
Lies She Told Quotes

Lies She Told by Cate Holahan

Lies She Told Quotes
"What if, by the time the book comes out, interest in psychiatrists has waned?"
"Maybe it’s worth a try. New methods can lead to new results."
"I don’t invent my characters. I steal them from my surroundings."
"Ignorance is bliss. If only I’d stayed home."
"How am I supposed to relax with someone puttering around my womb, poised to certify my female handicap?"
"Hope is the Novocain shot before the surgery."
"Swing isn’t the right word in my case. My emotions don’t vacillate between happy and sad like a pianist alternating between major and minor scales. They’re stuck in a discordant chord."
"I’m fine. If this works, I’m sure I’ll be the happiest person on earth."
"Most people who do it aren’t unhappy in their marriage. Usually, they’re unhappy with themselves."
"Well, she can have two parents whether or not you stay with your spouse."
"Until someone gets a job offer several states away or remarries or has children with someone else."
"My life is my family. Me, my husband, and Vicky."
"We can’t just Google some facts and win cases."
"Suspense writers. Expect the worst and you won’t be surprised."
"Life wasn’t meant to be spent in anticipation of the next heartbreak. It was about the spaces in between."
"People often continue to be untruthful in the face of overwhelming evidence. They’ll lie to themselves, convince themselves that they didn’t do anything really wrong."
"All right, then. Let’s talk about you. Why do you think confronting him is so difficult?"
"We humans are a strange lot. We tend to prefer familiarity and predictability over nearly everything. We repeat what we’ve seen, even when we know it’s a mistake."
"I’m sorry. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Okay?"
"You need to be very, very careful with drugs that stress out your body and your brain."
"I understand that you feel that way right now. I’m here if you change your mind."
"The mind has two ways of dealing with trauma."
"Nothing is particularly amusing about my beautiful maid of honor and David’s handsome best man trying each other on for size."
"I’m not sure that I know what happened, really. Maybe she got bored."
"Unfortunately, I can’t provide any more details without compromising the investigation."
"If he can’t even deign to return my multiple messages, why should I rush to give him this new information?"
"I may still be background furniture, but I now have a decorative pillow."
"The suddenness and severity of the headache makes me feel as though I was sucker punched."
"It’s difficult not to hear Beth’s running description of Trevor’s body, forged, she says, like Spartan armor."
"I didn’t come here to indulge in sexual fantasies, either."
"Music penetrates the door. Someone is having a party inside."
"Armed now, I retreat to the broken door, prepared to take a swing at whomever might come near."
"If I want to live, I must stop the spider from reaching the gun."
"The idea comforts me as I head out to the street."
"I plead for another moment with a raised finger and a sheepish glance."
"But I can’t force Beth to do something stupid because it fits with a death aesthetic."
"I’m talking too much, volunteering way more information than necessary."
"Ignorance is bliss. Whatever he did, I don’t want to find out for certain."
"Never again will I be a twenty-one-year-old ingenue so enamored of the idea of someone finding me special that I refuse to see this other person for who he really is."
"If it weren’t for Colleen’s shoes on my feet, I might be enjoying Jake’s distress."
"The gut-wrenching emotions I felt when I first saw Jake’s hand on Colleen’s back are inaccessible to me."
"Maybe he hadn’t asked me for it because he hadn’t wanted me to worry."
"Alone in the apartment, with only my imagination for company, I can invent too many reasons for my husband to have wanted his business partner dead."
"The acts feel superfluous. My husband might have killed a man."
"Victoria sleeps in her bassinet, body positioned for a police pat down."
"Is he saying a prayer for Colleen? Pleading for himself? Asking God to spare me from discovering his actions?"
"My guess is that she stumbled upon a crime of some sort."
"Rage at his defense of the woman who lured him away from his pregnant wife runs through me like an electric current."
"I don’t want to see my mom. She will tell me to forgive my husband because I also had an affair."
"It doesn’t matter where I go. You lost your right to that information when you started lying to me."
"You don’t get to negotiate right now. This is what needs to happen."
"I need to take a walk with my baby and dispose of the plastic thongs cutting into my feet."
"My sneakers sit at the bottom beside Jake’s loafers."
"I feel as though I am having an out-of-body experience."
"One by one, my systems shut down like an overheating computer force quitting processes."
"The realization sneaks up on me, a robber with a knife to my throat."
"The suicide case would have brought Nick and David together romantically for the first time."
"A tear tumbles down my face, a mosquito bite at dusk."
"I’ve learned things—important facts about people that I care about—that I can’t remember knowing at all."
"Hormones impact memory, and I can understand it being disconcerting."
"You need to be there for Victoria. You don’t need to be punished."
"Ultimately, the cops bought the line that he must have been drunk and dove into the shallow end. It was plausible enough."
"The past is always hiding behind the present, threatening to peek out and drag everything down."
"What kind of person forgets the most formative events of her life?"
"I am here and I am real even though I have invented my entire history."
"I don’t have the luxury of wallowing in guilt."
"You’re the most loving, caring, honest, good human being that I know."
"I tried to end my life and I don’t remember it."
"You can’t kick me out and think I’m going to straighten up before I leave."