
Snowblind Quotes

Snowblind by Ragnar Jónasson

"It was the time of year when each new day, brighter than the day before, brought with it the hope of something better."
"Roots were something he had never been able to put down properly, always seeking something that suited his temperament, something with a little excitement to it."
"Every winter is a heavy winter in Siglufjördur, my friend."
"She was a prisoner of her own prosperity, here in this spacious detached house in a quiet neighbourhood, where people paid to cut themselves off from the world’s problems."
"He was silent, looking around. She didn’t dare speak, and hardly dared look at him. He looked over the living room, saying nothing, and the silence weighed heavily; the silence and the uncertainty."
"Just some bloody thief, she decided, with relief."
"Her mind turned to her two children, who had long since flown the nest, both with families of their own."
"He tipped the contents of the jewellery box on the bed and went through it, rifling through her memories: her engagement ring, birthday presents, wedding gifts."
"She thought of the future, the golden years they had planned to spend travelling and exploring the rest of the world."
"The bells echoed through the town, making it difficult to tell from which direction the sound came."
"Although the sky was heavy with clouds, it was still somehow bright, with Christmas lights illuminating every corner of the city."
"It was as if the peace of the city had proved itself stronger than the Christmas rush."
"He had stood stock still, breathing in the spirit of the moment, with time passing more slowly than he could ever have imagined."
"You have to read North of the Hills. It’s a real masterpiece."
"He sank into a deep, red armchair, letting his hands lie on the armrests and taking in the living room."
"You really get used to it? Yes … Yes, I think I can say so. But it takes time."
"The church bells rang Christmas in, echoing through the town and up to the mountains, but no further, as if they were intended for the town’s inhabitants only."
"He wouldn’t be getting any Christmas presents this year, not even one from Kristín."
"He lifted his face to the heavens and closed his eyes, letting featherweight snowflakes settle on his face, one at a time, offering them refuge."
"Those were words Leifur was never likely to forget."
"We might be in touch later for details if necessary."
"I wish I could say that this is the result of tackling a criminal."
"No peace of mind would be found standing in the street with his eyes on the heavens."
"The whole of Siglufjördur knew the story, and watched the unlikely pairing with interest."
"Let’s not be making mountains out of molehills."
"He didn’t quite understand his compulsion to do things for children, except that he somehow wanted to help them maintain their innocence as long as possible."
"It was only when he had cards in his hand that he felt fully alive, flush with high-octane petrol."
"The place seemed empty as he opened the door of their flat on Thormódsgata."
"The flakes had stopped tumbling down around dinner time and his mother had finally let him go outside to play."
"The sight of the angel, a beautiful snow angel, didn’t frighten him."
"Old habits born of experience ensured that he kept his cards close to his chest; nobody could be trusted."
"Sometimes he wondered what the future might have in store."
"The living room was unusually colourful, with most of the furniture showing its age."
"He revelled in the snow; it was in his blood."
"It felt wrong to tell the old lady a lie, even if it was just a white one."
"She had fallen in love once, only once, and it was a pure love."
"Life constantly takes us by surprise."
"There was clearly no point refusing hospitality in this house."
"It's getting there, a step at a time, although it's most likely that it was an accident."
"I can't do this every day, not at my age. I have to be careful what I eat."
"He said he was so damned old, the time had come!"
"Nobody has mentioned this will before. So it has certainly been kept quiet."
"If there was anything Ari Thór had learned during his short time in Siglufjördur, it was that secrets were liable to spread with astonishing speed in such a small community."
"She felt at home in the darkness, where she saw nobody and nobody could see her."
"The weather is so bad we will have to spend a few more days here."
"She liked loving him like this, any thought of intimacy scared her."
"It’s as if the snow is slowing everything down."
"He wanted to help those he could still help – a penance for his old misdeeds."
"There’s something I have to tell you, something that has been on my conscience."
"I gather you’ve been seen with another woman."
"I’d prefer not to let them know where I live right now."
"Hide-and-seek gets tiring after a while, but it’s fun as long as it lasts."
"It’s obvious, Karl. You killed the old lady to get your hands on her cash."
"You bastard! You don’t say a word to anyone … or else …"
"His feet were as heavy as lead, just as in his worst nightmares."
"She had waited for life for far too long, watching it shoot past her like a landscape seen from behind the windows of a moving car, driven much too quickly."
"She was going to speak to him at the reception after the opening night, ask him out on a date, like a teenager."
"Calm down, don't worry ... We know what Karl's like and nobody's going to believe him."
"I don't think that will do, my boy. And anyway, it would hardly be more than a misdemeanour, interfering with a police investigation."
"He grinned in the certain knowledge that no copy of the insurance policy would be found in a search of the house."
"I needed to speak to Hrólfur as soon as possible, and the first opportunity was that evening."
"He had booked flights from Akureyri and secured a couple of theatre tickets. This was the type of thing he tried to make a habit of, to take a rest from the day-to-day routine whenever the opportunity presented itself."
"They hadn’t been working together for long. Ari Thór’s son had been born at the end of the previous year, on Christmas Eve, and he had gone on to take four months’ paternity leave plus a month’s holiday."
"The solstice was due on the weekend, and it would confirm what everyone already knew up here in the north – winter had arrived."