
The Last Remains Quotes

The Last Remains by Elly Griffiths

The Last Remains Quotes
"But swinging your sledgehammer at a brick wall never gets old."
"Someone screams. It’s a few seconds before Gary realizes that it’s him."
"Like being sentenced to death in your absence, without being able to plead your case."
"When archaeologists advise on new builds, they’re usually the lowest paid person on site."
"Forget the social niceties, where are the bones?"
"It’s madness, says David, pacing around Ruth’s office which would, in ordinary circumstances, drive her mad."
"Either her window is dirtier than usual or she is near to tears."
"I’m coping, says Ruth. Now where’s this skeleton?"
"She’s relieved when the phone rings though she does wonder who could be contacting her on the landline."
"A Victorian skeleton would definitely cheer him up."
"Death closes all: but something ere the end, Some work of noble note, may yet be done."
"‘Never thought I’d hear an academic avoiding the chance to talk,’ says Nelson, but he smiles as he says it."
"‘It’s difficult at the moment,’ she says, ‘what with all the uncertainty at work.'"
"‘We won’t go down without a fight.’ She’s even prepared to have her photo on the front page of the Eastern Daily Press."
"‘It’s a bit of a mess, I’m afraid,’ says Leo, not sounding even slightly apologetic."
"We didn’t push them, but they were just good at things."
"I thought you might want to go back to Blackpool, to be nearer George."
"We were all sitting round the fire. We were singing."
"It was like an initiation ceremony, Leo said."
"I’ve got nothing to hide. Tell DCI Nelson that."
"She was his student. That’s all. Leo took a great interest in his students."
"We went down into one of the mines. It was like an initiation ceremony."
"I didn’t know," says Ruth. "I didn’t even have time to put on any make-up."
"I don’t play any more," he says, as if musicality is a sign of weakness.
"Anyone can become an accountant," says Emad, with a grin. "I applied for a graduate trainee scheme after university and got in."
"It’s no wonder that he has some very strange dreams."
"I remember being told that my excavation skills would be useful. They weren’t wrong," reflects Emad.
"The chalk dust is more interesting," says Nelson. "Ruth thinks it might have come from Grime’s Graves."
"After all, you know where the bodies are buried," Leo reportedly said to Cathbad, hinting at a deeper connection.
"Books are good for your body and your soul," Cathbad always says, highlighting his love for reading.
"It’s a long way," Arthur comments, emphasizing the distance and perhaps the emotional gap to Ruth's suggestion.
"I’m not sure I believe that Freya and Gaia lost touch," Tony muses, doubting the sisters' estrangement.
"He kept going on about what a special relationship it was," Tanya recalls, hinting at Leo's inappropriate closeness with students.
"I thought we should try to carry on as normal," Judy decides, despite the turmoil of Cathbad's disappearance.
"Everything changes, but nothing is destroyed."
"Marriage is an outdated patriarchal concept," says Ruth.
"Fancy doing it one day?" says Nelson. "The wedding thing?"
"Final word is in memory of our beloved cat, Gus, who died while I was writing The Last Remains."