
A Stir Of Echoes Quotes

A Stir Of Echoes by Richard Matheson

"Nothing else. Just standing there and staring down at his little sleep-flushed face and feeling that almost overwhelming rush of absolute love in yourself. Sensing something close to holy in the same little being that nearly drove you out of your mind that very afternoon."
"People won’t believe in reasonable, verifiable phenomena—things like hypnotism, telepathy, clairvoyance. No, that they won’t accept. But they see something and, in a second—whammo!—they’re off the edge, flying high."
"It is amazing how much one is willing to distort belief in the name of reason; how little one is willing to trust the intuitions of the flesh."
"The emotions will swallow anything—and they do. As witness yourself. You’re an intelligent man, Tom. But the only thing you thought of was ghost."
"Darling, don’t forget to bring home some coffee when you—"
"I’m all right, I’m all right," I kept insisting.
"She’s on the bed," Elizabeth told me. "I just found her unconscious on the kitchen floor."
"It’s all right." Her voice was a little clearer.
"Your mind is free now," he’d said to me. "There’s nothing binding it. It’s free, absolutely free."
"We won’t stay out past midnight. We can do a lot by then anyway."
"I don’t know what to say. Except that—hearing about mother and then, on top of that . . ."
"Everyone has something to hide! And if they couldn’t hide it, the world would be in a lot worse mess than it is."
"Speak gently to the foaming madman," I muttered tensely. "Talk to him in honeyed words lest he rise up and slay you."
"Oh, God, I love you, baby," I remember whispering to him. As if I were a doomed man taking a final look at his adored son.
"All right, where are you?" I yelled. "God damn it, if—!"
"Honey, this—power, whatever it is, may have saved our baby’s life last night. I’m not anxious to kick it aside just like that."
"I hate you," I said, drunkenly. "I hate you for leaving me. What kind of wife are you who’d leave me here alone? You know she’s here. You know she wants me for something. You—"
"I knew you felt this way last night. I guess I’ve been stewing a little. But I’m not angry now."
"As far as I’m concerned I’m as sane as you are."
"I’m carrying our child and it’s hard enough as it is."
"You know me, Harry Sentas. My name is Helen Driscoll."
"I can control it now, Anne. It can’t hurt us if we only face it."
"Words, like bodiless limbs, flopped past, at first too disjointed, too pointless to understand."
"It seemed as if a million fragments of mirror fell together and I could see the true reflection."
"A terrible moment. A moment of being suspended in two places at once."
"You’d like to know how I killed her, wouldn’t you?"
"I lost my baby. I lost it. I can’t have any more."
"For some reason, that was the first thing I thought as I jolted to a halt."
"What’s happened to me wasn’t my doing. I’m just as victimized by it as you are."
"The most hideous of moments, I discovered then, could take place in bright sunlight."
"I forgot about mediums’ getting violently thirsty."
"I’m not well, Liz. No one is going to punish you for something you did when you weren’t well."
"You’ll never see anyone. You’re a meddler. A damn meddler."