off one at a time.'"
"Neither country had the right to send armed troops over the border."
"He gave them one warning, identifying himself as a King’s Ranger, but they chose to attack."
"I’m doing you a favor... I’m letting you enjoy the fresh air and open spaces."
"You’ve been a good companion and I’m grateful."
"If I can’t have Tug, I no longer want to be a Ranger!"
"I can’t serve you properly like this. I can’t keep you safe."
"Our horses can only serve us for fifteen or sixteen years."
"You’ll see little of either for the next ten years."
"It’s a beautiful night for a wedding, Will Treaty."