
The Impossible Knife Of Memory Quotes

The Impossible Knife Of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson

The Impossible Knife Of Memory Quotes
"Fear is always there—if you don't stay on top of it, you'll drown."
"The difference between forgetting something and not remembering it is big enough to drive an eighteen-wheeler through."
"The past took over. All he heard were exploding IEDs and incoming mortar rounds."
"Having a friend made everything else suck less."
"Denotation: The precise meaning of a word, without any pesky implications attached to it."
"I listened for footsteps until the empty lots and closed-up businesses turned into almost-safe little houses."
"I don’t need a solution. I don’t have a problem."
"I'll make you macaroni and cheese every night for a year if you let me quit."
"The thing is, I’m having a hard time getting ahold of your father."
"It seemed like the time under the stars had delivered us to a new country that we didn’t have the language for yet."
"The past spat Dad back out, he ate what was left of the tuna noodle casserole."
"I promised to give fair warning before I maim you."
"This is ridiculous. Everybody pays to get into the game. No exceptions."
"I’d seen a glimpse of the old Dad the night before, the guy who was funny and sweet."
"You can’t postpone your service requirement, Hayley."
"I was fluent in practical math: checkbook balancing; gas mileage calculation."
"The laws of the universe dictate that for every positive action, there is an unequal and sucky reaction."
"It doesn’t make sense. He’s been back for years."
"The shadows haunting every living thing. The secrets inside the lies wrapped in bullshit."
"I didn’t see him in the cafeteria first period. Didn’t actually go to the cafeteria. Went to the library."
"The crazy inside Dad had infected me, weakened me so that when Finn smiled, I’d been vulnerable."
"I was shuffling, books weighing down my arms. Defeated, like a zombie who’d been dragged from the grave."
"I hadn’t changed into pj’s the night before, so I didn’t have to waste any time getting dressed."
"Didn’t notice the paint until we were on the road."
"I shouldn’t have let you talk me into this. Did you see the cars in the student lot?"
"I don’t think you realize how serious this is."
"The team wears shorts all winter. It’s like a badge of honor, proves they’re tough."
"When you’re ready to start dealing with the truth, you let me know."
"The present can’t be the future, Ms. Benedetti. It can only be the present."
"Killing people is easier than it should be. Staying alive is harder."
"You need me to tell you what it is, don’t you?"
"It looked like it belonged to no one at all."
"Technically, we can’t consider him missing until tomorrow morning."
"He probably got picked up by a buddy and is drinking in the guy’s basement right now."
"A monster had my daddy in its teeth, only this time there was no blood on the floor and no footprints to follow."
"He’s on a mission. He’s sober, clear-thinking, and following a plan."
"He couldn’t live anymore, so he’d gone off to die alone, like a wounded animal."
"You’re still alive! You have to try harder because we love you!"
"With so many people loving you, I know we’ll figure it out."