
Jessica's Guide To Dating On The Dark Side Quotes

Jessica's Guide To Dating On The Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey

Jessica's Guide To Dating On The Dark Side Quotes
"Just remember, girls: The young male vampire is a predator by nature. Some boys may look at you not only as a romantic interest, but as prey . . ."
"Wonderful, wonderful bus number 23. I'd never been so happy to climb on board."
"If there was one thing I hated, it was spooky fairy tales with no basis in reality or logic."
"Contorting his frame into a series of ridiculous configurations is more important than informing his daughter about the pact?"
"And when I bite you for the first time, then you will be a vampire."
"And we are to be married, the moment you come of age. This has been decreed since our births."
"Vampires are a sensual race but not given to exhibitionism, for god's sake. We're discreet."
"You are a vampire princess—the heir to the Dragomir leadership."
"It shall be a glorious moment in our history, when we ascend to power."
"I shall translate, unless, of course, Antanasia's studied her Romanian?"
"Swallowing hard, I fell back on my pillow and pulled the covers up tightly around my throat—my tender, vulnerable, as yet un-kissed throat—half wishing for and half dreading the morning."
"Only when one is in a place that completely lacks danger or mystery can one understand how profoundly the dark places of the world can be missed."
"How many manifestations of denim can there be? And the T-shirts with the horses and the arithmetic-related 'puns'... Is it really 'Hip2B2'? Would it hurt to wear a dress now and then?"
"Regardless. She is rude. She is uncooperative. She lacks any appreciation of her culture—and certainly of her duty, her destiny, the rare opportunity being afforded to her by the simple fact of her birth."
"Blessed with the black, curling hair that makes Romanian women so distinctive, she tugs and greases it into submission in a vain attempt to look like every other American teenager. But why be someone else?"
"Chivalry does not imply that women are powerless. On the contrary, chivalry is an admission of women's superiority. An acknowledgment of your power over us."
"What is love if not a form of alchemy? There are forces in this universe that we just can't explain."
"One should never confuse fashionable with beautiful."
"You are a puzzle to me, Jessica," he finally said. "A mystery. But at least I am open to the possibility of exploring that which I don't understand."
"Most likely a full-scale war, your family against mine, some five million vampires struggling to fill the power vacuum, building coalitions, leaders rising and falling, destruction and bloodshed on a massive scale."
"Why do all powerful nations and cultures and religions clash? For control of territory. For the simple lust for dominance."
"Vampires are a very capricious people. It's one of our best—and worst—traits."
"The genealogy means everything. It is the only possession I prize."
"Reality. Mr. Jaegerman obviously believed in it. He certainly wouldn't believe in unreal things. Like vampires. Or eternal destinies. Or 'disgust turned to lust.'"
"I prefer to practice with practical problems, as opposed to dealing with abstract ideas."
"Pi is an excellent example of a transcendental number. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter."
"You seemed a little daydream-y." He smiled. "I thought I should bring you back to reality."
"We are only the most powerful race of superhumans. We are physically gifted with grace and strength."
"If you wear that dress, you won't regret it. That was made for you."
"The whale represents the hidden forces of destruction that long to break through the surface of a complacent world."
"Drills build skills. You gotta do the drills."
"I find that I'm in a very unusual mood tonight, Jessica. I'm not the best company. Perhaps you'll excuse me—leave me to my solitary pursuits."
"Don't sell yourself short with any man. Any boy."
"When you kiss the right person, it will be a hell of a lot better than nice."
"Don't let them do anything... to my horse. She didn't mean... any harm."
"Lucius Vladescu does not seem like he's afraid of anything. And he does know what he wants, doesn't he?"
"He's getting good care. The best care we could give him, safely."
"Lucius is special. He would not be safe in a hospital."
"Even I can tell that. He probably needs blood."
"There are things about Lucius that most doctors wouldn't understand."
"I'll tell you as soon as I have news on his progress."
"Welcome to the world of the mysterious, Jessica."
"The mysterious can be beautiful—and dangerous."
"If atoms can exist, hidden and yet everywhere, for millennia... why not a vampire?"
"You wept for my distress. No one has ever wept to see me suffer before."
