
Dead Watch Quotes

Dead Watch by John Sandford

Dead Watch Quotes
"She suppressed the urge to run the mare, but not the urge to push her into a trot."
"Her biggest fear was that they would do something stupid."
"He wouldn’t have been able to hear for a week."
"The governor grunted: 'Let it go. I’ll have Patricia deal with him.'"
"The killer could feel the pull of the .45 in his pocket."
"The FBI—they’re doing a tap dance, is what they’re doing."
"He did wear suits: a saleswoman at Saks had once taken two hours of her life to coordinate neckties and shirts and suits with his eyes."
"He hunted deer and turkeys in Virginia, elk and antelope out west."
"The streets were lined with flowers, busy with bureaucrats with white ID tags strung around their necks, fat brown briefcases dangling from their hands."
"His mother was an engineer, his father a rancher’s son and a lawyer and eventually a congressman."
"He was too moral for that," Goodman interjected.
"Goodman and Patricia and Goines are worried about him."
"If they’re going to do that, it’s gonna be in about one of nine places: repeat after me."
"He found it in the wrecked washing machine, in the lint filter."
"The house was dim and smelled of old moldy wallpaper."
"Once inside, there was no point in being casual: he hurried through, calling, 'Hello? Hello? Mr. Schmidt?'"
"The smell of the body had become intolerable, and there wasn’t much to do other than look at it."
"He kept the car at eighty, screamed through Dyllwyn, a fast right, then another right onto Highway 60 at Sprouse’s Corner."
"This is gonna be the mother of all task forces."
"He walked back to his car, feeling self-righteous: 'Nope, I wasn’t in there, just knocked on the door.'"
"I’m talking about a panic-stricken bunch of Watchmen looking for a gun guy named Carl V. Schmidt."
"Shooting a drugged guy is weird. Cold, ice-cold, murder. Don't get no colder than that."
"I should be there by then. If not, pretty quick after that."
"I feel like I'm... It makes me feel rotten. I'm not made for this."
"Looks like a creek. Not like a million dead men, or whatever it was."
"I can give you a light shined in your eye, pee in a bottle, give up a little blood."
"The simplest answer is probably the right one."
"When the going gets tough, the tough blame the CIA."
"We need either to get it over with, or buried for good."
"The penalty for crossing the border isn’t death."
"The whole thing, the package thing, started with an anonymous tip."
"Hope the cops don’t do any forensics up here."
"The FBI’s in it, the CIA, God only knows what the security people are doing."
"One of the rich guys, who’ll be all lawyered up."
"I’ve had to kill a few people. In the military. And a couple of more, outside. You know. Business."
"I'm really telling you that for your own good, if we all wind up in front of a special prosecutor someday."
"You’re too visible. If there’s ever an investigation, you don’t want to have been anyplace around Wisconsin."
"We can handle it as a political issue or we can handle it as a criminal matter."
"Don’t bullshit me, Mr. Green. I got your name from one of the principals in this case."
"The package has apparently caused at least one and perhaps two murders. Very likely two."
"As long as there’s a scramble going on, you’re going to be near the center of it."
"I’ll bet you a hundred dollars that Schmidt’s buried out in the woods."
"You get the package, I’ve got one foot in the White House."
"I don’t want to get in a political argument. The Watchmen may be Nazis, for all I know."
"He’s about to become the eye of a hurricane. He might be involved here."
"I’ve actually been through it. I’ll probably tell you who has it, but I’ve got to talk to her first."
"You might be able to grab the bag and run. You wouldn’t be able to copy it without him knowing."
"Jake thought about it for fifteen seconds. 'That’s pretty iffy.'"
"Jake slapped his legs, said, 'Well. Time to go to Plan B.'"
""We’re hurting pretty bad here," Jake said. "We need a way to break something out.""
"Everything’s in the timing," Jake said. Thought about the package.
"Jake looked at his watch and yawned nervously."
"I’d like you to stay over tonight," Jake said. He yawned again, and she yawned back."
"The possibility that people would find out, that there would be a story...it’s been out there for a long time."
"What’s that?" Barnes asked. "Too early to tell."
""You do it, and get out in a hurry," she said."
"Fuck the television, Jake. I want to know if we're going to get hammered."
"Consideration? Yeah. We want some consideration."
"You can look at it two ways—you can decide whether every niggling little procedure’s been followed, or you can go for the substance."
"I’m afraid to let Madison out of my sight. I’m afraid somebody’s going to kill her, like those people in Wisconsin."
"We want you to inventory the items before we go over."
"Given his home state, more like a grilled-cheese sandwich."
"I trust you in my gut. I trust you like I trusted my guys in Afghanistan."
"If I’m going to have kids, it’ll have to be soon. I’m getting on in years."