
T Is For Trespass Quotes

T Is For Trespass by Sue Grafton

T Is For Trespass Quotes
"Playing the loser was her disguise. She was not like them, not like anyone else, but it had taken her years to fully appreciate her differences."
"The emotional connections that bound others to one another were absent in her."
"She operated as a creature apart, without empathy."
"She saw everything and cared for nothing. By the age of ten, she knew it was only a matter of time before she found a use for her talent for camouflage."
"Her progress through life had been hapless. Nothing had ever gone right for her."
"She was a perfect companion because she mirrored the person she was with, becoming whatever they were."
"She was also the ideal employee—responsible, uncomplaining, tireless, willing to do whatever was asked of her."
"In some ways, the subterfuge had been forced on her."
"Most of her siblings had managed to put themselves through school, and at this stage in their lives they appeared more successful than she."
"While she was happy to accept their largesse, she didn’t like being subordinate to them."
"You can’t save others from themselves because those who make a perpetual muddle of their lives don’t appreciate your interfering with the drama they’ve created."
"The urge to rescue generates aggravation for the poor would-be heroine without any discernible effect on the person in need of help."
"I knew she stayed late, looking after him. I suppose I could have invited her to my place for a glass of wine or reminded her of her offer to buy dinner."
"Her prime concern was for her six ancient cats, which the estate attorney had ordered euthanized before the woman was even cold in her grave."
"You can’t change others, only how you react to them."
"It’s not a question of who’s right. The point is if you’re going to spend time together, you have to take her as she is."
"I felt terrible about the whole thing because I wouldn’t wish pain and suffering on anyone."
"The Christmas tree here was also fake, but it was a thickly flocked specimen with tiny lights and silver ornaments in place."
"The interior of the house was so dense with heat that the air smelled scorched."
"Goddamn it. I’m coming. Quit your hollering," Millard called from somewhere down the narrow transverse hall.
"Thank you. I appreciate that. In answering my questions, please respond only with the facts within your knowledge."
"Well, I’ve got my opinions like everyone else."
"I understand that, Mrs. Fredrickson, but I have to limit my report to information as accurate as you can make it."
"I didn’t expect all this claptrap and folderol."
"Oh hon, I’m a wreck. No pun intended. I can’t hardly get around without my walker."
"I got chronic depression. I can’t remember when I’ve ever felt so low."
"I guess the other ones don’t do much once you’ve taken them awhile."
"Nineteen seventy-six Ford van. Dark green in case you mean to ask that next."
"I disappeared into books, where I was a happy visitor to all the worlds that sprang full-blown from the printed page."
"Despite his deplorable housekeeping skills, it was clear he was conscientious about day-to-day business matters."
"Running is a form of meditation, so naturally my thoughts turned to eating, a wholly spiritual experience in my book."
"I'd rather make a fool of myself than have Gus at risk."
"I don't need your permission to go about my business."
"Life is made up of these occurrences for good or for ill. Some call it synchronicity. I call it dumb luck."
"I'd hate to think I was the one who scared him away."
"They learn the meaning of the word 'regret,' but by then it's too late."
"You must have thought you were immune from discovery, but you're not."
"You put me in hot water with the county. A bad move on your part."
"I know that, Gus. Is there anything I can do to help?"
"He seemed cooperative at first, but then he turned around and bolted so fast it made me wonder if he was in the system somewhere."
"What matters is the current value. This is an authentic Gamble. A big one. You said so yourself."
"When neighbors turn on you, there’s nothing worse. Your home is supposed to be a refuge, not a fortified encampment in a war zone."
"She might fake whiplash or a lower-back pain, but a cracked pelvis and two cracked ribs? Please."
"It’s not like I heard him gouging and bashing away out here."
"I don’t want to pay ten grand for something that makes me feel inadequate."
"I take it you’re aware of the claim? Oh yes. She told me she was suing and I said, ‘Good for you.’"
"I’ve dealt with some very bad folks in my day—thugs, brute killers, and scamsters, with a number of truly evil people thrown into the mix."
"The notion of running into one of them was more than I could bear."
"The first thing you think about is throwing it away. Appliances are cheap and if something breaks down, you buy new."
"Despite his complaints and the nuisance calls he made, he was alive and vigorous."
"I could tell she was nervous because she shifted restlessly, arms folded tightly as though to keep herself in check."
"Already, I was wishing she hadn’t mentioned it."
"I’d been at it less than a minute when the lock yielded."
"I could see him standing on the porch, his attention riveted to the empty street."
"I could tell I was weakening in the same way I weaken at the notion of a QP with Cheese."
"Fear, like any other strong emotion, is difficult to hide."
"There was something tangible about the calm that came over me when I was done."
"Whatever the reality, we deemed it unwise to keep ourselves on prominent display in the brightly lighted kitchen."
"He didn’t have to attack me. He didn’t have to jam his fist through the glass. Those were his choices."
"It made no difference whether she’d fallen or jumped. She drowned before anyone could get to her."