
The Last Watch Quotes

The Last Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko

"Inside every man, no matter how grown-up, there was still a little boy."
"Now you are going to learn what real horror is like!"
"Westerner's lives are too calm and peaceful, it makes them afraid of all sorts of nonsense."
"And I'll drink all your blood. Do you hear me? Straight after... straight after the wedding."
"After all, inside every woman, no matter how grown-up she is, there is still a frightened little girl."
"A good magician always finds his powers when he needs them."
"Until you become wiser, you won't become more powerful."
"Every man's dream when he comes home from work. His wife fusses over the stove and puts delicious things that are bad for you on the table."
"Light Ones, of course, are liberal and democratic. But they respect Higher Others."
"Yes. Will it be caught on the cameras? No, we monitor everything here."
"I have no prejudices against vampires. Some of my friends have been vampires."
"Even if he's wearing the most beautiful crown, a king also needs worthy robes."
"The naked king in Andersen's fairy tale was not saved by the glittering diamonds on his head."
"Blood spilt on the ground is mother's milk wasted."
"How else would you like us to earn our money? The whole of Edinburgh lives off the tourists."
"You don't have to like our outfit, it doesn't deserve it."
"A pity. I liked her a lot. She was so strong, a were-tiger ..."
"A shape-shifting magician," I corrected him. "Yes, she was strong, but very emotional. She attacked a Mirror."
"A Mirror Magician can't be defeated in ordinary battle, he absorbs his opponent's Power and parries every attack."
"A Mirror is originally a weak, indeterminate magician who loses his memory, then travels to the place where one Power is gaining a serious advantage over the other and takes the side of the one that's losing."
"There's nothing more absurd than to arrive in a new city and spend your time in a hotel room."
"But this is exactly how the light begins, how the fear ends, How the sound is born."
"Who could destroy palaces and raise up cities with a wave of my hand!"
"Pure soya... It's good that she faced up to the bullets. But what about persecuting her teacher?"
"A vault... A hiding place. Where something very important is hidden."
"It is not good to know what awaits you after death."
"Three came together for the legacy of Merlin. Three almost got through. Three Higher Others. But even Higher Ones cannot get though to the seventh level of the Twilight."
"Here even vampires have no need of blood. Here everything is different, otherwise. Everything is the way it should be."
"We shall come here ... I sooner, and you later. ... and our friends will come out to greet us."
"The Crown of All Things is here concealed. Only one step is left. But this is a legacy for the strong or the wise."
"You shall receive all and nothing, when you are able to take it. Proceed, if you are as strong as I; Or go back, if you are as wise as I; Beginning and end, head and tail, all is fused in one, In the Crown of All Things. Thus are life and death inseparable."
"The fifth level of the Twilight is no subject for idle talk."
"I'll hide it as securely as I can. You don't need to know how. And ... thank you for your help."
"If I find whoever it is from our side, I'll tear his legs off and stick them in his ears. Goodbye, Thomas the Rhymer!"
"You're free as long as you believe in your own freedom."
"A man's free as long as he believes in his own freedom."
"Early in the morning is the right time to arrive in a new city. By train, on a plane — it makes no difference. The day seems to start with a brand new leaf."
"Nothing's urgent in our city. There was a city standing here a thousand years ago, two thousand years ago, three thousand years ago. The place has forgotten what urgent means."
"A good man is ashamed not to pay a poor taxi driver enough. He pays more than my conscience will allow me to ask."
"Every city has streets that were built under an unlucky star."
"People move in there reluctantly, but they don't leave very often either — they seem to fall under the spell of a strange kind of drowsiness. And life there follows quite different laws and moves at a quite different pace."
"It seemed like a perfectly ordinary dormitory suburb — but it was under that spell of drowsiness."
"A lot of greenery, but that's the only good part."
"NIGHT WATCH Samarkandbranch Business hours: 20.00-8.00"
"And I listened politely to the history of the Uzbek Watches from ancient mythological times to Tamerlaine, and from Tamerlaine to our own time."
"But we're glad that Alisher's here, of course we are! It's been such a long time since we saw him."
"We don't have enough members to maintain a post in the airport."
"And since then relations between Dark Ones and Light Ones had consisted of a rather half-hearted stand-off: more jibes and taunts than genuine enmity."
"Let's leave!' I commanded. 'Alisher, you take Afandi! Valentina, Timur - you go first! Everybody erect the Magician's Shield!'"
"The deva had stopped whining now: it was sobbing, reaching its fingerless hands out towards me and shaking its blind-eyed head."
"Anybody would think that habits were fleas that scatter after their host dies and look for someone who resembled him as closely as possible."
"In Asia, you have to trust your nose, not your eyes!"
"Only a powerful one can afford to be clever."
"A serious loss of Power always leaves you with a yearning for something sweet."
"Humans against Others, I can't believe it! It's a nightmare!"
"Only in the East there are demons who live on some plateau."
"It's best for a weak magician to appear like a fool, Anton. Only a powerful one can afford to be clever."
"In the same way an old friendship can produce very, very great pain and resentment!"
"The next seventy-seven times he lies down with a woman he will suffer shameful failure!" And no one will be able to remove the spell.
"Thanks for the amulets. They were all spot on."
"Anton, do you think you could . . ." - "No, I couldn't."
"The important thing is to share the other individual's interests."
"You don't need any magic to order to establish relations with a human being."
"Sometimes a person has to be studied for several minutes to determine if he or she is a potential Other."
"You've been a great help. And don't be upset. Don't punish yourself. . . your tutor died a hero."
"We used to rise with the dawn And live for a thousand years."
"But every day at midnight He who sits by the Mill of Fate Resolves all their arguments And says who must go out on watch."
"You wouldn't like it," the man replied calmly, without the slightest sign of malice or irritation. It was simply a statement.
"You only find people who want to destroy the world just for the sake of it in stupid films."
"It's true what they say - you never really leave the Watch completely."
"That's Daddy's job," Svetlana explained calmly, grabbing hold of her daughter's hand. "You know he fights against the forces of darkness."
"Like Luke Skywalker," Nadya decided and gave me a smile.
"Wouldn't the botanists have a field day! A new form of plant life, and one that reacts to human emotions. They'd write millions of doctoral theses."
"Let's go to bed and sleep on it," Svetlana said. "Tomorrow's a new day."
"Proceed, if you are as strong as I; Or go back, if you are as wise as I."
"The death of Kashchei is in the egg, the egg is in the duck, the duck is in the trunk."
"What's done can't be undone ... But why did you do it?"
"He had an interesting job, work assignments all over the world and a good reputation, and I had a degree diploma that I'd bought, a petty job working under him and chronic idleness. That was the reason I fixed things so that he would be accused of embezzlement and kicked out of the firm ..."
"And on the Dark roads they like to announce the charge at the end of the journey."
"There are some things that you can't put right."
"Even though I knew that this magnificent body, so healthy and overflowing with vitality, only existed in the human world."
"Something that will bleach white everything that came before, everything you did with your life ... or simply cancel it out."
"It seems to me that you have already paid for many things."
"Because without death resurrection is impossible."