
Her Last Day Quotes

Her Last Day by T.R. Ragan

"Every morning before school, parents warned their children to be aware of their surroundings and never go anywhere alone."
"Being confined did strange things to her mind."
"Too many guys in the department had worked long hours, missing out on family events—and for what?"
"The notion amused him. Only a schizo could fall in love with the man dubbed the Heartless Killer."
"She couldn’t see the bottom part of her legs, but she felt a fiery heat around his feet and ankles."
"She wondered how they’d ever gotten along without him."
"I’ve got to get back to work soon, but if it’s okay with you, I thought I’d stop by later with some Chinese food for you and Olivia."
"Her gaze darted about, then followed a dirt path to a barn."
"His heart quickened as he looked at the time."
"No sooner had he pulled himself free than he was rolling downhill, past a boulder, arms thrashing, fingers grasping for a hold of grass and thorny weeds."
"He lay still on grass and dirt, drinking in fresh, cool air as he stared back at the flames that still hissed and popped, sending sparks into the air."
"She zeroed in on Detective Roth’s mouth as he talked."
"It felt good to close his eyes, even peaceful despite the fire burning a few feet away."
"Dizzy and short of breath, he realized he had no memory of where he’d come from."
"I saved ‘innocent bystanders from unavoidable danger of death.’"
"You’re a piece of work. You shot someone. And not for the first time."
"Tough times make for tough people . . . and dogs."
"He’d endured far worse torture than this. And in the end, it had made him stronger."
"More people die from a heat wave than lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes, or floods."
"Let’s get your things, and I’ll take you home. We’ll talk on the way."
"Nobody had enough money for a cash bail, and unfortunately it took the bail-bond agent two minutes to see that you had exactly zero assets."
"If you don’t show up for your court appearance, your dad loses everything."
"I refuse to watch you continue to ruin your life because one selfish woman decided to up and leave."
"You are the only one who can choose to change your life for the better."
"I’m sorry, you know, about everything. I didn’t mean to push you away. You surprised me. That’s all."
"Well, you were born and raised here in Sacramento. Our readers enjoy hearing about locals. And the public is also fascinated with cold cases."
"If you know anything about the law, you’d know it’s up to the prosecutor to press charges, not me."
"I’ve already given you more time than you deserve."
"The shoe prints disappear onto pavement, which tells me someone showed up and gave her a ride immediately after she got the flat."
"But she was determined that he save himself. She knew he was smart."
"Being in control of another human being gave him a high he felt never experienced before."
"What he’d always wanted was to feel something other than anger. And for the first time in his life, he did."
"She wasn’t ready to let her go. And the worst part was, she might never be ready."
"Nothing looked out of the ordinary, but Natalie was nowhere to be found."
"We share everything. I would know if she was upset or having problems at work."
"Not a day went by that he didn’t call me weak and stupid."
"He wasn’t weak and stupid. He was strong. He was a survivor."
"In the end, nobody cared. He wasn’t heartless. They were."
"Seconds passed before he gazed out at the tall grass and weeds, then turned so that he faced west."
"If his calculations were correct, there were six bodies buried in the pasture."
"One thing for sure, he needed to get Garrett out of the house."
"He would give her enough water and food to keep her hanging on by a thread."
"Finding a birth parent could be rewarding but also emotionally draining."
"Staying out of jail was her number one priority."
"The dog was starting to feel comfortable in his new home."
"I thought it would be a good place to start since I’ve decided after I graduate I want to be a private eye like you."
"He’d been so busy he’d forgotten all about them."
"Jessie knew Sophie had been a partier and a bit of a wild thing, but she couldn’t imagine her sister ever hurting anyone."
"That was what she’d been telling people all her life."
"The first time they’d met, she’d felt as if he could see right through her."
"And what about all those other people who’d seen the cigarette burns on his hand and the infected bite marks all over his body?"
"The gruesome bloody images he’d been seeing, and now this."
"She’d read somewhere that a person could live three days without water."
"It wasn’t easy trying to think logically at a moment when her world felt as if it were spinning off its axis, but he was right."
"I have no idea. But I’ve made the decision not to give up on Zee."
"I work from home, so, yes, I see her walk by fairly often."
"She has schizophrenia, which has caused her to suffer from a faulty perception of reality."
"I never should have let you out of my sight."
"She was professional and seemed to see things many people didn’t."
"You’re starting to like me—aren’t you, Higgins?"
"I was hoping someone would recognize the man in the picture."
"I'm not going to leave you," Natalie said. "I promise."
"I think we should concentrate on getting out of here," Natalie told her.
"I’m okay. You both know how I get when I see blood."
"She needs to clean up and be here when Dylan is dropped off. I’ll be fine."
"Then it seems we’re both in a bit of a pickle."
"People often place blame on the ones they love most."
"It’s just that I haven’t been honest with you."
"If you’re blaming your father for your mother’s death, then you should probably talk to him about it."
"It’s him—isn’t it? He could be the man you’ve been looking for."
"I can’t say he wasn’t an odd man, but I never would have pegged him as a killer."
"You’re just like your slut mother," he said with a sneer. "The bitch knew my father was abusing me, and it turned her on—didn’t it?"
"The difference between me and you," Natalie said, her voice calm, "is that I know the truth about myself and my mother. My truth can’t be distorted by the words of a demented man who still cowers beneath his father’s larger-than-life shadow. You’re weak, Forrest. You couldn’t help yourself, let alone your poor, dear mother, and now everyone must pay."
"Rip his head off!" Zee shouted, rooting her onward.
"I usually interview the people I bring down here to my private study," he told Jessie.
"It's pig's blood, not human blood. You can do this."
"You can't stop me, old man," Forrest cried out in a raspy voice.
"I live in one fucked-up world," she said to her reflection.
"Why would David Roche be watching Koontz," Andriana said, "unless he knew something was about to go down?"
"It's about Sophie Cole. I think I know what might have happened to her on the night she disappeared."
"Looks like we've solved another case. Twice in a matter of weeks," she added. "They're going to think we're some sort of bizarre investigative team."
"Sophie had the most amazing singing voice. The sort of voice that brought tears to anyone who was lucky enough to hear her sing."