
Corrode Quotes

Corrode by Sarah Bailey

Corrode Quotes
"Ever since Francis told me what they intended to do, I’d told myself it was okay."
"There were lines you didn’t cross. Things no teenager or adult, for that matter, should ever consider doing."
"The night sky was cloudless, making it cold as hell."
"It didn’t feel right being here without my four protectors."
"They tried to hurt you. They were going to rape you."
"Yeah, Scar, we did. They can’t hurt you or anyone else again."
"What the hell, West? That’s not okay. You killed two people."
"We did it to protect you and everyone else from them."
"They’re going to investigate it. You can’t kill the kids of a man like Stuart Carver and not expect him to do something about it!"
"Nothing is ever foolproof, but this is the safest place to hide a body."
"How is this protecting people? You’ve put a target on all of our backs."
"I can’t live without you. I can’t. You are my world. All of you are."
"Scarlett," I whispered, stroking her face, "you’re okay. You’re going to be okay."
"We’re not stupid. Nothing is ever foolproof, but this is the safest place to hide a body."
"I’ve got you, my little Scar. I’m never letting you go again. I promise."
"You just fucking well dangled me off the building."
"By putting my life in danger again? You are crazy, you know that? Absolutely fucking insane."
"We were born together. And we will die together."
"I’ve infected you. My sacrificial little lamb."
"They made me watch… and… and he ripped out her heart and gave it to me as a trophy."
"You must know the first reason, and if you don’t, well… it’s because of love."
"You go to Stuart and confess, how do you think that’s going to make him feel, huh?"
"Ten years hasn’t changed who you fundamentally are inside."
"I’d kill for you, sweetness. I’d fucking die for you."
"I am just as much in this fucked up situation as you are."
"If I keep giving up pieces of myself to them, I won’t have anything left."
"We share too much history with each other and I will not let you throw me or that away."
"You don’t need to be sorry. It’s me who should be."
"We’re not here to talk about my relationship with Scarlett."
"You don’t need to be him. You need to be you."
"I can’t live without you. You’re my world. And my soul."
"I ache inside. Everything I knew before is gone."
"Hate will only bring you more pain, little Scar. I don’t want that for you."
"Hurting you to give you pleasure isn’t the same thing, and you know it."
"This isn’t about what I want, little Scar. It’s about what’s best for everyone, including you."
"I’d rather live in purgatory with you than the hell I experienced without you."
"You’re the queen of this castle, Scar. You just have to take your crown."
"Remember what I said about fear? It feeds you, makes you stronger."
"I’ll take you home, but you need to tell me what happened."
"What’s there not to understand? You agree to do what Drake asks. You get to give me a scar like I gave you."
"That’s right, cry all you fucking like. Beg and plead with me, but it won’t get you very far."
"No. She’s going to stay still and take it like a good little bitch."
"You’re worthless to me now, Scarlett. Absolutely worthless."
"I’m not worthless. I’m not a whore and I’m not fucking damaged goods."
"I hate you. I fucking well hate everything about you and your fucking wife."
"You kidnapped me and kept me locked up like a fucking prisoner."
"You’re not worthless because you can’t have kids. You’re just not."
"You never really had much value, that’s why you felt the need to whore yourself out to them."
"I’m not going to sit here and listen to your shit any longer."
"I don’t want you to burn the world. Just make it safe for us to be together as a family."
"It meant destroying everything and everyone who threatened us."
"Her affectionate gestures were something I hadn’t been expecting."
"Being in love with you wasn’t terrifying, it was the depth and level of my devotion to this woman."
"Loving you is like breathing fucking air. I can’t live without it."
"I think I know what you need to help you feel better."
"I’m not sure you’d be very impressed if I told you how adorable I think you are when you’re being sweet."