
Nine Minutes Quotes

Nine Minutes by Beth Flynn

Nine Minutes Quotes
"Just because I hadn’t been with him for almost fifteen years did not mean I didn’t have feelings for him."
"Of course, a man’s death should be more than just unpleasant."
"Just no more interviews for the rest of the day."
"It was the stupidest thing I’d ever done. Until an hour ago."
"I felt like a prize on some cheesy game show, and Monster was the model showing off the goods."
"He wanted it that way. And deep down, so did I."
"It’s funny how life can change in the blink of an eye."
"You will never go by that name again. Got it? You tell nobody your name. Ever."
"I thought I would get through his execution unscathed emotionally. But I was only fooling myself."
"I couldn’t tell if he cared what the others thought of how he treated me."
"You’re all sick. Something’s wrong with all of you if you think this is fun."
"I knew as well as he did that he deserved what he was getting."
"That was the night I saw a different side of Grizz."
"I wasn’t going to be able to stay awake forever. I had to make a decision."
"I’m trying to get to your pus—" "Eh, stop it! Don’t say it. I hate that word. It’s so vulgar. Just don’t, please."
"You could never disappoint me, baby and I don’t want you to have experience. Everything you need to know you’ll learn from me,"
"I made it. Moe took me grocery shopping. There’s plenty. Help yourself."
"Nope. Business." He turned around to look at me and rested his arm on the top of the chair. "Sorry, Kitten, I’ve got to be gone, and I can’t bring you with me."
"Kit, I don’t know how much longer I can wait for you, honey. I’ve tried to be patient. To give you space. Just so you know, that’s not like me."
"You want Willow gone? If you want her gone, all you have to do is say so. You’ll never see her again."
"Yeah, Grizz," I said quietly. "I want her gone."
"I was also not the naïve virgin someone might think. I was sexually inexperienced by choice, yes. But I was definitely educated about the most intimate details of a sexual relationship."
"I don’t care if she means anything to you." I looked at the pages of my book coolly. "Of course, it was really rude of you to let her do that while I could have been in the other room."
"Look, I just think that you having your face in my…my—" I could tell he was getting ready to finish my sentence. "Don’t say it!"
"I need to save something of myself for when I do finally get married one day. There has to be something I can give my future husband that is his alone. Does that make sense?"
"I love Grizz. I don’t love his lifestyle, but yes, I love the man."
"You know I wouldn’t have let you go, don’t you? I would have hauled you out to the car and kept driving."
"I was pretty sure after I walked in on him and Willow that time that he did as he pleased, regardless of me."
"I’m sorry I haven’t let her come see you on her own. Things are still a little unsettled."
"Just because I’ve lived hard and haven’t always made the right decisions doesn’t mean I don’t want better for my girl."
"I love Grizz with all my heart. I really do. But you know, I don’t go to all the biker rallies and different meetings with him."
"I can’t take you anywhere," he’d said one day in frustration.
"This is about helping someone, not about you getting in trouble."
"Please don’t apologize. For heaven’s sake, you were a kid yourself, Sam. He was a bully threatening your mother. You didn’t do anything wrong."