
Library Of The Dead Quotes

Library Of The Dead by Glenn Cooper

"What is it, Josephus?" Paulinus cried. "Why will you not say what is the matter?"
"I do not know," Josephus said. "No one in his village can read or write."
"My God! He writes numbers too!" Paulinus exclaimed.
"You know," he said, "there is nothing to say that in the case of twins, the seventh son to be born of a woman is, by necessity, the seventh son that God had conceived."
"Surely this is the work of the Devil," Magdalena said.
"The work of the Lord." Paulinus suggested an alternative explanation.
"I, for one, cannot see an evil consequence of the boy's powers," Josephus said hopefully.
"The Lord will provide for him and decide his fate," the abbot said.
"God wants you to stay," Josephus tenderly reassured the boy.
"Dear Lord, please bless this humble servant who strives to honor you each and every day and give me the strength to be the shepherd of this abbey and to serve your ends."
"The cellar of the Scriptorium was dark and cool, perfect for the storage of large sheets of vellum and jars of ink but also well-suited for a boy who had no desire to play in the sunshine or walk in a meadow."
"His sole motivation was to sit on his stool, lean into his writing desk, and furiously dip his quill over and over and over again and scribble onto parchment until he collapsed in fatigue."
"Sometimes Paulinus and Josephus talked about how marvelous it would be to ask the lad what he thought about his life's work and for him to offer a cogent explanation."
"All of the events of the world are surely predetermined by dint of God's vision, and the Creator had apparently chosen the miraculously born Octavus as his living quill to record what was to be."
"God decides the eternal destinations of each person. Their fate follows according to God's choice."
"The boy's pace was furious, defying the absence of tension or urgency in his countenance."
"She was a worldly girl; she knew what was happening to her."
"He was getting more self-assured by the day, and while he was never going to be Clark Gable, he was beginning to grow on her."
"Can any of us doubt that we have a sacred obligation to preserve and sustain this divine work?"
"Man's destiny is thus laid bare. The texts are a testament to the power and omniscience of the Creator."
"It is my duty to prepare for the future, not only for the abbey, but for Octavus and the Library."
"Tonight we are forming a new order within Vectis, a secret and holy order for the protection and preservation of the Library."
"I have wondered, and so have you, how the enormity of his task might be perpetuated. We now have our answer."
"A job worth doing was a job worth doing well, his granddad had always said."
"Screw the twenty and screw the pension. I'll find a job somewhere."
"This isn't about us. Us is great. This is the best male-female thing I've had in a long time, maybe ever."
"I'm not a company man anymore. Haven't been one for years."
"If you think for a second you're compromising yourself, we're going to pull the plug."
"He hadn't thought about the big blonde for a while, but now he was having a hard time getting her out of his thoughts."
"Everything okay?" he asked. "Yeah. The screen's frozen. It'll clear."
"I think it's sad too," Nancy said, picking at her food. "I saw his yearbook pictures. He was really cute."
"Well, you've made two women extremely happy," the Realtor said greedily. "Kerry tells me you're a writer. I think you're going to write a lot of great scripts sitting right beside this gorgeous pool!"
"You're ditching us this afternoon and playing golf."
"I know." He whispered to Laura, "Your dad's partner," and she sat bolt upright. "How'd you get my number?"
"I'm going to use my years of skills and resourcefulness."
"He stamped his foot and shouted in a juvenile fit. 'No! I don't want to wait! I want to go now!'"
"He was too numb to realize he was more conspicuous in Beverly Hills as a pedestrian than as a driver of a stolen BMW."
"The air was fragrant with the exotic aromas of the tropical garden flowers."
"The entire Beverly Hills police force was down in the garden."
"He was being carried downstream by the River of Destiny."
"He was not the master of his fate, the captain of his soul."
"Wait for me, and tell me again that you love me."
"He wanted to close his palm around the sweet globe, and for a moment he almost did."
"He knew exactly what he deserved--to be punished, if not in this world then in the next."
"Deep underground, there was trouble brewing."
"Happiness and peace were abstract concepts of late."
"He prayed with all his might that this would be a journey without return."
"All I want is to be left alone, retire, and live my puny little life until at least 2027."
"It's not for me to say whether the public should know. Who the hell am I?"
"I've got a pretty good feeling about the future."
"He was his own man and he had promised himself and his new bride that he wouldn't do the falling-down-drunk thing again."