
Apple Tree Yard Quotes

Apple Tree Yard by Louise Doughty

Apple Tree Yard Quotes
"The whole great grindingness of these procedures. That is what intimidates me."
"She has been down so many different avenues that at first I am not alert to the fact that this new line of questioning has significance."
"There is no natural light in Courtroom Number Eight and that bothers me."
"I have always been a poor sleeper. It is how I have managed to achieve so much."
"One minute, we are kissing, and that in itself seems extraordinary, the next we are having sex."
"I find them comic. What intimidates me is the bureaucracy."
"The human desire for casual sex is an interesting experiment in the collision between gratification and genetic self-interest."
"I try not to feel wistful – I don’t deserve to, after all."
"The strands that a spider spins are made of protein, of proteinaceous spider silk, to be precise."
"If a droplet touches an inanimate surface, for instance, it will merely adhere."
"All day, our texts continue. Have I ever had a threesome? (No, I haven’t.)"
"You’re a bit slow on the uptake today, aren’t you?"
"It doesn’t mean anything, I don’t think. It’s just what I like."
"I am owed this. I am owed you. For twenty-eight years, I have done everything asked of me."
"Your rights matter here, and part of the judge’s job is to have due regard for your rights."
"No defendant can be compelled to speak as part of the case against them."
"Whatever minor advantage I might gain by encouraging you to be disloyal to your wife will come to rebound on me eventually."
"We had to make an effort not to call them too often, not to ask them every phone call when they were coming home."
"It took us a reprehensible amount of time to acknowledge that something was wrong with Adam."
"I remember the day Guy and I searched his bedroom. It was a summer evening and, unusually, he had made the effort to go out with friends."
"The bitter irony of that evening: if we had known what was coming instead, we would have been overwhelmed with joy to discover a few dark crumbs of skunk in a matchbox in a pocket of those worn, favourite jeans."
"I wouldn’t care so much about physical infidelity that I would let it ruin what we have together, no."
"We are there before the jury is admitted too, before the judge arrives."
"The hectic pace of those around me is infectious: it feels impossible, at this time of day, to walk down the street slowly."
"If necessary, I’ll drop forty quid on a cab to get home."
"If you are ever questioned in detail, then stick to the truth of the meetings, precisely, time, place, what sort of coffee etc., but leave out the sex."
"The weight of your hand resting on mine – I like that."
"How little we know of each other, I think, nothing in fact: only this, only now."
"I’m not afraid of dangerous men anymore. I’m afraid of friendly, ordinary men."
"I always knew he would leave as soon as he could."
"I imagine quitting smokers must feel like this."
"In the New Year comes the news that the trial date is set for March."
"Staring out of the window is an important activity for me."
"The logical part of your head knows there is not the remotest possibility that I am about to cut your throat."
"In a situation of threat, the amygdala's function is to tell you, as quickly as possible, to act in the way that will ensure one thing and one thing only, your survival."
"In any situation where the level of threat is unknown, the amygdala will trump the cortex, every time."
"It's part of the limbic system but let's not concern ourselves with that now."
"Research done at Harvard shows that people receive messages about other people in different ways."
"When you are talking to someone, you receive messages from them in the following proportion: 60 per cent through how they look, 30 per cent through how they sound and only 10 per cent through what they actually say."
"As a scientist I am sceptical about statistics."
"I am not general, I want to say. I am particular."
"The logical part of your head knows that I am only doing this to make a point."
"You were annoyed with Craddock because he didn’t call you afterwards, or something. That one comes up quite often."
"The big problem in prosecuting sexual assault cases is the women never seem to fight back."
"It’s one thing discussing this, professionally, but for us there’s a lot at stake, our whole lives."
"The trial of Regina v. Mark Liam Costley and Yvonne Carmichael has begun."
"We haven’t even started yet, and I’m beginning to think like them."
"My job is to oversee the very rigorous testing that we put all potential operatives through, both physical and psychological."
"It must cause them some difficulties, sometimes, not even being able to tell their own husband or wife what they do."
"We don’t accept candidates lightly but we don’t reject them lightly either."
"I didn’t consider him actively unstable, no."
"It is true that I do not have any of the qualifications you have mentioned."
"Isn’t it to your credit, Mark Costley, that they didn’t want you? You never lied to me, not outright."
"The prosecution witnesses so far have been largely immaterial: the only one that matters is their expert psychologist."
"It is human nature to let people think we are something more glamorous than we are."
"You are familiar, aren’t you, with a small back alleyway called Apple Tree Yard."
"You’ve lied to your husband, you’ve lied to the police and you’ve lied to this court."
"Relationships are about stories, not truth. Alone, as individuals, we each have our own personal mythologies, the stories we tell in order to make sense of ourselves to ourselves."
"The trouble with stories is, they are addictive."
"It’s an unfair thing to say, so I don’t say anything at all."
"I had a sudden memory, of how when the children were small, I would have a kettle and coffee cup all ready in my study while I was doing their bedtime routine."
"I wasn’t vulnerable to you, because I had fallen out of love with Guy. I was weary, and if I fell out of love with anything it was with that competence of mine."
"You and your wife watched television together and shared the housework. You occasionally had irritable words about whose turn it was to renew the tax disc on the car, just like me and Guy."
"The first thing I saw as I approached was that the old blackened building on the corner was covered in scaffolding."