
Breathing Room Quotes

Breathing Room by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Breathing Room Quotes
"She wasn't beautiful, but her evenly spaced light brown eyes sat exactly where they should, and her forehead rose in proportion to the rest of her face."
"Good eating habits kept her complexion creamy and her figure slender and healthy, although she would have preferred slimmer hips."
"She wasn't just Isabel's attorney but the man she loved, and she'd never been more grateful to have him in her life."
"She knew she shouldn't make a decision about something this important when she wasn't sober."
"Her parents had been college professors who'd thrived on chaos and emotional excess."
"The Villa dei Angeli sat at the end, and as Isabel caught sight of it, she felt as if she'd been transported into the film version of A Room with a View."
"All she'd eaten today were those few grapes she'd picked on the way back from the villa three hours ago."
"Chianti could only be termed classico, she'd learned, if it had been pressed from grapes grown in the Chianti region that lay a few miles to the east."
"The delicate scents of rosemary and sweet basil drifted up from the gravel path as she made her way toward the old table that sat in the shade of the magnolia."
"The plowed fields that had been grayish brown in the morning had turned to lavender in the late-afternoon sun. So beautiful."
"She wouldn't worry about the fact that she had no idea what kind of book she would write."
"She inhaled the wine and the rosemary. In the distance a road curled against the hills in a pale, smoky trail."
"He introduced himself expansively, as if his name alone should bring her pleasure."
"The Tuscan cuisine is the best in the world."
"The sun, fluffy clouds looked as though they should be printed on blue flannel pajamas. It was a beautiful day, and she wouldn't let even a hundred surly Italians spoil it for her."
"I don't pay much attention to the self-help movement, but even I've heard of you."
"Time for me to hear confessions. Ciao, Fifi."
"I can't afford breathing room. I have to get my career back on track so I can earn a living."
"Life's too messy to fit inside those tidy little Cornerstones."
"Trust me. Somebody who entertains herself picking up litter doesn't have the foggiest idea how to overcome crisis."
"Marriage takes hard work. It takes sacrifice and commitment."
"We develop dysfunctions as children because we see them as essential to our survival."
"Personal responsibility is at the heart of any well-lived life."
"Only the most selfish and immature parents would use beautiful children as weapons in a power struggle."
"God smiles at us when we reach for the stars, even if we don't quite manage to touch them."
"If you go through life trying not to hurt anybody's feelings, you'll turn into a big wimp, and nobody likes a wimp."
"I'm not stumbling back to the villa at five o'clock in the morning."
"I want to know what's happening on my property. And don't insult me with any more crap about water problems."
"Everyone knew it was there, but the local officials didn't want a rebellion on their hands."
"What good would it do for them to find the statue if we spread the word that it was here?"
"He'd even flown to the States years ago to see his granddaughter when she was born."
"It's one thing for local politicians to turn a blind eye to a priceless Etruscan artifact."
"The same base that disappeared the day the statue was stolen."
"I've got a news flash for both of you: No man is comfortable with his feelings."
"How many chances do I get to harvest grapes in a Tuscan vineyard?"
"The romance is going to wear off pretty quickly."
"I needed to work, too, but I'd brooded instead."
"You're a woman who needs to have all her ducks in a row."
"I'm chaos! Everything about my life is insane. And I like it that way."
"I'm not tired at all. As a matter of fact, I can't wait. Woo, woo. Party hearty."
"This is the place where the music comes up and the credits start to roll."
"You're so wrong, sweetheart. The film's just beginning."