
I Let You Go Quotes

I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh

I Let You Go Quotes
"Weather like this makes everyone hurry, scurrying past on slippery pavements with chins buried into collars."
"Headlights glint on wet tarmac, the dazzle blinding them every few seconds."
"They reach the quiet street where home lies just around the corner, its seductive warmth a welcome thought."
"The boy grins back and tips up his head to taste the rain, wet eyelashes forming dark clumps around his eyes."
"The feeling of space by her side as he runs toward home, seeking out the warmth of the hall, with its porch-light glow."
"The squeal of wet brakes, the thud of a five-year-old boy hitting the windshield."
"The words burst from him without a break, mixed up and back to front in the excitement of this new world into which he is growing."
"The pool of yellow light that envelops them shrinks to a narrow beam; the car backs up the street."
"Sodden leaves cling to the railings, their bright colors darkening to a dull brown."
"You’ve had time," Olivia said. "Five and a half months, to be exact. It’s an embarrassment, Ray."
"We’ve done everything we can," Stumpy said, "but it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack."
"It’s tough when you’ve put a lot of work in, I know," he said gently.
"I suppose you’ve got your promotion to think about. It wouldn’t do to pick a fight with the chief, would it?"
"Are you going to tell me to stop?" Kate bit her lip.
"You’ve given everything you had," he said. "That’s all you can ever do."
"I hope you told her where to stick it." Kate laughed, but no one joined in.
"It’s a waste of effort," Ray said gently. "Sometimes you have to know when to stop."
"I can’t authorize the budget on anything," he said meaningfully.
"I want you to close the Fishponds hit-and-run case."
"My heart is thumping and I’m struggling to catch my breath."
"I don’t trust my instincts anymore—they’ve been wrong so many times before."
"For a moment he couldn’t pinpoint the feeling that weighed heavy inside him, then he recognized it. Guilt."
"I can use my hand again now, but I can’t feel anything in my fingertips."
"He had never felt tempted to cheat on Mags—not once in fifteen years of marriage."
"He wondered if his boss was really as uncaring as she appeared."
"I’ve been given the elbow before, but not usually with quite such speed."
"The world collapsed, and I let out a strangled sob."
"I haven’t been down to the shore since my date with Patrick."
"I tip my wine down the sink and decide to take Beau for a walk along the coastal path."
"I wanted to take some pictures of the village anyway."
"She wasn’t like that. But nevertheless the worry almost pushed aside the guilt."
"She’s a good friend to have. I’ve known her for years."
"It’s tricky to pay the tax man with pheasants."
"It’s not that hard. You’ve got a broadband account in your name."
"It’s rare to find a woman who doesn’t care about putting on weight."
"Her voice is softer now, as though she regrets the harsh words she threw at me earlier."
"The stench of his body odor catches the back of my throat."
"I rub the red grooves on my wrists and find perverse pleasure from the twinge of pain it gives me."
"The heavy door clicks open and we walk through into a large room with dirty white walls."
"The atmosphere is stale in spite of a noisy air-conditioning unit."
"I’m too slow. 'Get a good look, did you, sweetheart?' The man’s voice is high and nasal, like a boy’s."
"The door slams behind us with a noise that seems to stay in my ears for a full minute."
"My stomach clenches with fear, and for the first time I wonder if I can get through this."
"Your belt. Take it off. Are you wearing any jewelry?"
"The train from Bristol to Swansea takes nearly two hours."
"The tiles were wet, and a clump of hair covered the plughole like a squatting spider."
"I didn’t sleep at all in custody, my mind racing as I waited for morning."
"I swallow and try to make my mouth work. 'Jenna Alice Gray, 28 August 1976.'"
"I watch the horizon and put one foot in front of the other, feeling the sand sucking at my feet."
"I hear a roaring, but if it’s coming from the sea I don’t know if it is warning me or calling to me."
"The slope of the sand at Penfach is gradual, leading a hundred meters or more out to sea before the shelf ends and it falls away."
"I can’t do this. I can’t spend my whole life running from the mistakes I’ve made."
"You have to have legal representation, Ms. Gray."
"No previous convictions, abiding by your current bail conditions, answering bail on time."
"The few people in the public gallery are looking at me curiously, as though I were an exhibit in a museum."
"The press argue they’re doing their job, but they won’t stop till they get a story."
"The courthouse stairs are a stage for the public's drama."
"I stumble again, and for a second I think I’m going to fall and be crushed underfoot by this angry mob."
"The train to Swansea is nearly empty, and I sink back into my seat and close my eyes."
"The village shop won’t stock my produce anymore."
"We’re just another case for them, no different from any other."
"It’s a small place, Penfach, everyone knows everyone else’s business."
"There are people out there who believe the police are powerless to stop them. But we do have powers, and we won’t rest until we have taken them off the streets."
"Is this my fault? Is it because I haven’t been there for him?"
"You must remember that he was a boy. That he had a mother. And that her heart is breaking."
"Believe me, Ms. Gray, there’s a big difference between two years in prison and six."
"I should never have said the things I did. I had no right."
"No one had thought to remove the bassinet from the side of my bed, and it taunted me from the corner of my eye."
"I wondered what she would do with the contents—if she would find another baby to wear whatever outfit she had handpicked for my son."
"Eve had never trusted Ian, although he had taken care never to let anyone see his temper."
"Her own grief demanding answers; a reason; someone to blame."
"My life is none of your business and you have no right to tell me what to do."
"It wasn’t Eve’s words that hurt me as much as their honesty."
"I think how I hated her for letting him leave."
"Mum told him she would go to the police if he ever came near us again."
"They’ll put everything straight," he says. "It’ll be like it never happened."
"Each wave advances a little more, exposing smooth, glistening sand for a matter of seconds."
"I’m sure it’s not a body. Bodies are for Monday mornings, not Friday evenings."
"I’m seeing things. There’s nothing written there on the sand; nothing carved in bold, straight letters."
"You can’t help him if you’re sick yourselves."
"I know you better I’d think you’d caught me looking and were moving your belongings out of view."
"Variety is important. Even the finest steak becomes dull when you eat it all the time."
"It pays well and I know what I’m doing now, and if it weren’t for my boss it would be perfect."
"You and I aren’t going to have the sort of relationship that needs names."
"The train stops between Sydenham and Crystal Palace."