
Wethering The Storm Quotes

Wethering The Storm by Samantha Towle

Wethering The Storm Quotes
"Letting my leg dangle off the edge of the lounger, I push my toes into the soft white sand."
"There are a lot of things I want to do with you while we are here, Tru, and talking about work is not one of them."
"Ignoring his desire to not talk about work, I say..."
"I love being here with him. It’s the first time since we got together that it’s been just him and me."
"Our lives are entwined now, and I don’t want him carrying things alone anymore."
"I’m glad he’s here, away from all temptation at the moment."
"I love it when he talks to me like this. Dirty and domineering. It’s incredibly hot."
"We’re on a private island in Fiji... It’s where The Blue Lagoon was filmed."
"I don’t want to let this go—what we have here right now—the complete solitude to do what we want, when we want."
"Jake shudders and tightens his hold on me, grinding his hips into mine."
"I love how Jake’s hunger for me is never sated."
"The sheets are kicked back because of the insane evening heat."
"I love listening to Jake sing. Especially a cappella."
"‘You Started,’ by Ou Est Le Swimming Pool... It’s called ‘You Started,’ because it’s us."
"You don’t complete me, Tru. You make me who I am. You make me better."
"I’m right where I’m meant to be—where I was always meant to be."
"‘Marry Me’... spelled out by tea-light candles that have been worked into the sand, centred in a heart."
"You have a child with someone because it’s what you both want, together."
"A sudden chill settles over my skin, and it’s got nothing to do with the night air."
"How did I go from a second marriage proposal and blissful happiness to a possibly empty future in the space of a few minutes?"
"You’re only just recovering from food poisoning, and we’re still on vacation."
"I worry more when I don’t know what’s going on."
"Our life together. I asked you to marry me straight after we had both just dragged each other through an emotional wringer."
"If you want to help me, Tru, then give me this time with you."
"I love that he can make me feel so wanted and cherished."
"How did I ever get so lucky to get this beautiful man back in my life?"
"I love you, Tru. Thank you for all the wonderful things you do for me."
"There isn't anything I won't do for you, Tru. Nothing I won't do to make you happy. What I feel for you... it's limitless."
"Because your leaving broke my heart, Jake, and when you cut off all contact, what was left of my heart shattered."
"I want you to have this back, Tru. I want you to start playing again."
"You hungry?" - "Very." - "You wanna try that new bed out?"
"There isn't anything I won't do to make you happy. What I feel for you... it's limitless. There is nothing before or after you. There is only you."
"I love you too, baby. Now come on, let me give you the tour."
"I will become Mrs. Jake Wethers on 21 July 2013."
"Sweetheart, I would give everything I own to be able to fuck you again."
"There’s more than enough of the cat to go around. Why deny all of those women the pleasure of Tom? I’m generous to a fault, and I share myself around accordingly."
"Forget you ever heard my girl’s name, let alone saw her face. You fuckin’ read me?"
"All I want to do tonight is have some drinks with the guys, then go home to Tru, climb in bed with her, wrap my arms tight around her, and kiss her until I can’t breathe."
"Sex became about love for me the first night Tru gave herself to me in that hotel room in Copenhagen."
"My girl gets me off just fine. More than fine, she’s fuckin’ amazing. You’re not a patch on her—no offense."
"I know exactly what you’re doing, motherfucker. And I think you’ve forgotten who you’re talking to."
"I wish I could take all those years back so you weren’t having to live them now."
"I don’t want to think. I don’t want to feel."
"I know the baby will be perfect and beautiful, because Tru is."
"She’s my reason for being. She’s my everything."
"A person is rational. People are just plain crazy."
"I wouldn’t have even been at the airport if he hadn’t pulled a Houdini on me. This is all his bloody fault!"
"You think I wouldn’t care if something happened to you?"
"This baby will be made of everything I have loved my whole life."
"I’m so sorry for driving away and leaving you earlier."
"I’m taking it from the urgency to see me today, you have some concern over the pregnancy."
"Most commonly, the issue we see from drug usage and a developing fetus comes directly from the mother."
"Yes, sex. Can Tru and I still have sex while she’s pregnant? Is it safe for the baby?"
"Everyone else was stoked about the baby too. Stuart flipped, in the best possible way. Simone went all crazy too. But the most touching reaction was Vicky’s. When I told her I was pregnant, she started crying real, happy tears."
"I owe Vicky a lot. If it wasn’t for her landing the interview with Jake, we wouldn’t be together now. I have everything in the world to thank her for."
"Stop being a snob," I say, laughing. "Pizza Hut is important to Jake and me."
"He hired the whole place out for her," Stuart adds. "It was really sweet. I was genuinely impressed with him."
"Then I remembered Jake’s old guitar, the first guitar he ever had that my dad bought him."
"So now Jake has Ben with him, and I have Dave permanently attached to my side."
"I definitely think it’s thirteen birthdays’ worth in the thought alone."
"This guy is important to Stuart, I can tell by the way he is about him. I cannot wait to meet the guy who is putting that gorgeous smile on Stuart’s face."
"I know deep down she knows Jake loves me, but she’s worried Jake will screw up, and I’ll be left alone, broken and hurt."
"She’s almost there," I say with a nod, picking up my water again. "I think the visit at Christmas will do it. Jake will win Mama over. I’m sure of it."
"I’m so fucking ready to wrap this day up and get home to my girl."
"You’ve got a fighter there, honey. He’s gonna be just fine."
"I just want you to know that I’m sorry I pushed you away."
"I’m right here, sweetheart. I’ve been here waiting for you. God, baby, I’ve missed you so much."
"Everything is fine now, Tru. You’re back and everything’s going to be okay."
"You are beautiful to me right now. You are beautiful to me always, no matter what."
"You were the best kid a dad could ask for. Really, I’m the one who has everything to be thankful for, to have you standing here before me now."
"The way he always looked at you, and you him…it was inevitable."