
A World Without Heroes Quotes

A World Without Heroes by Brandon Mull

A World Without Heroes Quotes
"Whether it was truly light or dark he could not say, for his enemies had stolen his sight."
"Never had the prince imagined anguish so diverse and exquisite as he had experienced here."
"Throughout his tortures, no matter what toxins they had forced down his throat, no matter what questions they had asked, he had not yet uttered a single word."
"The prince had focused on one necessity: silence."
"He knew that some of the potions devised by Maldor and his minions had power to loosen his tongue and cloud his judgment."
"That word should have been the emperor’s undoing!"
"The prince owed these words to those who had died for him. He owed the words to himself."
"I have been too long without new companionship. Pray, regale me with tales of your journey."
"The master manipulator lies as little as possible. He believes most, if not all, of what he professes."
"Proceed only in defiance of this gravest warning."
"None may cause him harm, except by a single Word."
"The Word, spoken in His presence, will unmake Him entirely."
"Move swiftly. The knowledge You now possess marks You for prompt execution."
"By reading these words You have nominated Yourself to recover the Key Word."
"Most every soul in Lyrian seeks to avoid Maldor’s attention. You have just done the opposite."
"Heroism means doing the right thing regardless of the consequences."
"Most men cannot abide silence. Some fly into a rage. Some become clowns. Some confess all they know. Silence reveals much."
"I will assist you, Jason, friend of Galloran."
"Keep asking your question. There are some who might have answers."
"You wish to know how to get back atop the cliffs."
"I have dwelled in this cave longer than I can reckon."
"The sea provides. Fish, shellfish, urchins, kelp."
"I thought we all know who the real villain is."
"They are masters of coercion. If conscriptors are sending assassins after you, the emperor must be more interested in you than I appreciated."
"I do not wish to permanently harm the guards if possible. They acted against us with no malice."
"It’s one thing to act in self-defense. This would be something else."
"You can’t imagine how seldom those who know I’m a displacer treat me like a person."
"With a few drooma in your pocket everyone is your friend."
"The key to traveling without provisions is learning to recognize a bubblefruit tree."
"Despite the delicious juice inside, few had the will to harvest them, because they were typically guarded by venomous thorns and colonies of aggressive wasps."
"The people adore him. There was never a more popular prince, and his disappearance has lionized him, turned him into a myth."
"You can’t imagine the resources at his disposal. Galloran failed years ago, and Maldor has only gained power since."
"How could he be second in command of this sprawling kingdom? A few weeks ago his biggest worries had been getting decent grades and perfecting his curveball."
"Despite the soaring altitude of his accommodations, despite strong walls and solid doors, despite the multiple guards keeping watch, Jason had never felt more vulnerable."
"To imitate a slumbering form, Jason arranged pillows under the fancy coverlet fashioned from soft rabbit pelts."
"Jason lay staring up at the underside of the bed, his poniard clutched in one hand."
"Earlier that day, after the contest, the regent and his retinue had departed, leaving Jason to be tersely congratulated by Bartley, who notably kept his distance thereafter."
"Under the bed Jason bit his lip softly. He had hoped for communication from Nicholas or Rachel, but none had arrived."
"What were his parents doing right now? Had they figured out how to care for Shadow? He expected his dog missed him as much as anyone."
"I sense that you are full of secrets. Perhaps one day soon you will share them with me."
"Galloran lost one of my finest bodyguards protecting you."
"In perilous times one must overlook greater injustices than a botched assassination in order to preserve peace."
"It is said that long ago there were more gateways to the Beyond than now exist."
"I never really expected you to resign," Ferrin sighed. "I just wish you would."
"If you do not resist, we will not harm you," the soldier vowed. "You are trapped and outnumbered. Surrender your arms."
"With the chain he intercepted the downswing of the ax, turning the weapon aside."
"I do not know your name, though I am far too familiar with your kind."
"My kind never truly sleep. We recuperate from the day with a type of lucid dreaming."
"‘Amar’ means ‘seed.’ The Amar Kabal are the People of the Seed."
"The miracle of the amar preserves my memories until a new body germinates."
"For each of us destiny is a blend of potential, circumstances, and choices."
"The two of you picked the right road, even though it is the most difficult. This is the essence of heroism."
"I have lived many lives. I know myself. I could never have found peace while ignoring the crime against my brother."
"In the morning the serpent stirred. It exited my robes past my neck, slithering against my cheek, as if daring me to flinch or cry out."
"I need to conduct a test. It should help you remember why you came here."
"The puffballs create an atmosphere that keeps all creatures away."
"The only way he was going anywhere was in a really big wagon pulled by a whole cavalry of horses. Strong ones."
"Manipulation is a quiet tool of majestic power."
"Learning to discover the appropriate mix of motivators for different minds is crucial."
"Murder begets murder. I want the world to fear me, without inflaming that fear into rebellion."
"We have a saying where I'm from. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."
"I have committed some minor deviations against Maldor in the past. All right, some major ones."
"I'll get you out and send you home. It couldn’t be more straightforward."