
The Bite That Binds Quotes

The Bite That Binds by Suzanne Wright

The Bite That Binds Quotes
"But I knew that as soon as she crooked her finger, I’d follow her like she wanted me to."
"I knew the choice to follow her was mine, but it was like there was some kind of pull that overrode my reservations."
"Not bloody likely. Every instinct I had in this dream or hallucination or whatever it was screamed, ‘No!’"
"I don’t think that warrants a visit to the Grand High Master Vampire."
"I don’t want to take the chance that one night you do as she asks, and I wake up to find that you’re gone."
"Our bloodlust wasn’t overpowering – enabling us to walk among humans without losing control."
"The other two breeds considered Sventés to be very tame and human-like and, therefore, inferior."
"I had every intention of Binding with in just nine evenings’ time."
"If you don’t want to move in there with me, yes."
"I don’t want her playing with my heart, she’s toxic, Sam."
"I wouldn’t have thought it possible for Jared to claim someone, considering his issues with women in general."
"One day, I was at home watching T.V., and half a dozen Pagori vampires just burst into the apartment."
"You made love to me as no other man before, or after you, has done."
"If I thought you wanted her, I’d be juggling your eyeballs right now."
"When I revealed what I was to you, I had two choices. Turn you at some point, or kill you – that is how it works, and you know that."
"But if she continues to upset you as she clearly has now, well..."
"I’m asking you to trust me here. I will tell you what you want to know. I will."
"Germs build up your immune system. I never caught any of the diseases that my neighbours had."
"You want reasons to disapprove of me. The truth of my childhood is, in fact, quite different."
"I don’t crave the respect of people that I have no respect for."
"She’s entitled to her opinions, and she’s clearly full of them."
"I don’t dislike any of you, you just piss me off."
"But like it or not, I’m going to Bind with Jared, and I’m going to one day be responsible for your protection."
"All I see is an insecure, green-eyed, bitter, hot-headed individual."
"At least I don’t have a chopstick sticking out of my eye."
"Refusing to give your approval to Antonio’s Heir…That’s not exactly admirable behaviour."
"They’ve been obedient so far, but they’re not a flock of sheep, they’re people with their own minds."
"I’m not going to tell anyone about your plan to leave, if that’s what you’re wondering."
"But then I asked myself what the hell I was doing there, and I came straight back."
"How could I pay my respects to someone that I didn’t respect?"
"I don’t like the way people think that we’re supposed to love our parents simply because they’re our parents."
"What I’m trying to say is that you aren’t harsh for not going."
"I feel bad that I don’t feel bad…if that even makes sense."
"I wasn't appointed as Heir until after I'd intercepted a direct attack on Antonio − twice."
"Everyone was curious as to why he would select me."
"Not like Magda challenged you. No, they challenged me for my position."
"I fought fairly, but I didn't make it quick and painless."
"You must have a screw loose to keep her around."
"I could totally relax and have nothing on my mind other than the ceremony."
"By being as she is, she’ll always be in danger."
"Sam, could you go with Sebastian to see the squad, let them know you’re safe."
"Stop staring at me or I’ll poke you in the eyes."
"As long as you’re sure, that’s fine with me."
"Are you pissed that the brothers couldn’t reverse the changes?"
"I don’t think so. Antonio said that Ryder can take a look for me, if I like."
"I’ll think about it. Right now, all I’m bothered about is getting some sleep."
"Just like that, baby. God, I love your mouth."