
Full Bloom Quotes

Full Bloom by Janet Evanovich

Full Bloom Quotes
"You don't like men? They come in handy on cold winter mornings."
"The Divine Love Goddess never makes up stuff."
"Good sex, huh? Jeez, I might have to reconsider. As long as I'm not stuck with him for the rest of my life."
"It happens to me all the time. Dead people latch on to me like flies to molasses."
"That explains her sour moods. A good roll in the hay works wonders."
"Some people like being tied up," Destiny said, studying her nails, "or so I've heard."
"Despite it all, Max and Jamie had fallen in love and had chosen Annie's home in which to be married."
"That's exactly what she is," Erdle said. "Mean and crazy."
"He was young and good-looking, and we had this chemical thing going. Not to mention the fact he was slow handed, and pushed all the right buttons, if you get my drift."
"Life isn't always predictable, Mrs. Fortenberry."
"I don't believe in wasting a client's time or money."
"I spent every dime of it if I have to in order to find out what really happened to Charles."
"Sorry, Annie, but this is no dog. It's a human skeleton."
"Oh, shit, I have a dead person in my backyard! Oh, shit. Oh, shit."
"I'm not taking this picture for your high school yearbook. You need to look serious."
"Charles probably would have left you anyway had he lived."
"Are you smart-mouthing me? Because if you are I'll tell your mama and she'll slap you from here to Texas."
"I'll tell you what he's thinking. He's thinking he'd like to dunk his doughnut you-know-where."
"It's no big deal. It's not like I don't have enough to do what with planning a wedding."
"Don't answer it. It might be another reporter."
"I'll make him sorry he ever set foot in the yard."
"I'm so glad Theenie is beginning to show assertiveness."
"Good morning, and good morning to you, handsome."
"You really don't want to piss me off right now."
"Excuse me, but this is beginning to sound like harassment to me, waltzing in here at seven-thirty in the morning."
"Your problem is you spend too much time closed up in this house."
"It works both ways. These people are the closest thing I've ever had to a real family."
"You're wasting our time when you could be out looking for the real killer."
"People don't lie unless they've got something to hide, and if she lied once, what's to say she hasn't been lying all along?"
"Trust me, we want the publicity," Nunamaker whispered. "I'll handle everything."
"The good news is the ballroom floor looks great."
"I've heard so much about you," she said. "From Jamie," she added quickly.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me."
"I'm down ten pounds. But I don't want to eat anything fattening and risk blowing it."
"I've already called a cab," Jimbo said, "but it's going to be a while before it gets here on account Otto has several people ahead of you. You'll have to pick up your car later."
"You're not afraid, are you?" "Of course not."
"Please make yourselves comfortable," Donna said. "I'll be right back."
"Please don't yell," he said, leaning his head against the side window. "I've had a rotten day. I think."
"If I didn't know better I'd think you were jealous of him."
"What makes you think I'm interested in hurting her?"
"I'm going to do everything in my power to keep you out of jail."
"The sun shone through her bedroom window and the birds, which had mistaken the warm winter for spring, chirped and sang."
"I mean, what will people think? And believe me, news spreads fast in this town."
"This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and I've seen some pretty dumb things in my life."
"I need to concentrate on the problems before us. I'm just asking you to trust me. And know that I have your best interests at heart."
"I didn't particularly want to share that information with anyone, but I suspect a lot of people already know."
"My brother married a lesbian stripper, and nobody held it against our family."
"You do look pretty dangerous in that Mickey Mouse jacket."
"You're a cold-blooded murderer is what you are."
"I haven't told the police anything," Annie replied. "It's not my favorite place right now."
"Wes is not my boyfriend. He's just somebody I have sex with."
"Don't threaten her," Erdle said. "I'm too drunk to kick your ass."
"I don't care if he's your damn plumber," Norm said. "Tell him to mind his own business or you're both going to be sorry."
"Holy crap!" she managed, and then began to wheeze.
"Because I don't know the first thing about lap dancing."
"Did I tell you he's a private investigator hired by my mean ol' mother-in-law to snoop on me?"
"I don't work for Eve anymore, Annie. In fact, I gave her a full refund, including her retainer."
"I'll be sure to pass the news to Annie ... No, she's not mad at you."
"Take a chance, Annie. Take a chance on me. On us."
"I think that would have been a perfect time to tell the truth."
"I'm too drunk to kick your ass," Erdle said again, his words slurred.
"Start talking, Erdle, and don't stop until you've told us everything."
"I think we can relate," Destiny said, giving an eye roll.
"You're certain he was dead when you found him?" Jamie asked.
"Why don't we go into the living room and give Erdle a few minutes to himself?" she suggested.
"No, but I'll pistol-whip you if you don't start moving your jaws."
"You can't just go around burying folks wherever it suits you."
"I hate to say it, but I think the murderer is still on the loose."
"Wal-Mart sells cubic zirconia rings that look like the real enchilada."
"I'm not sleeping under the same roof with a bunch of crazy women."
"You are not going to leave this house until I get my ring back."
"I'll help you break the news to Erdle in case he gives you any problems."
"I probably shouldn't be listening to stuff like that."
"I'm so sorry," Annie said, rubbing the dog on his bony head.
"Doc's a snarly old man, but he can't stand to see something suffer."
"What is so important that you have to barge into my house at two o'clock in the morning?"
"I would never have allowed you to go to prison for something I'd done."
"After all the cooking I've done, I don't even want to look at food."
"I can't think of a place I'd rather be married."