
Redemption Quotes

Redemption by David Baldacci

Redemption Quotes
"If he had his druthers, he would have avoided such minefields for the foreseeable future, maybe the rest of his life."
"That was why his birthday visit was at a cemetery. No cake, and no presents. Just fresh flowers on a grave to replace ones long dead from a previous visit."
"He had trouble voicing his emotions and difficulty dealing with people."
"Hawkins pointed his finger at him. 'You put me in prison. But you were wrong. I'm innocent.'"
"The passage of time would never deaden the details of painful memories."
"I allow myself one a day, about this time, and only when Earl and Sandy are out. Then I Febreze the hell out of the place."
"I’m not saying he came to this house to murder four people. Hawkins probably picked this house to commit a lesser crime of burglary and it snowballed from there."
"But you know his motive for the crime," said Lancaster. "That came out in the trial."
"It was your choice to leave here and go work for the FBI."
"Stay out of my damn way, Decker, or you will go down."
"Cookies in the kitchen. One each only! And I will check."
"I have to be sure, Ms. Brimmer. It’s the way I’m wired."
"But don’t let the last two diminish the first one, 'cause the first one’s the important one."
"My family is buried here. That’s why I came back to town."
"The dead deserve answers. Sometimes more than the living."
"Women usually go the overdose route when committing suicide."
"The easiest source would have been Hawkins’s home."
"They picked her because she was physically smaller and weaker."
"If the other person were a family member, would that make a difference?"
"Sometimes the truth doesn’t set us free, it traps us."
"But now you figured it out and you get a second chance to get it right."
"Why would someone drive Katz over there and kill him?"
"Just start selling some of these fifteen-dollar highballs."
"She was in good shape, actually. Would have lived a lot longer."
"He forced himself not to think about Mars’s fate. He had said a simple prayer that his friend was okay."
"He raced over to the rear entrance, and that was where his luck turned. The door was open."
"He eased the door open and stepped through. He knew he was a big target, and he squatted down to make himself less of one."
"He took stock of the situation. The shooter might have already fled, out the door, and either driven off or used his own two feet to get away."
"Only Decker had heard nothing that would indicate either had happened. And he doubted enough time had elapsed for the shooter to make his exit."
"That would leave the person still inside an empty building, probably with a long-range, high-powered rifle."
"Like Lancaster, he’d seen the muzzle flash and downloaded the image in his head, counting up the floors."
"He cautiously opened the door and made his way up, slowly. He might meet the shooter coming down."
"He heard a grunt of pain. Okay, he’d hit the guy. But it wasn’t over yet."
"He looked for more red dots, but saw none. He slid forward on his belly until he had halved the distance between them."
"He heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He was sure the other guy could too. That might draw him out, make him desperate."
"He phoned Lancaster. She was still at the office filling out forms. "Thanks for saving my butt tonight.""
"He stared over at the body on the gurney. I’d be on this slab instead of him but for Mary."
"He lifted the sheet to stare down at the man. The tats on his arms were nearly identical to the ones Karl Stevens had."
"He looked at them more closely and was once more struck by the unusual variety of images inked there."
"Then there were the SS bolts, another Nazi symbol, and the triangular Klan symbol, which looked like three triangles within a triangle."
"He rolled Hawkins’s remains back into the cabinet and closed the door. It was too late to see Mitzi Gardiner now, but he had somewhere else he needed to go."
"He ventured inside Rachel Katz’s condo building and took the elevator up after flashing his creds at the officer guarding the crime scene’s perimeter."
"He picked up her purse, which was on the nightstand. Inside were her wallet, a set of keys, and a building security access card."
"He looked at her strangely. "You okay?" she asked. "I’ll be okay once we solve this case.""
"He checked in with the officer guarding her apartment and started to look around. He glanced across at the broken window, the blood on the couch and carpet."
"He thought of Lancaster and her marriage. "The job gets to a lot of people, Natty.""
"He wondered when these guys had done their last refresher course on catching huge guys falling from great heights."
"When he hit the cushion instead of the pavement, all the air was still knocked out of him."
"Decker took the box from him. "Right where I dropped it. Thanks.""
"That’s the general rule of thumb in the industry."
"That’s why Rachel Katz hid the documents I found."
"I think there’s another room under the American Grill."
"Everything’s on the computer. Even the old stuff now."
"First rule of business, when you can, use someone else’s money."
"It’s a fact, so somehow it makes sense. We just have to figure out how."
"We need to find out all we can about Brad Gardiner."
"It’s a poor substitute for Narcan, but he had to do something."
"You don’t need to build a basement under a restaurant to run a money laundering business."
"She closed her eyes again and went limp in his arms."
"It was nice, the first and probably only home I’ll ever have."
"Life throws you curveballs, you and I both know that."
"Knowing is one thing. Doing something about it is another."
"I was not there when my family really needed me. I failed them."
"To imagine how it could have been... different."
"The memories of finding my family dead have started to just empty out of my head, over and over."
"Americans love their sports. French fries! Social media etiquette. Simply becoming Americans."
"America is one gigantic leaking balloon and it is truly wonderful."
"There is, in my opinion, no substitute for boots on the ground, what you call human intelligence."
"When life gives you lemons, you know what you do? You score touchdowns."
"I think I have the right to ask, considering you did your best to blow my head off."
"You messed up, Mitzi. You helped frame your father."
"You’ve been living all these years with guilt, Mitzi. Whether you know it or not."
"I wasn’t there for my family when they needed me. Because of that, they died."
"I’m never going to see my wife and my daughter again, and I guess I’ve always accepted that as my penance."