
The Hidden Relic Quotes

The Hidden Relic by James Maxwell

"What's the point," he muttered. Yet for some reason he again found himself counting from one.
"Your name, what's your name?" Tapel went over and knelt beside the bed, his ear close to the Alturan's lips.
"Rogan," the Alturan whispered. "My… name… is Rogan." He gulped and spoke again. "Rogan… Jarvish."
"You make the zenblades and give them to others to wield for you — that's the enchanter's way, isn't it?"
"Don't worry, bladesinger, your pretty silk blouse is still nice enough to wear to the dance," Shani said.
"Perhaps because she's the only one preventing them from locking you up for the duration of the war," Bartolo said.
"Mistakes are there to teach you. You learn from them, and you move on."
"Life in Altura, here in Sarostar, had changed forever."
"Most people simply wanted to prosper, to enjoy both the routine and the variety of life, and to raise a family in peace and love."
"The way you handle that sword, perhaps you'd better leave it to me. You're far too pretty to be waving something so sharp around, who knows what could happen?"
"Is that why we're doing this here? It's cold at the moment, and there's still ice melting in the Sarsen, but…"
"My work is unfinished, and my body might have little time left in this world."
"You look well, Jehral. It's good to see you again, too. Now," Ella said, colour coming to her cheeks, "let me go. There is a war going on. Let me return to my people."
"But you looked, didn't you?" Shani challenged.
"Every fourth man to throw a prismatic orb," Miro whispered to Marshal Beorn.
"Your hair stands out better than any signpost," Shani said. "Next chance we get, I'm leaving this on the trail."
"My name was a lie, and so was your position. You stole a great deal of essence from my prince's very tent."
"And one more thing," he said. "You owe me a horse."
"The enemy came in a wave of soundless black shapes that poured over the ridge and down to the wide, shallow river."
"Trust me. When we're ready, you'll know it, too."
"The thirst for the knowledge burned within him, and he translated day and night, working with the unstoppable energy of the fanatic."
"This isn't a small pool, Moragon. It's dozens of paces wide. This is more essence in one place than anyone living has ever seen."
"The Akari have a way of producing essence, Moragon. With essence, we can produce elixir."
"I may not be much longer for this world, Moragon, and when I'm gone, it will be you who rules not just the lands of the Tingaran Empire, but all of Merralya."
"Lord of the Sun, did it have to cost so much?"
"What was he? Only Evrin knew about the strange power he possessed."
"Knowledge had led to the foundation of this great civilisation."
"Any more experiments though would require more essence."
"And if this hidden relic of the Evermen exists, I will find it."
"When I'm gone, it will be you who rules not just the lands of the Tingaran Empire, but all of Merralya."
"The old ways are finished with, Dain Barden."
"Don't stop until your people are free. It isn't much, but I'll do everything in my power to help you."
"I don't know. I don't even know if I'll ever see him again."
"Equality always needed to be balanced with opportunity."
"Most of all, with each generation came new ideas."
"I miss the quiet, and the way the stars shine at night."
"I refuse to see Prince Ilathor before I've had a chance to rest and revive."
"Wherever he found the book, he would find Evrin."
"They would be thankful enough when there was peace throughout the realm."
"Amber lived in constant fear for her life, and that of her unborn child."
"The population of Ralanast and its surrounding areas were starving."
"With no essence the only power she possessed was in her dress."
"The ground opened up in front of her."
"Ella felt the familiar feeling of the knowledge coursing through her; she was an enchantress, and this was the dress she had enchanted with the most powerful lore she knew how to create."
"Closing her mind to the fear and her eyes to the creature's awful attack, Ella chanted in a sonorous rhythm, her voice neither quavering nor breaking stride."
"With a flash brighter than the sun, electric bolts and discharges covered Ella's form."
"The sandworm made a sound like breaking boulders and the ground trembled as it reared away in pain."
"Ella knew she would be wavering like a mirage as she chanted, activating the shadow effect."
"Silently she rehearsed the sequence that in an instant would change the powers she invoked in her dress from invisibility to the searing-white heat of a zenblade."
"As she felt the sand begin to fall away from her feet, Ella knew the jaws would soon appear under her."
