
Violets Are Blue Quotes

Violets Are Blue by James Patterson

"I only thought that it did. My mistake, and a really big and painful one."
"This was as bad as it gets, worse than anything else. Ever."
"How could this have happened? What did it mean?"
"Be careful, John. I'm on my way back to Washington right now. Please be careful."
"I can hear your labored breathing. I'm not going to hurt them tonight. I was just fucking with you."
"Keep running, Dr. Cross. But you won't be fast enough. You can't get away from me."
"I also like children, wouldn't mind having more."
"I'm a decent plumber. I can cook if I have to."
"American children suffer too much mother and too little father."
"A tiger shouldn't be all that hard to find in San Francisco."
"Day by day he left behind the shabby baggage of his past life."
"Everything about the murder case was weird and wrong-headed."
"Will you leave your heart there? Do you think it's a good place to die?"
"Speaking of life-threatening situations, you'd better buckle up."
"I'm sure they had nightmares after what they saw."
"We have to find out if it's the same killers."
"We hate what we're going to do. This makes me so sad."
"I'm right here with you, Partner. Enjoying our little breakfast club."
"It was pretty clear to me that she was meant to be found."
"The killer trusts his or her memory. Doesn't need trophies for some reason."
"This is the poor girl they murdered and hung."
"She obviously hadn't. Are you going to fuck Jamilla? Better hurry, then."
"When the good times come with your kids, you've got to make them last."
"Human existence must be a kind of error. It is bad today and every day it will get worse, until the worst of all happens."
"I love Nana tremendously, but sometimes she goes too far to make her point."
"I feel bad enough already, guilty enough. You don't have to make it worse, old woman."
"Of course I do. That's my job, and I take it as seriously as you obviously take yours."
"I'm pleased to have some time with him. Bad thoughts were buzzing in my head: disconnected feelings, suspicions, and general paranoia about the case."
"On balance, I'm totally fucked. No, I'm okay. I'm happy with the way the kids are doing."
"You're the best I know, Alex. Your instincts are almost always on target."
"Maybe I'd rather not be so good anymore. Maybe I'm not."
"The view was soothing, an incredible contrast with what had happened in the suite."
"It was good to hear her voice. She sounded sane and normal. She was sane and normal. I was the one in trouble."
"No one would expect this, and that was why it was so good, so excellent. The end of Alex Cross."
"I believe that there are people who practice a vampire lifestyle."
"Every once in a while, a single murder, or a series of murders, horrifies us, catches the public's imagination in an almost obscene way."
"The sun was shining brightly, and I was forced to shade my eyes. Birds were twittering in several of the trees."
"You're the psychologist, not me. Gnawing entails strong, repetitive, intentional action. It could definitely account for teeth marks."
"It's your job to hold me together for a little while. You give me something precious to focus on."
"At its best, life can be so simple and good. As it should be."
"I think he wanted to make this bust himself, and I couldn't blame him."
"You have nothing to fear. We're Daniel and Charles, and we're the best you will ever see!"
"I'm coming to New Orleans, and they're going down. Don't doubt it for a second."
"Don't be scared. I'm right here. I'll protect you."
"You must be mistaking me for somebody who gives a shit."
"I'm going to take you down. I've figured that much out, asshole!"
"I don't believe anybody's getting seriously hurt in Santa Cruz, and I sure don't buy that this is the freaking vampire capital of the West Coast."
"If you're finished chasing ghouls before seven or so, give me a call."
"You've come looking for the Sire. You've made a terrible mistake, Inspector."
"The Sire is the one who leads. Why, anyone who will follow."
"We're going to hang you and drink every last drop. The most amazing thing — you're going to enjoy it when you die. It's ecstasy, Jamilla."
"I had been wrong about Kyle — he could shoot. He was good at a lot of things."
"What makes them tick? I want to make sure we get the Sire this time."
"Everything I do is motivated by self-interest. It's what everybody wants; trust me on that."
"You love the hunt. You love it! You love this!"
"What I think is that you just made your first big mistake."
"You lose, you sick, pitiful son of a bitch. You lose, Mastermind."
"I live out their secret fantasies, their nasty little daydreams."
"I called my home phone before we started to talk. The phone has been turned on speaker. Everything you just told me is on my voice mail."
"He was conscious now. A mocking, falsely sympathetic look crossed his face."
"That was how he looked in the news photograph after his capture: the great Mastermind, missing two front teeth."