
River Marked Quotes

River Marked by Patricia Briggs

River Marked Quotes
"I’m tough and strong, and she was shaking with weariness and, likely, iron deficiency. I had no trouble staying right where I was."
"Better monsters than he had tried to cow me, so I didn’t even flinch."
"Get-scared-and-get-mad wasn’t always smart. I, raised in a pack of werewolves, certainly knew better."
"I stood up, ignoring the protest of sore shoulders and hip. I’d have bruises tomorrow, but nothing worse thanks to sensei’s sometimes brutal how-to-fall sessions."
"The tension eased from his shoulders, and he looked down at Ford. I couldn’t see the big man’s face, but his body language clearly said 'surrender' to my pack-trained sight."
"If Stefan thought I pitied him, he’d never let me help. Criticism was easy to take."
"He leaned his forehead into the bigger man’s shoulder. 'I’m sorry. I will fix this.'"
"I’ll call you from Kyle’s driveway, then you can call Adam and tell him I made it safely."
"She’s been doing that this past ten years, sir," he said. "I don’t imagine it will change anytime soon."
"That feeling of belonging to something greater than myself was the gift Adam gave to me."
"I shook off the faint shadow that recalling my vision had left upon me. Indian or not, coyote or human, I wasn’t alone anymore."
"It felt like we were a friendly party of strangers, drawn together by the extraordinary beauty of water dropping in white sheets from rocky cliffs."
"Someone once told me there is about a ten-mile stretch where the annual rainfall increases by an inch a mile."
"There was a sense of awe that connected us all, bringing us together."
"The ties were not as real as the pack bonds, but it felt like the beginnings of the same thing."
"Even though it had seemed I couldn’t get through a day without throwing him in the middle of my hot water."
"Some of the trails were easy, even handicap accessible."
"He didn’t say anything at all. But after almost a full minute, the boy nodded."
"‘The things you say.’ Then he leaned across the table and kissed me."
"Sometimes the relief of it was almost more than I could bear."
"Who’d have thought such a child would be so tough without being hard?"
"But those two taught themselves not to see the dead quite a while ago in a ‘galaxy far, far away.’"
"Just because you can see something doesn’t mean you have to."
"He played by the rules, and they loved him for it."
"Werewolves are monsters. I grew up with them, and I loved Adam—and he would never hurt me."
"You might as well have shouted, ‘Yes, but I don’t want you to ask me about it.’"
"If he’d known about her sooner, he wouldn’t have killed the vampire nest over in Billings."
"Sometimes dancing is a spell—like the rain dance or the ghost dance. This was a celebration dance."
"I do not doubt it. Which is why I ask you, do you know who your father was?"
"Rage fueled my strokes, and I finally made it around the bend and into the shallower, slower water."
"That you are a jerk," I told him, my voice vibrating involuntarily with the chill.
"Let’s see what we caught," he murmured breathlessly in my ear. "It should be interesting."
"The river lay quiet and black, the surface hiding anything that lay beneath."
"I feel like I’m lost in an anime movie," I said, as Coyote picked the thing up. "One of the tentacle-monster ones."
"Because we have a sixty-four- to ninety-six-foot monster to kill—and it uses magic."
"I’ll see you at Stonehenge," he said, and walked off without a look back.
"I never forgot you could see in the dark," he admitted.
"To you, it is a coyote print," I said firmly. "For him, it is a wolf print. Only I and my tattoo artist know for sure."
"All that is mortal dies. Death is not such a bad thing. What would be a bad thing would be living without challenges."
"I like my god better than I like yours," I told him.
"The Great Spirit has given us our wits and our courage. He sends helpers and counsel."
"You are the only creature who is wholly of this realm that I have seen resist her."
"I learned that I could have exchanged my life for four people’s lives. Four."
"I didn’t sleep. What was the point? I could have nightmares while I was awake just as well as when I was asleep."
"If four people had died to give me a chance to help kill the river devil, it wouldn’t do to fail because I hadn’t eaten."
"Even happy werewolves are scary in broad daylight if your eyes let you really see what they are."
"I’m not planning on dying. But, Mr. Always Prepared for Anything, there are things I’d like to tell people if I do."
"Tell Daddy he better not spend the whole honeymoon in wolf shape."