"Ella fell into the Devil of Lyra's open jaws, sliding down its throat with the sand."
"The ground had resettled and even the blood of Jehral's wounding had been covered by fresh sand."
"The Devil of Lyra opened its mouth, making a hacking, coughing sound."
"Ella stood in her hooded dress, a blood-drenched dagger in her hand, facing the monster as if ready to teach it another lesson."
"Ella recognised the rust-coloured earth, stormy skies, and dark forests of Petrya."
"Ella had her own memories of Petrya. She had travelled this land with Killian, and it was here she had finally seen through his façade."
"Suddenly Ella craved the warmth of a man with a savage intensity."
"Ella knew the sandworm didn't like heat, and she had seen that the inside of its body was softer than the tough, outer shell of its segmented body."
"There was nothing there. It was as if the fight had never taken place."
"A well appeared: an opening that grew in size as Shani looked on."
"This is the time, Ella," Shani said. "I left, and now I've returned."
"I'm sure he'll be pleased to liberate your people and treat them well."
"Ella looked at the heavy dagger in her hand as Shani rode away with Jehral and Ella's riderless horse."
"It cried out in pain, and the immense head twisted in the air."
"Ella opened her eyes. The sandworm had left her where she stood."
"Don't worry. I'll find you," Ella said.
"If the men don't have the training… They will," Miro said with determination.
"You are in a difficult position, Lord Marshal," Master Goss said. "You've been charged with the leadership of our forces, yet High Lord Rorelan manages your supply of essence."
"Give me your word," Master Goss said. "Just get me the approval."
"We will win!" Miro declared, amidst the cheers of his men.
"Lord Marshal, never, ever, do anything like that again."
"The enemy will fear me, High Lord; you have my word on that."
"It's been an honour having you by my side," Miro said to Marshal Beorn.
"We are ready," Rogan Jarvish's message said, igniting hope among the troops.
"I fought beside him at the Battle for Ralanast. I saw him go down, surrounded by a pile of enemy dead. Somehow I knew it wasn't the right end for a man like him," Marshal Beorn said, reflecting on past battles.
"Lord Marshal, I was worried… They're coming," Miro said. "The enemy are right behind me. How…?"
"They found a bunch in a cart that the enemy threw into a ditch and buried," the Alturan captain explained.
"The animators had them dig themselves out. Not much stops these things," the moustached animator added, revealing a glimmer of hope in a desperate situation.
"Then I'll have to stay right by your side, won't I?"
"My prince," Jehral said, suddenly urgent, "the Petryans will know what we have done. It is time."
"Will you come for me after?" Tapel said in a small voice.
"I love you too," Amelia said, and then she was crying.
"It comes down to a lot more than that, Your Highness," Rogan said.
"Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you for helping my people."
"I'm tired. I don't even know where I'm sleeping tonight."
"No, Enchantress Ella. Thank you." He paused. "For today, I mean. You were… amazing."
"Scratch you," Amber whispered. "I almost died, just now. Do you realize that? You almost killed me."
"Dead outside. Dead inside. We're all dead anyway."
"Lord of the Earth, bless that girl," Lina said. "She's done more than we ever asked of her. I'm naming my next child after her."
"Lord of the Sky, I could have used your help." He looked around at the blood-splattered Halrana. "But it looks like you found some people who could use it more."
"MY LAST name is Rosalie," Amber said. "My husband was killed."
"Never again let me forget how beautiful you are."
"An hour before sunset High Lord Tiesto ordered the streets to be cleaned up."
"Yes, it's war, and it's been difficult for everyone. But thinking of you is what got me through. I love you. I always have."
"The Akari are said to have been exiled to the north by the first emperor."
"I command that you stay! You can't command me. You never could."
"You're very crafty," Moragon said. "I gather you must have been jealous of her, taking care of your child, so you gave the simple girl a task you knew would see her killed."
"Let's hope you can feed him," Moragon said. "Else I'll need to find a new wet nurse, and it'll be your head we deliver to the next girl as a warning."
"As the babe made sucking motions and little urgent noises Amber gave him her nipple and prayed."
"I need you to go back," Miro said. "Go and see Marshal Beorn, and tell him I'll be behind you."