
Jemima J Quotes

Jemima J by Jane Green

Jemima J Quotes
"If I had one wish I would wish to have a model’s figure, probably Cindy Crawford’s, and I would extend the wish into having and keeping a model’s figure, no matter what I eat."
"Unfortunately they don’t see what I see when I look in the mirror."
"I know you’re watching me now with pity in your eyes as I finish my sandwich and look furtively around the office to see whether anyone is looking."
"I love the English language, playing with words, watching sentences fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle."
"But of course people don’t see that when they look at Jemima Jones. They simply see fat."
"You know what they say about older men, older, wiser, more experienced. In every department."
"I think about this for a while, and then I remember my magazine."
"I would have my hair cut into a super-trendy shaggy style, and perhaps, if I dared, would have a few blond highlights, just at the front."
"I could be beautiful, she tells herself every morning. If I lost weight I would be beautiful."
"I walk slowly down the main street, call me pathetic, call me a loser, but I can't help it."
"I know I’m overweight, but I’m not a bad person."
"But Ben won’t call, not least because girlfriends are not exactly a priority at the moment."
"So while he fancies Geraldine, he knows that right now she’d never give him a chance."
"She’s the kind of girl who regularly sleeps with men on the night she meets them and then wonders why they don’t call afterwards."
"I’m sorry." False gaiety brightens up my voice."
"At six o’clock I am so excited I’m practically bursting."
"I’ve got more important things on my mind, Ben Williams for one."
"She says this regularly, and I do what I always do‌—I move the conversation straight back to Geraldine."
"He still fancied her, but could he be bothered, he wondered?"
"Funny how my appetite seems to have decreased recently."
"I read about newsgroups, bulletin boards for every hobby, interest, and obsession you can think of."
"I’ll see you tomorrow," he shouted as he walked up the road, and Jemima nodded mutely on the doorstep."
"They’re nice girls, really, but I wouldn’t say we’re friends."
"You’re a wonderful writer, far too good to be wasted on a newspaper, any newspaper."
"I will keep Ben as far away from Sophie and Lisa as I possibly can."
"You are an innocent, and that’s why you need fairy godmothers like myself to keep your best interests at heart."
"I may be cynical but you, my dear Jemima, are an innocent."
"Soon, he thinks, I will be working in television, where everyone is smart and stylish."
"Don't worry about money. We're only here for a hundred years or so, which, in the grand scheme of things, is nothing, therefore nothing's really very important, and certainly not money."
"This is the most exciting thing I've ever done. This is like the world's biggest makeover, and trust me, I'm getting as much out of it as you."
"You're my only friend here, how could I possibly forget you?"
"We're not spending everything. We're not going to Armani, but if we do happen to see some nice clothes we might have to have a look."
"I promise you this, by the end of the day you will not recognize yourself."
"I'm not going to take too much off, just an inch or so to give you a blunt cut which will take off all these split ends."
"You seem a bit down. Is everything all right?"
"You gotta hear this," he parks the car round the corner and takes my hand as we walk down to where the music’s coming from.
"You know, the one that shot himself in the head. He wrote that book about the old man on the ocean – on that boat."
"I’d like to live in a house on the beach," I said, pictures fresh in my mind.
"So what are you in the mood for this morning?" he says, and I think about my morning mouth and then I think, screw it.
"Thank God indeed, for Paul is the one person who is worried about Jemima."
"And anyway, just because he doesn’t read Hemingway hardly means he’s stupid does it? He does, after all, appear to have a thriving business."
"This is so much fun," I shout, as we pick up speed and head down towards the Santa Monica pier.
"I can’t believe you’re coming, you’re actually coming!"
"I’d love the job," I say finally, forcing a smile.
"I never realized you could cook too, you kept that very quiet."
"Open any bloke’s fridge at home and you’re likely to find a six-pack of beer, some leftover Indian take-away and, if they’re extremely lazy, a pile of pre-packaged meals for one from a gourmet food store."
"Gym first then supermarket, because tonight I will be cooking dinner for Brad."
"I can’t believe how much work there is to do, and while you’re here. I feel so bad, I really wanted to show you Los Angeles, all the fun stuff like Universal Studios and Disneyland."
"I’m just really happy to do what you do, it gives me a better sense of who you are, what your life is like."
"There’s obviously some kind of tension between us which I don’t understand, because I’d really like us to be friends."
"You see me now and I’m slim, I’m fit. A few months ago I was seriously overweight. Far, far bigger than you."
"Being famous isn’t quite what it’s cracked up to be."
"I think relationships are very difficult, especially in this industry."
"I’d like to think I look for something more substantial."
"It’s about finally thinking you’ve found someone to share the rest of your life with, and not being good enough for them."
"You know what I can’t believe? I can’t believe that someone like Brad could get turned on by these enormous women."
"It’s fine," says Simon. "Anyone would think we were out to murder her."
"You mean, do I go for passion rather than love?"
"I don’t know whether to laugh with relief because it wasn’t my imagination that something was very wrong, I wasn’t mad, or whether to throw up."
"I’m in the most glamorous city in the world and I don’t know what to do."
"I feel exactly the same way as I did six months ago, and all of a sudden I know I’m going to act like a lovestruck teenager."
"And then finally, finally, Ben sees me, and when he does he starts to smile."
"I never usually do this, but I saw you last night... I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever seen."
"Let this moment carry on forever, let the whole world disappear, leaving just me and Ben."
"I know because I never dreamt that lovemaking could be so passionate, and yet so tender."
"I’ve never felt so comfortable with anyone in my life as I felt with Ben last night."
"I know that I’m still totally in love with him."
"I don’t care that it’s the antithesis of California. I don’t care that the weather’s always shit. It’s wonderful, and vibrant, and real. And most of all, it’s home."