
This Is How You Lose Her Quotes

This Is How You Lose Her by Junot Díaz

"I’m like everybody else: weak, full of mistakes, but basically good."
"A smelly bone like that, better off buried in the backyard of your life."
"We were a couple again. Visiting each other’s family on the weekends."
"You have to listen to me, Magda. Or you won’t understand."
"She might be nobody’s pendeja but she’s also a forgiving soul."
"My boys were like, Fuck her, don’t sweat that bitch, but every time I tried I couldn’t pull it off."
"I wasn’t about to start looking for a girlfriend because I’d fucked up one lousy time."
"I know what she was doing. Making me aware of my precarious position in her life."
"I’m an optimist. I thought, Me and her on the Island. What couldn’t this cure?"
"This is the perfect place for insight, for a person to become somebody better."
"As soon as you start thinking about the beginning, it’s the end."
"I was thinking over and over, I’m not a bad guy, I’m not a bad guy."
"An ass that could drag the moon out of orbit."
"She had big stupid lips and a sad moonface and the driest skin."
"I had to tell Mami on the ride home and all she could remember about her was that she was the one who smelled good."
"In the cold and darkness of this room he could almost be anybody."
"You’d think, given the blood we see, that there’s a great war going on out in the world. Just the one inside of bodies, the new girl says."
"I’ve tried to explain to her the trick of working hard but she doesn’t seem to care."
"How many get to this point? Only the ones who never swerve, who never make mistakes, who are never unlucky."
"He claims that he stopped writing to her the year before, but that’s not true."
"After reading her letters I always feel better. I don’t think this says good things about me."
"This, Ana Iris said, is not an easy country. A lot of girls don’t make it through their first year."
"The truth is I am lucky to have a friend like Ana Iris."
"What would you do if that was me? he asks once more."
"Sometimes, when I am in one of my moods, I imagine Samantha back home with her people."
"Some nights when Ramón is working on the plumbing or sanding the floors I read the old letters and sip the rum we store under the kitchen sink, and think of course of her, the one from the other life."
"If you leave it up to me I’ll want to see you every day."
"You can’t be fucking with whitegirls all your life."
"I don’t have a TV, she announced at least twenty times."
"Ten mucho cuidado, she said to my brother. I don’t want a mono in this house."
"You must have had a mutant gene somewhere in the DNA, because all the lifting had turned you into a goddamn circus freak."
"But who could take their eyes off her? Not you or your brother."
"Your tongue was always swollen, raw, from being blown to atoms in your sleep."
"Your mother flares. Who in carajo do you think you're talking to? Say hello, coño, to la profesora."
"You don’t really know what to do with the knowledge. You ain’t your brother, who would have run right over and put a rabo in Miss Lora."
"That night you are allowed to touch Paloma’s clit with the tip of your tongue but that’s it."
"It tasted, you write your boy in Panama, like beer."
"Never run. A law he ultimately abrogated but which you right now cannot."
"I’m not claiming I would have won, she says, but I could have done something."
"Your mom is looking at your dress shoes. Where are you going? Out."
"Then your abuelo catches something in the DR and your mother has to fly home. You’ll be fine, la Doña says."
"The world, you tell yourself, will never end."
"I hope someone drops a fucking bomb on this city, you rant."
"You have trouble adjusting to it full-time; to its trains that stop running at midnight, to the glumness of its inhabitants, to its startling lack of Sichuan food."
"I’m OK, you tell them, but with each passing week the depression darkens."
"Like someone flew a plane into your soul. Like someone flew two planes into your soul."
"She is a Southern girl with supremely straight posture and when she sits down you feel as if she’s preparing to interview you."
"I don’t want him in here. He’s not the father."
"The rest of the semester ends up being a super-duper clusterfuck."