"Even insensate on a table, I manage to sicken you. Quite a talent I have."
"Blood comingled. Could there be a stronger bond between two beings?"
"But sharing one's blood with another: exposing one's most vulnerable place... and trusting your partner to satisfy without subduing... It makes sex seem almost insignificant by comparison."
"I saw Lucius drink blood. It's not impossible."
"I'm sorry I can't offer you more guidance than that. But the book should answer most of your questions."
"There's something wrong with that guy. He's not normal."
"Yeah. And if he'd just about strangled you, you'd still be pissed, too."
"Vladescu—someday that guy's gonna get what he deserves. He is not right."
"So why didn't I feel better as I closed my books, giving up on math—slamming the cover on logic and reason—for the night?"
"Is it a good thing to have one's mind 'blown'? Or a bad thing?"
"Imagine paying for the privilege of dragging a filthy piece of the forest into your living area."
"Yes, perhaps I am irrational. But I keep my trees where they belong. Out-of-doors."
"Oh, yes. You might be interested—or perhaps not—to know that I have also made a friend."
"I feel rather confident that the 'jolly old elf' St. Nick has inked her firmly on his 'naughty' list."
"The distance rather 'blows one's mind,' does it not?"
"Is she not beautiful? Is she not powerful? Is she not regal? Is she not exactly like YOU?"
"It's astonishing, really, Vasile, all for a bit of fermented hops."
"Must we vampires always resort so quickly to violence?"
"Who knew, just a few months ago, how much could be accomplished simply by holding your chin high and talking down your nose?"
"Looking in the mirror, I was glad I wasn't too skinny. This wasn't a dress made for a boyish figure."
"It's all for me," I interrupted her, squaring my shoulders. "The dress, the hair, the shoes... they were all about me taking pride in myself. Believing that I was beautiful. Believing that I was worthwhile."
"Forget Lucius and Faith Crosse. I intended to have a presence."
"You know, senior year." I shrugged, sipping my punch.
"Everyone stumbles now and then," he added. "As you well know."
"I'm trying to tell you, Jessica. The pact is no longer in effect."
"You really were the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen tonight."
"You will always be royalty. And I will always recall the image of you this evening, just as I will always remember the way you wept for me as I lay broken downstairs."
"We all knew what that meant. More pain. More scars."
"This is your home now," Dad said, voice firm. "You'll stay here."
"I could not impose more than I have." Lucius addressed Dad. "And you need not fear for me."
"Damn," he said, clutching his ribs. "They memorize every place that has been broken in me—the better to break me again, more efficiently."
"Try to stand," Dad said, taking Lucius by the arm.
"Thank you," Lucius replied. Even badly beaten, he retained a regal air once on his feet.
"I am afraid that I mistook kindness for weakness. My apologies."
"I never thought they'd really lay a hand on him again."
"You love him. You can bring him back to his senses. It's fairly simple, really."
"Don't ever tell me that I'm not ready to rule."
"Your parents achieved the first peace," Dorin pointed out. "You will achieve the lasting one."
"No trouble at all," Dad promised, helping to steady Lucius with an arm around the waist.
"You are so different from my family, you know."
"It's not a problem, son," Dad promised, helping to steady Lucius with an arm around the waist.
"Yes, quite a few things seem to be converging, do they not?"
"You're still coming over for my birthday, right?"
"You did not give me the opportunity to explain my gift."
"Lucius has been going through something very difficult."
"They keep talking about vampires and stakes."
"Of course Lucius sees disobeying and ultimately destroying Vasile as just more evidence that he is irredeemable. And so he acts irredeemably."
"The world's a better place with Vasile out of the way."
"Vampires have been destroyed because I didn't come back with Lucius? While I was wasting time mucking stalls, my relatives have been getting staked?"
"I promise I'll do my best to protect you from Lucius's 'wrath.'"
"I was up for the challenge. I had no choice."
"Welcome back to Romania, Princess Antanasia."
"The Fiat's very reliable, though. I have no complaints. None at all."
"Does it not make sense, Antanasia? Look at them. The Dragomirs are diminished."
"The headlights on your toy car are dim, but still visible from many miles away. Few people travel this way at night. The road is too perilous—and the destination far too treacherous."