
Dream A Little Dream Quotes

Dream A Little Dream by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Dream A Little Dream Quotes
"The last of Rachel Stone’s luck ran out in front of the Pride of Carolina Drive-In."
"I’m a fox. I’m a fox. I’m a fox. Kristy pressed the palm of her hand to her forehead."
"Another waste of time," Gabe said as he closed the door of his truck.
"Rachel made a great play out of drinking the water."
"I don’t want to go to Flor’da!" Tears streamed down Edward’s flushed cheeks.
"You can’t do this!" Rachel exclaimed. "We’re not hurting anyone."
"I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear that, since sexual discrimination is illegal in this country."
"Are those your personal peeing bushes? Is that the problem? You wanted to use them yourself?"
"You’re making a big mistake. An opportunity like me doesn’t come along every day."
"Don’t touch me!" He jerked away as if she’d struck him, and his eyes were no longer empty.
"I don’t think. And I don’t rely on anybody but myself."
"God’s dead, Bonner. Haven’t you figured that out yet?"
"I did everything right! I lived by the Word! I went to church twice a week, got down on my knees and prayed every morning and every evening. I cared for the sick, gave to the poor!"
"Don’t you preach to me! Don’t you dare goddamn preach to me!"
"You’re the interloper! I was sound asleep when you broke into my bedroom."
"Instead of thinking about living for Ethan Bonner, maybe it’s time you started to think about living for yourself."
"A makeover only if you’re not happy with the way you are."
"Makeover, then. But do it for yourself, Kristy. Not for Ethan."
"If we want to make love, and the time is right, we’ll make love."
"You don’t understand how frantic he sounded on the phone that evening."
"You’re making a big deal out of nothing. If we want to make love, and the time is right, we’ll make love."
"You’re the most maddening woman. I can’t figure out why I like being with you."
"You’re all heart," she sneered, determined to put up a barrier between them that was so big he’d never cross it again.
"You’re a decent, hardworking Christian woman, that’s who."
"I believe it’s a sin, too. But I also believe there’s a hierarchy of sins."
"Because I’m tired of twisting my own life in ten directions just to make things easier for other people."
"She’s living her life on the edge of catastrophe, but she never complains."
"You are the last person who should have Dwayne’s Bible."
"I can’t stand that woman. She’s deliberately torturing me."
"Every once in a while other parts of my body have been known to grab my attention."
"Sweetheart. He’d called her that twice today. Was she really his sweetheart?"
"Her love was different, mature, with eyes wide open."
"Love can be so complicated and yet so simple."
"The beauty of a mature love is seeing each other's flaws and still choosing to love."
"In love, sometimes the hardest battles are fought within."
"The heart knows what it wants, despite the challenges."
"Love isn't always easy, but it's always worth it."
"Even in the darkest moments, love can be a guiding light."
"Love is a journey of both heartache and happiness."
"In the end, love is about acceptance, not perfection."
"True love means seeing beyond imperfections."
"You’re a nun?" His gaze slid to the scooped neck of her tank dress. "Yes, I am. And God bless you."
"You don’t look like a nun." "My order doesn’t wear habits."
"Aren’t you at least supposed to wear crucifixes or something?" "I tugged on the delicate gold chain around her neck."
"I don’t care what you say. I’m a better friend to you than he is." "Yes."
"You know what I want to touch, don’t you?" Her tongue wouldn’t move.
"Rachel’s right. You’re both like a couple of mother hens, and I can’t stand it any longer."
"He’s not half as vulnerable as you think!" she cried. "Damn you, Cal Bonner, you’re—"
"They feel empty. Hollow. They try to fill that hollow with liquor, and the next thing you know, they’re lonely alcoholics who’ve lost their looks."
"I know what you’re thinking. Just because something’s shabby doesn’t mean it’s dirty."
"If you say no, my big brother’s gonna beat you up."
"She shuddered as she contemplated where that might lead them."
"She couldn’t say no without looking like an ogre, so she nodded."
"What if she’d been trying to get rid of him so she could fetch Chip and leave town?"
"It was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen."
"Thank God they were buckled in when that car went over."
"I love you, Gabe. All the way to the bottom of my soul."