
Stray Quotes

Stray by Rachel Vincent

Stray Quotes
"The moment the door opened I knew an ass-kicking was inevitable."
"I’d been about to play devil’s advocate, just for the hell of it."
"Lit majors are not known for watching where they’re going."
"If I were Marc you’d let me greet her properly."
"There’s no way you could have kept in shape up there, with nowhere to stretch your legs."
"I’m just slowing you down to give the guys a chance."
"The good stuff, huh? Then you’d better catch me."
"It was the freedom of grass, and trees, and fallen leaves, and pinecones, and most important, the freedom of speed."
"I breathed in the fragrances of the forest, letting the pine-scented air trigger my Shift."
"With anticipation came acceptance, and that turned out to be enough."
"I extended my front paws, claws piercing ground cover to grip the fragrant earth."
"It’s not the length of the word; It’s how well you use it."
"It would be chaining me hand and foot to a responsibility I didn’t want, and probably couldn’t handle."
"We’re strong, we’re stubborn, and we fight when we’re cornered."
"Freedom from the Pride doesn’t mean true freedom for you."
"I’m not being theatrical. I’m completely serious. I’m leaving."
"The key to negotiation lies in stipulating the details."
"The guys took shifts watching you for all five of those years."
"I’m going to have to work on my reaction time."
"I’d rather let him think I didn’t care, than think I was emotionally frail."
"I hadn’t felt such a spark in years. Not since Marc."
"I knew better. Trying to rationalize with Marc before he calmed down would be dangerous, for all involved."
"Pain surfaced through the haze of anger in Marc’s eyes as they rose to meet mine, and I saw him quash it."
"I don’t want to tell him. Not right now. He has enough to deal with as it is."
"If you lay a hand on her again, you’ll have more to worry about than her ripping out your heart. I’ll save her the trouble and do it myself."
"I’m not wasting my life, Mom. I’m doing exactly what I want to do."
"No matter what you think you feel for her, it isn’t mutual. She’s just using you."
"You know, by the time I was your age, I already had two boys and was pregnant with Owen."
"But when you finally realize I’m right, I’ll still be here waiting."
"That’s right, everything’s always Faythe’s fault."
"They found her? That was good news, so why wouldn’t he put down the damn glasses and look at me?"
"I’d rather spend the rest of the day in the cage."
"The point is that I can handle it myself. I don’t need you to come bursting in here, throwing people into walls."
"The bastards propped her up against a tree in her own backyard, like a life-size doll."
"I need to feel something real. I need you, Faythe."
"Are you awake? Do you understand what I’m saying?"
"I’ll be visiting our new guest today." - Miguel
"I’m not joking this time. If I see it, it’s mine, and you won’t get it back at the end of the school year." - Faythe
"Let’s see if you think this is funny." - Miguel
"Guilt is a vicious cycle, an emotional slippery slope. I don’t recommend it."
"Sometimes I suspected Ryan was merely visiting the real world, on vacation from his permanent residence in la-la land."
"Not for sleeping with Marc, but for taking Jace’s car. Marc knew about the bet, and knew I had a claim on Jace’s keys."
"Because of the risk of exposure, Jace’s recovery would proceed without a hospital staff catering to his every need."
"He has to have at least two buyers, and maybe three or four. He’d used Sean to go after Sara, not because he wanted Sara in particular, but because Sean did, and Miguel needed help."
"So, what did it say about me that I understood the way Miguel’s mind worked? Nothing I wanted to think about, not that I could keep from it."
"The obvious possibility was that I shared some kind of depraved thought process with him."
"It was my worst nightmare. Literally. And in that moment I realized something important: I knew more about Miguel’s plans than Ryan did."
"I can’t sit there and listen while he raped my cousin. Again."
"They were going after Carissa, but they wouldn’t be there for hours, so there was still time."
"That’s why Daddy couldn’t make you an enforcer, and why he’s going to put you out of your misery."
"I’d had enough of his jealousy and sniveling cowardice."
"Sometimes, you thank God for the small things, especially when they’re all you have."
"I hadn’t realized how badly I’d wanted to see him, until that moment."
"Why are guys always so willing to believe in the power of their own sexual magnetism, even when all evidence points to there being none?"
"I wasn’t sure whether he was talking about Miguel or Daddy, since either could have been true."
"How had I gone from being a habitual runner to counseling my cousin to stay put?"
"Every instinct I had, both cat and human, told me to grab her hand and run as far and as fast as I could."
"Welcome to my world," I said, and he laughed.
"Killing Eric hadn’t made me cry. But staring into the mirror at the love child of Smurfette and Rocky Balboa was more than enough to bring me to tears."
"Marc’s tail swished back and forth across the ground in warning, but Miguel didn’t seem to notice."
"Time was the great constant, eternally measuring my life in the ticks of a hundred second hands, the tocks of a thousand pendulums."
"It portioned my life into good times and bad times, the former too short, and the latter too long."
"I felt about as attractive as Frankenstein’s monster. And almost as well loved."
"Marc’s tail twitched, a play of shadows in the night, and something heavy thumped to the ground."
"Marc roared in victory, standing over the body of his enemy. The sound was triumphant, aggressive, and primal."
"Blood poured from the wounds, soaking the material almost instantly."
"But they were sticky little bastards, clinging to me like an emotional odor, no matter how many times I lathered and rinsed."
"Rule number four for cleaning up at the site of an incident: carry all dead bodies in one vehicle."
"They’d wrapped Miguel’s body and its various detached parts in a sheet of black plastic."
"I'd never seen anything like Miguel’s death in my entire life."