
Mirror Dance Quotes

Mirror Dance by Lois McMaster Bujold

Mirror Dance Quotes
"You might at least have brought your own toothbrush... too late now."
"Compulsively, he glanced one last time into the mirror, and tried to smooth his features into something approaching a neutral expression."
"Strangers who met him as himself did not greet him like that. They were blank and courteous, or blank and rude, or just blank, closed and indifferent."
"All this bloody hero-worship, or whatever it was. All for Naismith. For Naismith, and not for me... never for me."
"I have none. I'm the real done, damn it. Couldn't I have even that uniqueness?"
"If a clone can count to twenty and read signs, that's all they need. Throw-away brains."
"The focus had all been on his father. Admiral Count Aral Vorkosigan, Regent of Barrayar, Conqueror (or Butcher) of Komarr."
"Without the brains... Without the brains I'm nothing."
"I've spent so much time in hospitals myself, I can't help identifying with them."
"One perfect mission. What he wouldn't give for just one perfect mission, where absolutely nothing went wrong."
"I'm not sure about the perceptions of the troopers."
"The trooper's face was flushed, as transfixed and embarrassed as he."
"Sir, we just drove back a crew of House Bharaputra fire-fighters."
"You've got to get the hell out of there. It's about to turn real nasty."
"Sergeant Taura slung the Eurasian girl over one broad shoulder."
"We're not allowed down here. We'll get in trouble."
"It was the bike-trooper, screaming, 'Sonofabitch, the shuttle-watch out guys.'"
"I do not see that you have any use for your, ah, fellow clone."
"The Ariel was out of it, fled under fire to dock at Fell Station."
"Bharaputra doesn't have-isn't supposed to have heavy weapons on-site!"
"No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy."
"The weapons were supposed to cook everyone neatly, like eggs in their shells."
"I've saved my honor. All by myself. My honor is my lady."
"If we don't jump now, we could lose it all. Stand still."
"In case you are wondering, Admiral-she is my wife's clone."
"One for me. Forty-nine for you. If you ever dare to return here, I promise you I'll even up that score in ways that will make your death something you'll beg for."
"I want, I want ... It couldn't hurt to touch her, just to touch her."
"Wasn't that sort of clear insight supposed to free one from such demons of the past?"
"Did the lives of forty-nine clones outweigh four dead Dendarii?"
"Lives did not add as integers. They added as infinities."
"It's important that someone celebrate our existence."
"ImpSec will have the Residence sewn up. There is a whole parallel sub-society of servants at these things."
"In either case, he sucked in his stomach and straightened his spine as much as he could."
"He could end up in surgery for that at any moment."
"His color's bad, he's very edemic, and he tends to drift in and out of focus."
"Should I see him, or not, in your estimation?"
"A certain glum cheer came with the thought, if that wasn't a contradiction in terms."
"The whole Vor system is founded on the women's game, underneath."
"I could slap him sometimes for his little game, except I'm not sure he's conscious of it."
"I think I'd have gone catatonic, in your place."
"You can argue that I'm not competent enough to send. Or you can argue that I'm not trustworthy enough to send. But you can't use both arguments at once."
"Hundred-year-old eyes looked at you differently."
"Sit down," she nodded to a short sofa set around the corner of the low table in front of her.
"Have you come to yourself, sir?" she inquired.
"Jackson's Whole is no place to be alone. You can't trust anybody."
"Were you ordered to sleep with me?" he asked suddenly.
"But I did ask permission. Lilly said to go ahead, it might help attach you to our interests."